I'm looking for the perfect
passage, a safe, sound
jettison to now.
All week long I'm trying
to figure what's keeping
my feet fastened to this
spinning space ball,
congratulating myself on
balancing at such speeds.
sometimes I want to dance
above solidity, get
giddy in the cosmos,
know a daisy, the pale
blue vein that disappears
on its way to your wrist.
I want to swing out
on the trapeze of our words,
dangling upside down,
catch hands
at that moment,
feel moving weight
lift us,
and letting go,
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93 words
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I couldn't figure out how to single space this poem??
Wonderful piece of sculpture. Hope you can hear me clapping. *
Dang! Real nice!
(to single-space use Shift/Enter at the end of the line instead of the normal Enter, which for some reason always creates a double-space.)
Especially connect with the closing stanza. Good writing.
Crisp, clean, careful, concise.
Everything a good poem should be.