by Darryl Price
with all these little battle worn pieces of history surrounding us all the time
is that they don't really make up for the terrible news
of just now. Those people showed us what they showed us.
Good for them.We're the direct explosion of their emotions.They're more like
tiny stained glass flags found lost among your pant's contents.
What's that sharp edged thing doing in there anyway? I
remember the white cotton kite string,the 100 year old
Indian head penny,the barely still painted blue metal jack I used to spin around on the floor when I was bored of being nine or ten,
the red plastic Tiki bead I found in the grass blades one day,the fossilized squished shell from
the sea of the dinosaurs,but where did this crazy little
light catcher and all its other little friends come from into my secret life
possession? I haven't a clue. It's a cute cardboard puzzle piece to be sure, but that's just
a friendly reminder from the wizards of the universe to have some fun every once in
a while.Not everything is meant to be warrior medicine.It's a flattened
out prism for letting loose some flaring rainbows in your presence. I guess it could be a trick after all.
Nothing ever stays the same so you're only privy once
to those particular dragon faces on your wall.It's no
coin of any kingdom I can ever remember signing up
for or belonging to. It's an age old mystery like one of
those Hardy Boy's books. Don't we have enough of those darned things lying around the house of leaves
already? Or do we even need one more? Every time you unravel one of these silly things
it's just some gravity and some common sense all balled up together to
look like a crumpled short story someone threw out with
the rest of life's late night failures.I say you might as well laugh along with the singer on the trudging, smudging
trail laid out before you. The sun's going to shine bright. Will you be
there to notice? I'll always notice the spaces you tore up going through me.
One of these days I'll have another cigarette I think and try to remember
how you always liked to read on top of the quilt.
Bonus poem:
Stones vs. The Beatles by Darryl Price
Right, on the garden, I don't
Exactly throw stones at God's
Windows, but when I get going
I ask a lot of annoying human
Questions. Right, on the
Garden, I'm watching, sad time
To heal something that feels totally lost
In me. On the garden, the
Old wound is the thing that shines
Through the softness of leaves and petals as always. On
The garden steps, sometimes I
Cringe at all the senseless betrayals, but
Stay ready to know love is real. Right, thoughts today
On the garden, I dig the
Boulder out of my own eye, keeping
One eye open in case
Some angel gets its wing stuck passing
Through the grate. Right, on the garden, hold my hand,
You'll find me fanning these
Poems to keep us warm. Right, on
The garden, like a plaster
Lawn buddha or a gnome in
Full cartoon regalia.
It really doesn't matter
Which ideal represents the
Bookshelf better. You can't take
It with you. Right, on the garden
I promise to stop making
Promises I can't be
A part of without selling
My soul. Right, on the garden
Wall, they're showing an old Beatles
Movie, but it projects
Now like long-forgotten war
Footage; I suppose it is.
Right to be on the garden, the sun
Seems to do a better job being itself
Once it reaches inside those
Hallowed grounds. Flowers can't help
Themselves from blooming with all
Their charming might. Right, on the
Garden, I sit as part of
A daily routine and crank
Out another line or two
About the lonely rain falling in
My feelings for you. Garden,
Digging for inspiration,
Just couldn't put shears to the
Quiet;you get bluebells instead. dp
favs |
675 words
All rights reserved. |
The first line says it all. We still have to be here in our own lives. This is our time. Everything else is all very interesting but we can't use the past for an excuse for today. It's up to us. If we've been given shit, and we have, we have to find a way to clean up as much of the mess as possible before our replacements show up.
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I particularly love "the terrible news of now" and "you're only privy once to those particular dragon faces on your wall." I'm quite partial to the rest as well. *
Thanks so much,Beate. As you know I've been out of commission as a full time writer of poems for a while. Trying to come back into the fold is a little daunting. I really appreciate your read.
This is a very strong piece that resonated with me, the lines are tight and there is massive energy at work here.
Darryl, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are back at Fictionaut again. So much going on in this piece, I devoured it the first time, then want to re-read it over and over again. Fascinating! Fave.
Susan and Robert you make my heart sing!
"Not everything is warrior medicine."
Wonderful poem, Darryl.
The opening reads weird though.
"With all these pieces of battle torn history surrounding us / is they don't really make up for the terrible news / of now."
Do you mean
"All these pieces of battle-torn history surrounding us / don't really make up for the terrible news / of now."
"The sun's going to shine bright."
Yes, it is!
Hi Bill--thanks for the encouraging words. The opening is a continuation of the title. It's meant to be one sentence. The trouble with all these pieces...