Emily Hopkins

Website http://www.authoremilyhopkins.com

About Me

Copyright Free

My work (writing, art, design, posts, blog) is copyright free. As such, the rights to my work do not fall under the jurisdiction of any state, government, judicial body, jury, community, society, culture, tribe, organization, corporation, institution, group, individual or authority now or in the future. Any attempt to restrict uses of my work either in whole or part by law, copyright claim, defamation, threat, fine, penalty, or violence are invalid.

You may use my work freely throughout the universe and galaxy. You are free to reproduce or transmit the work of Emily Hopkins in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. You are free to make derivative works.

You are free to credit the original work to me and link to it, though you are under no obligation to do so. Any payment for my original publications, prints, and ebooks is appreciated, but you are free to share the work without doing so.

Why do you write?

I've never understood this question. It would be easier to answer "Why do you breathe?" At least that is a necessary bodily function of life. Or perhaps, I did just answer the question.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Margaret Atwood, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman, Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca.

Emily Hopkins's Wall

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