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The Power

939939 views44 comments22 favs

the silence of the hardwood floors blisters into fragments

QuaintAugust 2017

939939 views33 comments33 favs

a midge smothered in the light of disarray crawls back into the sage

words, for you

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my eyes have seen many things over the course of my life to date; plenty is cherished, but too much has been monotonous, pedestrianmy hands, always striving, working, longing, trying for epic, eagermy lips would, if they could, be concerned exclusively with kissingmy …


939939 views44 comments33 favs

I saw you hold her as if you were copy writing a ball of yarn

Arcana Magi Zero + Pure - c.1

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A Nocturne, whose grey mana seeped out of it mouth, grabbed the roof of the building with its large claws. Using it as leverage, it stood itself up, hunched over, its long whale like head roared like a loud horn.

Where I Sit Here Clad in Armour by the Stars

939939 views22 comments22 favs

Where I sit here clad in armour by the stars, I do not think of you; those thoughts are over. Beneath the silver here is light enough, To make me ponder by a lighter way. Beyond the bronze óf our sun and the others That haply rein the…

the dreamer of eggs

939939 views22 comments11 fav

How much sucking, faithlessly, can there be? The body being a night thing off which steam rises, that attracts like a magnet or loadstone, whose curls attract, whose ringlets or tufts of touched hair between the legs glory up the nightly watched miracle,


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He is sleek with hearts and I see a different name etched onto each one.

Screaming Woman - Excerpt

939939 views11 comment00 favs

Bree was mean as a bag of snakes and had done laid out most of the eligible bachelors in Culloden County at one time or another to the tune that at this point no man who’d heard of her wanted much truck with her.


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you and i exist outside of the chaos and noise entwined in eternal embrace

She Looked In the Mirror And Saw Something Different

938938 views00 comments00 favs

Even raw as she looked coming out of the jail, the woman left echoes.

Requiem for a Laptop

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I don’t understand what happened. I keep pushing your buttons but you won’t do anything. You just lie there, cold and dead, staring back at me without any light and I feel like I’m going to cry.

The Judge's Wife Part 7

938938 views77 comments44 favs

—A little blood puts some life into the work, said the old artisan smiling.

Climate Change

938938 views1313 comments99 favs

Every year I have a birthday, and every year another of my friends succumbs to cancer or suicide. That's a shitty gift. That is devoutly not to be wished.

Handicapping the Saints

938938 views44 comments00 favs

I've been a fan of hagiography—the lives of the saints—since first grade when Claude Dunham and I were asked to represent St. Stephen and St. Sebastian, two martyrs of the early church, in a tableau vivant of bored boys.

Working things out in my head

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A shot in the dark and everything goes black. It's as if the story never happened.

A Rare Meteor Shower

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Now, as we sat on lawn chairs / on the balcony to watch the meteor shower

Come Monday

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“Have the cousins arrived?”

Your Dream Advisor

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Every night I say "I dream about you all the time, Nae Ann," but the truth is I don't. I dream about stupid crap at work like air filters for a 2006 Mazda RX-8 GT.


938938 views1414 comments88 favs

am i a coin

Lazy River Blues, or Stuck Between a Couple of Exposed Roots and an Endlessly Restless Shore

938938 views44 comments44 favs

Our Sun bites down on the eager yet pouting lips of the softly puffy looking moon, but a jealous & runny cloud interferes with this story line just long enough for a little bit of fun: a young dancing tree washes her gold and…


938938 views1414 comments1111 favs

Dear Brandon Lee: I know that you're dead and can't respond to letters, but I've always felt a connection to you.

A Jenga Piece a Time

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Ryuu looked up and saw color seep back into his life. Warm hues reached for his numb heart. His body's coldness was thawed with the tender embrace that wrapped around him so tight he couldn't let go if he had wanted to.

Women of God

938938 views22 comments22 favs

I keep the book when the lessons are done, go through the pages Momma skipped over...

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 44

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The butterscotch on that painting makes me want to lick the canvas.

Christ's Fingertips

938938 views00 comments00 favs

they could be barefoot bastard children for somebody else to clothe

The Oral Tradition

938938 views33 comments33 favs

No preview available due to the brevity of the piece. In fact, this comment itself is longer than the piece.

The Nurse's Dream of Flowershops

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the lazy leaves of a parlour palm finger lavender in a wine bottle.

Hasn't Got A Prayer

938938 views22 comments22 favs

This really bothered me, and I questioned my penis about it.


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These fern-like weeds grow along the roads. “Watch this,” you say, bending down over a plant. The touch of your fingertip sets it recoiling, stunned–a fun, jungle trick you picked up somewhere along your way.