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Roger's Box

11011101 views22 comments00 favs

"I see flashing bright bacteria floating in the air," he replied, not bothering to think about the words. "I see puffs of smoke issuing from inappropriate objects. Fingertips. Baby carrots. Furniture... Oh, Christ," he seethed, arching again. "Get me some

Letters to Conrad

11011101 views44 comments44 favs

Dear Conrad, If you cannot control your dog’s barking I’ll rig up a loud speaker facing the general direction of your house, and every time your mutt starts howling at the moon, I’ll start playing “It’s a Small World (After All)” at top volume on the p

Where's Waldo?

11011101 views99 comments88 favs

Over his usual ham sandwich and skim milk for lunch Uncle Waldo used to always say, “Going out in the dead of night without a flashlight is dangerous.” But I knew what I was doing. After dark, I'd slip out and sneaker on down the path to take a dip in a…

Time Melts and Means Nothing

11011101 views1212 comments33 favs

I think we love sex because it brings us so close to the heat of creation that we can see the smoldering flames and the light rising from twigs being rubbed together between the legs. Okay – your turn!

Event Particle (9)

11011101 views44 comments33 favs

leaves, starlings and other words fall into thickets of orange or green grasses or tendrils or snakes

If You See Something, Say Something

11011101 views11 comment11 fav

You think there’s a chance the bag could be holding a severed head, or live or dead kittens.


11011101 views99 comments22 favs

She liked talking to him, even now, when they’d spent three years talking. She thought about other conversations with other men at other bars, some of the bars on the water and some of them tucked behind shopping centers or off of different h

Fall Of The Twin Towers

11011101 views44 comments00 favs

Sitting at an outside table at the Bassett Café on West Broadway, I remember, in the background always the Twin Towers behind me in the photographs from that time And the sparrows in New York, bolder than anywhere working over the scrap

Blue Baby

11011101 views88 comments77 favs

they taught art

The World Explained

11011101 views55 comments44 favs

This is why the earth revolves around the sun: refrigerator magnets.

The Darwin Awards

11011101 views66 comments55 favs

"People are stupid. They've always been stupid. But these days...." His voice trailed off. "Dumb and dumber, huh?" the Boss asked. Peter nodded.

The Code of Hammurabi

11011101 views55 comments55 favs

We pull up chairs. I breathe in her Bath and Body Works vanilla, read her paper slowly and aloud because the ears catch what the eyes miss. Her sentences are awkward, stilted.

Memoir 2.4

11011101 views88 comments77 favs

He invited her in for a Martini and she graciously accepted.

Delphi and Parlor Games

11011101 views1515 comments88 favs

Ghosts// and the voice of God/ never actually visited you

Ascension of the Conquistador

11011101 views33 comments11 fav

One of Montejo's cap­tains has us drilling in the rain again. The sun hasn't shone for days and the air is sti­fling, like try­ing to breath under water. Every­thing looks gray except the palms. Each green leaf droops in the rain like a…


11011101 views88 comments88 favs

I attended the burial of our affair when I found the notebook-maybe it should be called her diary-she had foolishly forgotten, leaving it on the deck of my beach house where she stayed while I was on that short trip to Chicago and I was numbed at first, unsure how to…

Perfect Lady

11011101 views1010 comments77 favs

The Tea Party member was married but cuter. He worked as a caulker, a tub and basin man.

Got A Light

11011101 views1212 comments66 favs

The Catholic wedding was my idea even though the only god I believe in is Gary Stewart's vibrato (especially in "Ten Years of This").

Sinking to the beat

11001100 views66 comments44 favs

I'd wear my pajamas too, fitting for the big sleep

King Street Station

11001100 views22 comments11 fav

Despite the newly bright bricks and the working clock, Cassie couldn't help but take a deep breath before entering King Street Station. She had always tried to hold her breath when her family cut through it on the way to Mariners games but had never succeeded, not…

Leaky Pipes

11001100 views22 comments00 favs

I was thinking everything was OK, until one day I woke up and realized that I was living on an entirely different planet, and you seemed like a complete stranger to me. I was feeling so ashamed of these feelings, that I couldn't even tell you about them. I couldn't…

A Blowhard Drops By

11001100 views00 comments11 fav

So, I say, what is the answer? The answer to what? You know. The song by Bob Dylan. The answer is blowing in the wind. You’re the wind. So what’s the answer?

Paddy Wagon

11001100 views44 comments11 fav

So many are so sick.

First Blood

11001100 views00 comments00 favs

...dogs snapping at the brush as it spins this way, that way, eluding the slavering jaws by a hairs breadth. The fox twists and rolls, tries every trick, every last desperate one.


11001100 views33 comments33 favs

Waking in the middle of the night, tangled in the hotel sheets, I wanted to hear the story again: their pilot friend, the war, his specialty. "It's just a screw, son," Dad said, "nothing exotic."

The Silicon Chamber

11001100 views00 comments00 favs

Why did he seek punishment, if he felt no guilt? Why this empty conscious, though he had done such evil?

*cute little space bat with scissors*

11001100 views11 comment00 favs



11001100 views66 comments11 fav

I'm not dying. What is it called if you think you might have Hypochondria but you really don't? I'm worried that's what I have. Is it cold in here? Or is it me, dying?

Paint-Can Harry Lets in Some Much Needed Air

11001100 views33 comments33 favs

Welcome the one and the all of you, welcome all you scraggly long haired weeds, welcome the no longer rolling stones of the new you, welcome you most beautiful little wonderfully…

Love Las Muertas

11001100 views00 comments00 favs

a dozen girls with Encarnación's face flit past, whispering kisses along the part of my hair, tickling their hems along the cuticles of my nails.