by Ed Higgins
out here the land
speaks in Quaker silence
fertile soil enfolds
the nourished seed
like a feral lover
the wind & rain
bequeath their song
the sun too draws
into the quiet story
of germ, generation
bittersweet and sweet
times of harvest.
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This poem's currently up at Litsnack: The poem's title & dedication are from one my favorite poetry books of Wendell Berry's. Much of my poetry stems from my experience as a 70s-to-now back-to-the-land farmer and the connections to earth & animals such gives.
Goodness what a book - and poet. Yes. That aside, I really like the form and tone of this piece, Ed. Works well. Especially like the middle lines: "like a feral lover
the wind & rain
bequeath their song"
I like the closing lines. Nicely done. This is a good piece.
"feral lover"! Arresting idea!
I also like: "the quiet story / of germ, generation"
Neat work, Ed.
Wendell Berry is a marvelous poet. You are, too. So carefully done. Such craftsmanship!
Lovely, lovely. I'm a big fan of W.B. too
count me in as a bit wb fan, too
that's big, not bit, lol
All you Wendell Berry fans might be interested in his recent principled stand: <>