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Pablo Picasso and Pornhub: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

10351035 views22 comments22 favs

Reading magazines this week, I learned that:Sally Field dislikes gefilte fish.(Vanity Fair, 3/16)Pornhub, an explicit-video-sharing site, gets 2.4 million visitors per HOUR. (Time, 4.11.16)There are 641 million obese people in the world today. (Time,…

Luminous Nights, 2

10351035 views22 comments22 favs

The house where my brother lived up in the hills above Hollywood, looked like any other suburban house on any normal street Anywhere USA, except that once you got inside the house — spread out at your feet was a panoramic view over a canyon that was act

It's the New Age of Bullshit

10351035 views55 comments55 favs

They’re young and haughty. 27’s still a long ways off. They read about the famous, not the dead. Dusty dragonflies will not land upon them, and they are really only in love with the dishwasher. Now there’s a problem. Poetry is dead,

Space Program

10351035 views1212 comments77 favs

Mercury and Gemini disappointed.

Thoughts That Wake Me Like a Bad Dream 1 through 3

10351035 views1212 comments1111 favs

The police states of German National Socialism/ and the Soviet Union are but pencil studies


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Oh, you aren't going to lecture us, for heaven's sake?

Left at the Tracks

10351035 views77 comments00 favs

Shivering in the car, he watched his parents arguing under the porch light. He saw the smoking anger of their breath as they jabbed the cold air with accusatory fingers.

Three haikoos

10351035 views77 comments77 favs

Spring Squirrel Spring is here now A dead squirrel in the road Regrettably not Seasonal Surprise Inside warm spring rain Coiled up like Jack in the Box Resides a snow storm Bad Vibrations telephone shouting an…


10351035 views55 comments44 favs

this is where we end -- the exorbitant eye of forgotten days.


10351035 views88 comments55 favs

Have you measured the cups, the conveyors' yield? Do you know the span? I am the LORD your God, she murmured.

A Bum and his Shopping Cart, Giving Up his Ways

10351035 views44 comments11 fav

A bum leaves his shopping cart in the middle of the intersection at 7th Ave and Perry St and walks away leaving everything behind Shopping cart gets hit by an onslaught of yellow taxis whizzing by The contents flying out into the hum


10351035 views33 comments11 fav

They’re coming now. Thousands of them. Black wings, antennas, spindly legs.

Three Easy Steps:the little genuine things in life/sauteed whole peppers/easy roof repair

10351035 views1010 comments22 favs

So, once, we were all like sitting around the kitchen table, and it was so kind of like an okay sort of day to begin with. We were all like a secret theater of strangers, a living children's secret circle, meeting right in…

The Shaker

10351035 views1010 comments66 favs

A man and a woman argued over the size of the quake. They were sitting on the floor like Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 60

10351035 views66 comments33 favs

That is a pretty damning statement.

I Will Not Be That Woman

10351035 views66 comments66 favs

Not today. Even when the Isar rolls so cool and deep and I could wade and wade 'til sleep. Not today. When I have the tablets in a drawer in a box winking chalkily at me. Not today. When the church tower soars and it's bells toll out a seductive beat …


10351035 views88 comments66 favs

One by one the hundred matte black drones hummed awake. The buzz was loud on the tiny airfield but died out soon among the waving amber heads of Kansas wheat that surrounded the unsigned base.

The Money Tree

10351035 views44 comments11 fav

Tree full of dimes and dollars

Glorious Zinzins

10351035 views66 comments11 fav

I do not know what zinzins is, what a zinzins is, who zinzins is. I do not want to know

The Afterglow

10351035 views11 comment11 fav

I knew we were going to fail. The night we met, when we got out of the car, I dropped my green glove in that puddle, you picked it up but it was ruined. That set the precedent for our whole life together. You can't look at me anymore. My cigarette…

two hendecasyllabic verse notes for Mr. S.

10351035 views22 comments22 favs

mind heart soul will blood sweat tears muscle, and bone,/and then always something else—not more, just else . . .

Because Your Choices Were Poor

10351035 views1212 comments77 favs

Foolish boy, you chose your parents poorly-


10351035 views1212 comments55 favs

They talk but they don’t really / talk

The Judge's Wife Part 6

10351035 views44 comments33 favs

—Strip down to your shorts. Put on this gown, open to the rear.

Cold and Snow Are Four Letter Words

10351035 views55 comments22 favs

Environment Canada predicted the storm might not stop for another 7 days. The population of the island was now advised to evacuate. Evacuate? To where?


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I look as sympathetic as I can, under the circumstance, which is entirely unsympathetic.

Liked and Similar

10341034 views1111 comments55 favs

I haven't been here in a while!

Rock and Sushi

10341034 views00 comments00 favs

If I remember him at all it’s because I decided not to flunk him so he could graduate. I had this theory that teachers should be bound by the same oath as doctors, First, do no harm.


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The cicadas hissed and chirruped until the air was thick with a noise like mechanical bedsprings bouncing for the 4th of July.

Meat and Bones

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The man who put up the clothes line left his kids upstairs at night and came down to my bed.