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The Birds

873873 views33 comments22 favs

It had been over three months since he’d left his home and started to walk. He’d kept a journal to begin with, but his book soon ran out of batteries. It was that sort of thing that had irked Neil at the start, but now he’d just let it slide down his back


873873 views00 comments00 favs

"The shipyards of the soul do not exist." The Colussus has always been a colossal waste, and the riddle of Your Father's Identity confounds no one but yourself. What a riddle, what pills! He was known for…

Her Return

873873 views00 comments00 favs

She approached him submissively, face down, eyes hidden by hair that moved with every shift of the current.

Happy National Hairball Awareness Day

873873 views33 comments22 favs

Something’s not right. Okie, the elder cat, seems–distrait. Taciturn. Phlegmatic. And those are just leftover vocab words from my son’s senior English class.

Pictures of an Inhibition

873873 views44 comments11 fav

Fun times. Deep breath.

world's a mess

873873 views66 comments33 favs

until i french kiss every atmosphere my mouth ready to explode like roman candles sparking my fingers sparking off the tips of my sparking fingers

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 7: In Which Pictures Were All He Could Feel (First Musical Interlude)

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"The Impossible Dream." That time they drove to North Carolina and Ellen threw up and nobody but Dad felt like eating, so Dad stopped at McDonald's and the smell of hamburgers made Ellen throw up again. This time, on Frank.

The Houseguest

873873 views33 comments22 favs

"Who's that?" Carl asked about the man standing near the fence. "Says his name is Marty Lopez," Jake replied. "For real?" Carl moved to one side for a better look. "I know. He doesn't look like a Lopez," Jake said.

In The Arms of Veronica

873873 views22 comments00 favs

Her smile was a cliff I stood on, trying to wrangle some kind of hope from the whites of her teeth. I heard the sound of the buzzer from the door on my ward. She stood there, a sickly ash tree, each limb flailing about like she was drowning in my sea of a

sing of my neck

873873 views1010 comments44 favs

You could have drawn us forth anytime on the beach, harping, begging to be let go from the grasp of your song. I needed you to sing of my neck, with its ropes teeming and filled. You only had to spread me open and loosen the shuddering country, anytime.

Wipe That Smile

873873 views55 comments44 favs

One thing about eating shit:

Art exploits

873873 views55 comments55 favs

Against// the mysteries and the dark/ it illuminates and shapes

And then we... Part 3

873873 views33 comments11 fav

Well, Bainz' dad didn't kill us for stealing his bomb because one of the drug addicts at my house was a cop. At least he said he was a cop, or knew a cop, or had something to do with the cops. I don't know for sure. I know he didn't look like a cop, at least he …

The Cooler

873873 views44 comments33 favs

We stop laughing when the doctors come in. Don't want to scare them.Ben (car accident, Christmas, gifts all over the road), tries to freak them out though. He'll make a low soundsometimes. One nurse ran so fast she almost wentout the window. Sheryl her name…

The Sun, the Trees, the Clouds, the Grass

873873 views33 comments33 favs

The sun was a dish of burnished courage

Nan Sequiter

872872 views99 comments77 favs

there was no mess she couldn’t manage, / no chaos she couldn’t tame.

The Happiest Place

872872 views22 comments00 favs

I normally don't photograph well, but today – well, today's different.

Treasured Souls

872872 views11 comment11 fav

Oh, but we have lost-- such treasured souls, at immeasurable costs. Oh, but we do moan and cry-- such treasured souls, no tangible, useable reasons why. Oh, but we whose hearts do bleed-- such treasured souls, we…

Mail from the Ungrund: A Tardy Preamble

872872 views55 comments33 favs

nevertheless, this crowd had come up with a universal cure for humanity, and regardless of consequences . . .

Not Making Heads or Tales

872872 views1717 comments1717 favs

Something about shadows and last time and driving.

When the Moon Becomes the Sun

872872 views66 comments33 favs

While most spread their time in other occupation, I traveled through books and grew my imagination. I knew endless bliss. I was a book eater. I would just devour books that I loved and slug through those I didn't, just to make myself eat the truths and li

Here I Am

872872 views00 comments00 favs

The paper in his typewriter

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.7 - c.4

872872 views00 comments00 favs

Azure lowered her head, nearly burying it in the window, watching the helicopter land.

Beach Tale

872872 views11 comment11 fav

I should have worn shorts.

Section 8

872872 views66 comments22 favs

To a desert island I pick a book of crosswords for my one item. It is a desert island. What could be more practical? I awake in the middle of the night, an itch in my throat. I blow my nose. Weird gobbets of blood ring my Kleenex. It drizzles out now, wet here, gelatinous…

Quixote Bronson, Savior of Neglected Suburban Housewives

872872 views22 comments00 favs

Saturday night in the suburbs west of Boston. As Pancho Sanza and I drift wearily from one upscale restaurant to another, we see an endless parade of husbands whose indifference to their wives borders on cruelty.


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the arc of her invective presumably aimed at the little boy and girl ambling halfway down the block behind her

Nervous-WRECK *VEEK*

872872 views22 comments11 fav

[Scumbag scumbag ― fuck you!!! Stop reading this it's my private JOURNAL!!! Thanks. ;) ]


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It's eight fifteen in the morning, my favorite time to call, and a guy named Ernie DeCampo answers the door in his work pants and a t-shirt. “Good morning, Mr.De Campo,” I say. “Do you have any fireworks in your home?” …

gravelortian part 3

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god's seed is asleep in the carseat