by Kitty Boots
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I see so many things in my daily life. My Chesapeake Bay beaches are sacred to me, as are all other parts of this earth. I am grateful for people like Greta Thunberg.
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This paints the dreary picture so vividly I can't help but believe it.
Matt, I frequent these places several times a week. Every day is different, but there are warning signs here and all over the world.
I used to think all things apocalyptic were metaphors for our own mortality. I don't think that anymore.
*, Kitty. Unless addressed, you write the truth
Heartbreaking. An image of a pair of polar bears on a rubbish dump is just a killer. Thanks for this Kitty.
Sadly true, Kitty. So well said. Plastic and climate change are our ennemies.
Yes, man-made environmental horrors.
The vivid images for me are the tundra swans, the buffleheads riding the waves, and the oil slick in the parking lot at high tide.
Well done, Kitty.
I can't believe it either. *
Dianne Mcknight-Warren, thank you. It's disturbing.
David James, thank you. It is the truth, people just don't want to see it.
Amantine B., thank you. I know...I can't understand the disregard for climate change. I see so many subtle signs, as a gardener, a nature lover. Something is out of whack.
Thank you, Gary. It's a sign, one of many.
Thank you, Erika. It is so sad.
Thank you, Bill Yarrow. The images are heartbreaking.
Thank you, Beate. What have we become?
I wish I did not believe it.*
Proudly said*
Powerful, Kitty. I can't believe people look at me weird when I refuse plastic bags. With so much in blister packs, it's hard to rid one's life of plastic.
No denying the real.
Thank you, Tim. It's scary.
Thank you, John.
Thank you, Daniel. Plastic is a bitch. (Think I have an idea for another poem!) Try to wrestle those things open with arthritic hands...I wanna scream!
Thank you, David.
Thank you, everyone out there for your concern about the environment. It makes me feel like the not so "Lone Ranger". I live in a beautiful area, but our citizens are not always the good stewards of nature they should be.
"daffodils in January" clinched it for me, since I've seen those as I've seen azaleas bloom in February.
About time we begin listening to our flora and fauna, if we can't hear ourselves or each other.
Thank you, Edward. It's so true. The flora and fauna speak volumes, we just have to learn how to listen.Most people seem too preoccupied these days. That will be our death knell.