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Let me tell you about the smell of the rain.

17351735 views99 comments55 favs

You are lonely. Let me tell you about the smell of the rain.

Three Poems in March, after Baca

17351735 views88 comments55 favs

I could love them all, your people, / Learn their differences, speak their tongues, / When there is no one there to hold you / But me, my arms would be wide enough / To hold armies of your need. Do not forget.

Godfrey part 1 : Godfrey's penis

17351735 views2323 comments99 favs

"Bit of a shrinkage situation."

The Seven Year Itch

17351735 views1313 comments77 favs

It’s not every day that a girl like me gets greeted with a hairy beast that orgles and spits when excited. Didn’t help none that it only had one eye. Poor little ole bugger.


17341734 views2626 comments1717 favs

I would see her at the gym in the mornings.


17341734 views99 comments33 favs

She's standing outside the 7-11, skirt up round her ass. Ripe. She could be a whore but she looks way too classy. Plus she has a huge soda - I'd guess diet - and a Twinkie.

What the Trees Were Expecting

17341734 views1919 comments99 favs

that day is my barking up and leaves falling down story, but in their elephant slowness it seemed no more than the regular run of the sun slightly disappearing here, and then maybe reappearing there, like a lost color way over the horizon, or the finally…

The Trials

17341734 views22 comments33 favs

In reenactments of the pressing to death of Giles Corey, Walter’s friends stacked pillows onto his chest while he defied his inquisitors.

Coffee Shop

17341734 views2525 comments66 favs

He inhaled all these sensory impulses like they were so much illuminated, fluorescent pollen which jostled for space with the strong aroma of coffee in his nostrils.

You Don't Have to Read This

17331733 views1414 comments1616 favs

I get it. Poetry is an effort. Language is an effort. Words are an effort. Reading words is an effort. A big effort. It takes energy. Attention. Focus. Who has that? Nobody. So truly. I mean it. You don't have to read this. If you're already reading this you can…

To My First Crush

17331733 views2424 comments2222 favs

But I came back around, after Robert Kennedy got shot, with one hand up your skirt and the other on the gear shift...

In Time,

17331733 views66 comments66 favs

IN TIME, we will walk on gravel paths studded with gemstones.

The Other Side

17331733 views55 comments33 favs

That was the first time I went over the wall. No bird opened its mouth to chirp. No wind blew. I staggered a little on the stony edge. And dropped down. I changed in a cafe. Shaved. Emerged as that rare thing: a new man. My clothes were old, saved for

5” X 6” In A Sturdy Frame

17331733 views11 comment11 fav

The first morning we met—I remember the rain, soft the way I like it—was a series she later attributed as a fourteen-frame sunrise.

Straight Out of the Can

17331733 views77 comments88 favs

My other brother, Mike, has been camping out with the Carter boys down the street. For breakfast, he had beans, straight out of a can, and they were the best thing he ever ate. “These are the best,” he told them. “The best beans?” Joe, t

Nunc Stans

17321732 views55 comments33 favs

I missed the cadence and remembered the verse too late. Now, that place where everything comes together is a first taste of things that have somehow become slightly bitter, and I was choking on it.

Car Talk

17321732 views1111 comments77 favs

It had been Tom at the wharf who strode over to greet me, his friend Tom with the small spectacles standing at the bar. “Write it when you get home,” Bella said. I was wearing the same beads.

A Journey Within A Journey

17321732 views1212 comments88 favs

Cousin Rudy pulled up a cod / out of season / we were rigged for haddock, / it was dressed for the weather

Labor Policy

17321732 views1212 comments33 favs

The City Council supports this policy and, by necessity, ranks human slavery very low on the list of the city’s woes.

Sparrow Down

17311731 views2626 comments2525 favs

There's no surcease from heat, no "cool of the evening," like the songs say about summer in the South. Those songwriters sat under fans in the Brill Building in downtown Manhattan.

January 1, 2012

17311731 views2121 comments1212 favs

I couldn’t begin to give an account of the latest days.

The Hunter

17311731 views2020 comments1212 favs

...I pray for the animal souls I have taken -- panther, gazelle, hyena, vulture...

Charlotte's Nexus

17311731 views22 comments22 favs

She sent painless electrical impulses through his neurons, and consequently, he lost the pathways that lead to memories of his experiments, memories he had reveled in during his most profound moments of desolation.

You Should Change at Jamaica

17301730 views99 comments77 favs

"...across from me staring at my bare knees."

We're All Guys Here

17301730 views66 comments77 favs

The doorbell rang while Ron was masturbating.He closed his eyes tight. Tried to hold the image of Lori bent over the arm of the couch. No use. It was gone. Ron sighed, then levered the recliner down. Tied on the terry-cloth robe Lori had given him. He kicked aside an empty…

Masdy's Silver

17291729 views00 comments00 favs

Cheater was a Goblin. He carried a long knife, not quite a sword, but more than your average pocket blade.

Fifth of July

17291729 views33 comments22 favs

On the day my grandmother was buried, my grandfather shucked corn.

Born Too Soon: America's Hottest Teachers

17281728 views00 comments11 fav

The teachers who get caught propositioning male students are always wholesome family women. This is why I have repeatedly called for regular round-ups of wholesome family women before another young man’s morals are corrupted.

Good with the big picture

17281728 views1313 comments88 favs

I always have a serious expression on my face, am usually in a white coat and probably look completely unapproachable but there I am, and pasted in my scrapbook: Local Doctor Saves Another Life.

No Pretty Boy

17281728 views99 comments55 favs

Janice liked me being in the closet while she brought dudes home from the Mack. We both liked it, but sometimes, sitting on that folding chair for that twenty minutes among her clothes, all perfume-stanky and leather-smell, it felt like the whole world wa