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The Secret Life

18101810 views2121 comments1616 favs

When we were very young, we didn't tell because we didn't know any better. Now we are six, and we don't tell because no one has believed us since we told the story about the vampire upstairs. Now we're twelve, and we don't tell because our family's weird enough, living…


18091809 views1515 comments99 favs

Listen to me, at the end of all things, and I will tell you her story.


18091809 views88 comments33 favs

Was I a dreamer? Was I asking for too much?

Autumn Offering

18091809 views88 comments55 favs

You may gather from me the spring of my youth

Carver Country

18091809 views2222 comments2121 favs

My first love was a woman of principle. Never deny your man was her motto.

Vague Obscenities

18091809 views2525 comments1212 favs

The next day on YouTube, 3,558,019 users watched the clip of Kate dangling next to Jay Leno's chin.

Seasonal Discord

18091809 views11 comment11 fav

“I killed a man.” “Whaaattt???” I'd been meditating on the sun. I figured he was trying to jolt me awake.

Memory Freeze

18081808 views4848 comments2222 favs

When the snow reached the windowsills I was no longer a virgin.

Messages to Mars

18071807 views00 comments00 favs

Babylon Tower is AWESOME! The captain of the ship announced our arrival in time for everyone to view it on the screens. First Class got to view it from the viewing room, and they disembarked first. Steerage got off last. What we saw upon arrival was w

We Used To Be Sharks

18071807 views2525 comments1313 favs

I was sitting on the therapist’s couch in someone else’s boxer shorts.

O Saddam!

18071807 views11 comment33 favs

Saddam Hussein was a street-side seller of hot nuts near Faneuil Hall. He worked undercover there during the last Gulf War until just after it, as the US slagged the Iraqis. If only they'd known while they video-bombed his underground bunkers and chased his doubles that…

A Wee Noggin - Paddy Whacker's Challenge

18061806 views2929 comments1111 favs

On the eve of celebrating their patron saint at the public house, one of his particularly cabbaged mates was bold enough to ask him about his cranial deformity.

Forgetting Superman

18051805 views1515 comments1616 favs

I forget you. Upfront: that’s how this ends.

Poem for the Poet

18051805 views1515 comments1515 favs

for Bill YarrowPoetry is a way of breathingagainst the enemy's chest withoutlosing consciousness again. Itis a ghost dance. Poetry is tobe determined by the plight of bees.Poetry is a waterfall ona mailing list. I've never tasteda finer whiskey than poetry.Poetry is half…

Slaloming the Siphoners

18051805 views33 comments11 fav

Hipster-neutral dressed simulacra-person offers a glance and a wave, sudden as a ping-pong serve, designed to crowd your space and "pal" you but I dodge it — I'm practiced at this.

Four Noble Lies

18051805 views1515 comments1616 favs

When Carlotta left me, I cried / into my soup. I shriveled into / harsh mathematics.

Rodney & Chelsea

18051805 views3333 comments1818 favs

Chelsea's breasts are more the size of tangerines, but he likes them. He likes that she smells like Fruit Loops and that her front teeth overlap slightly. Her mouth is glossed. He slips his tongue inside.

My Children in Times New Roman

18041804 views2626 comments2222 favs

This test should not be a riddle, it's a simple yes/no. The answer should settle curiosity with an image. One line or two, plus or minus. I say something like this, and the customer service rep asks me to hold.Thing is, I know the answer. I'm moody. My breasts feel like…


18041804 views2323 comments1919 favs

He and I are still and somber at the kitchen table. We’re both wearing black and stare at each other through blood-shot eyes. The children’s thumps echo on the ceiling above. I think about the other family’s children.

It Stops

18041804 views2525 comments1515 favs

We made our escape on grimy streets under skies filled with crows, flapping like litter in the wind.


18041804 views1515 comments1111 favs

She sets the muffins aside, opens herself, nymph-like, mouth spread and gritty. She pulls the dirty edge of his gray t-shirt up so to show herself to him, spreads herself across the mattress like thin flesh oil over too much canvas....


18041804 views2323 comments1010 favs

Our house was big, red brick, with off-white walls that watched over us while we slept, while we prayed for our souls to be kept, while we shared bath water and bunk beds and the secret of the back closet we will die with and never reveal.


18041804 views33 comments11 fav

The Japanese sun, blood-red and vibrant, like a Cézanne apple, was setting far away in the distance over the snow-capped peak of Mt. Fuji. For a moment, the intensity of the light blinded him. He could not see the road ahead. His front bicycle wheel wobb

Dealing with Sudden Melancholy

18031803 views99 comments1111 favs

Someone who I know only via Facebook and a writer site we both belong to posted a picture of a 12 week old fetus in the palm of a human hand. The message was anti-abortion. You know--how can you consider killing this baby? And the picture was of a tiny, tiny…

Her father's job

18031803 views2020 comments1414 favs

“We don’t drop litter. Pick it up.”

My Voyeur Life

18031803 views22 comments22 favs

It's the way an earnest five-year-old boy pronounces every single letter as he whispers. Something about octopuses, something else about peas.

Life Before Kant

18021802 views5252 comments2222 favs

I doused back three Buds in the time it took him to detest a variety of subjects including the naivety of quantum physics and pregnant women.

Before the Door

18021802 views2424 comments2323 favs

You just can’t believe your key / won’t open the front door anymore.

Big Secrets

18021802 views55 comments44 favs

O’Malley imagined the blissful, narcotic innocence of Toby’s world where soft-shell crabs crawled into people’s mouths and hummed a happy tune as they were chewed and swallowed.

Zom Prom Mom

18021802 views33 comments22 favs

We fucked in the backseat like the verse of a b-side, and that was enough to make him think my boys were half of his body.