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Beginning, Another Bright Red Day

960960 views55 comments33 favs

Pick up any stick or stone and you'll find the path again. Pick out any lone star and it will shine just for you. The rascal wind simply enjoys messing about with your serious nature. Listen to its…

leyh (they say)

960960 views33 comments22 favs

and then he began to sing, along with the ghostly villagers

The Dolly Boys

960960 views11 comment11 fav

I have a fascination with Dickens and London and this was inspired by my next novel.

Downloaded Cheats

960960 views11 comment00 favs

You are my intergalactic princess / The most beautiful in twelve systems

A Pleasant Fiction

960960 views00 comments00 favs

We pull up under the port cochère (which I am NOT allowed to call ‘the car tent’, even though I built it) just as the front door opens. Jackson, our eldest, saunters out with a dish rag over his bare shoulder like he owns the place.


960960 views22 comments22 favs

Past the pavilion, past the factory, past the underside of the bridge where the surfers jimmy their sloppy fingers over the oil barrels.

leave the dog, take the cannoli

960960 views1818 comments88 favs

he who laughs last is probably a dumbass fuck

Nowhere Is Everywhere

960960 views66 comments11 fav

I got fired once because I couldn't make change. I knew this going in. Friends and family all pushed me to take a job behind the counter at a health food store. I kept insisting I couldn't make change. Seriously. My mind goes blank. If someone hands me a five dollar…


960960 views00 comments00 favs

Vikki respond, "Say big guy, you eat pussy?" The Mohawk flustered. "Uh!?...Yeah...sure." Vikki snickered, "Great. We got something in common. So do I."

An Orb for a Better World

960960 views11 comment11 fav

Max sighed. Solving for x was boring, so mind numbingly boring that he didn't notice the flickering blue light hovering in his room. It crackled and popped, growing until a shimmering rectangle stretched from floor to ceiling.A hand pushed out from the rectangle, and a…

13 poets in Hell

960960 views11 comment11 fav

1Paradise Lost is cast into the lake of fire. Satan tells John Milton to rewrite it in 140 characters or fewer.2Filippo Marinetti languishes in a dismal rural idyll. His hand, possessed, scrawls euphonic odes to the moon with a quill.3Henri Michaux floats through the…

Their Nipples

960960 views00 comments11 fav

The soft twin winds of peace and harmony flow through your nipples It is not milk that gives such flow but the whiff of life’s spirit, the wind of poetry the renewal and the silence of the love you give me I suck like a new

12:00 Somewhere

960960 views22 comments00 favs

"Time really flies.” “I thought that was only when you were having fun,” he said. “Don’t be an asshole.”

Wind Bag

960960 views44 comments44 favs

Last night I decided to go through my bag of wind and sort things out. I'm a hoarder, and wind is no exception. I collect winds. I found two siroccos, five simooms, three foehns, eight Chinooks, ninety gales, thirty zephyrs, two nor'westers, a monsoon, a…

But She Means Well

960960 views55 comments55 favs

My wife said she’d only be gone 10 minutes. 10 minutes. She left me with the 2 boxes we couldn’t fit into the car, and went home to unload the 5 others. She’d be back in 10 minutes. I got a call after half an hour, she was on her way back to get me. I

Fugue No. 4

960960 views22 comments00 favs

I am learning to write.

Cobbler's Clinch

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“If Sir would observe, the storm welt, a shoe for the big occasion, a shoe that will guide sir through the dismal passages, a shoe that will roar in the face of adversity and …”

Butterfly Morning

960960 views22 comments11 fav

We woke up and we were whirlpools of spilt turquoise oil / with wings for flying

Don't Mangle the Mongol

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Back in the Dark Ages, the Mongols invented the first hamburger pattie. They put slabs of beef under their horses' saddles and after a few miles of rough riding -- voila! a flattened piece of cow meat. They then proceeded t

A World of Hurt

960960 views88 comments77 favs

Cat fight. I rush outside and swinging my trusty broom I charge the rolling yowling ball of black fur.

Waiting, Waiting

960960 views55 comments55 favs

The fear you represent is a real drag. That's all there is to say. But like every other house on the block I have spiders in the basement who are waiting to be brought up into the golden light. These creatures only want to be good at being alive. Instead they are given…

His house

960960 views77 comments55 favs

His house incubates memories. As he sleeps, they hatch.His house is neither here nor there. It occupies a space between watchfulness and insomnia. Grey birds nest on its roof.His house is a refuge from everything except himself. The floor, walls, roof are fat with him.…

The shoes of 9/11

959959 views22 comments22 favs

thunder striking in a pancake cumulative, his building bouncing upon itself, life going Richtor Scale, a billion pounds of panic per square second

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 16

959959 views44 comments22 favs

Depression had Frank in its craw.

The Tiger Who Jumped Over the Moon

959959 views88 comments77 favs

Lord knows we all tried to stop him from doing it. You're crazy we said. This makes you look like a lunatic. They'll hunt you down in even heavier droves now. You've upset their delicate memories. I tried to stop him. That's cow territory my friend…


959959 views33 comments33 favs

You and she might make love here, next week, and I'll buy my own razor, switch from baths to showers. I shave my legs in my imagination. They, like life, are smooth.

Snowdrop White

959959 views44 comments00 favs

We light cigarettes, take turns putting them out on each other's arms, legs, anywhere hard without a mark. It's living, he says, it's better to know you're alive than feel nothing at all. My brother is two years older than you, I was thinking on Tuesday,…

Initial doubts

959959 views44 comments00 favs

"Well, you certainly can't be marrying him then .. "

Napomo 17: April 25 - 30

959959 views1111 comments55 favs

As air warms and warm/ winds stir, green becomes the force/ that surges the plains.

Writing From Paintings (a meditation on the work of artist Michelle Manley)

959959 views33 comments11 fav

Since we are heading past the outskirts, we find ourselves with a hidden reserve of valor and ability. What is this ability? It is the way we look now at strange new clouds menacing and waiting. It is also the way we head forth into them and their environ