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I Am Speckles the Clown

12371237 views77 comments44 favs

Food is silly. Eating is silly. Yet the camaraderie of sharing a table is not silly. It is sacred. It becomes silly when the jello arrives.

Ricky's Condition

12371237 views22 comments00 favs

At first it was just holding hands and talking about Ricky's condition. Then it was leaning into each other on the sofa, Ben whispering my name into my hair, me wanting to put my hand on his thigh.


12371237 views66 comments33 favs

Another bird hits the large plate glass patio doors as I am sipping my morning coffee.

Frog Kissing

12371237 views44 comments22 favs

All right, so the frog I risked my lips on (not to mention the contents of my stomach) . . . .

Misplaced Emotions

12371237 views77 comments77 favs

I spent most of those days in my car. Stashed in the trunk was a cache of precious stones, neatly sorted and separated, bound in smooth black velvet inside a smooth black briefcase.

The Wish

12361236 views00 comments00 favs

Now coins used for wishing are not like coins used to purchase bread or carrots. Coins that have been invested with the magic of hopes and desires are special and have special properties. The difference between wishing coins and ordinary coins is very subtle.

ok, ok, so I concede

12361236 views66 comments66 favs

some answers are enough to make you cry or laugh yourself to death

Farewell Letter to the Blues

12361236 views33 comments33 favs

And, you peasy-headed shrew, don’t you dare think I didn’t notice that it was you who stuck that fork into my neck in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot late Tuesday night . . .


12361236 views22 comments11 fav

Sweet Tooth needed a little snack, so he ambled on down the hall to the kitchen. He figured to make one of his patented peanut butter, potato chip, tangerine, raisin, and banana sandwiches because those things just always hit the spot. Unfortunately, when he tugged the…

The Birds

12361236 views55 comments22 favs

When I left my wife, I got the birds. Two parakeets, blue and yellow, male and female. They were loud, messy and, because my ex rarely cleaned their cage, smelly. So I got them. At first, I called him Rod and her Tippy. Rod Taylor and Tippy Hedren? The Bi

Boomer Tunes Pop Quiz

12361236 views1010 comments66 favs

If you're a Boomer, your brain is teaming with decades-old Pop tunes that you just can't forget. The real reason you can never remember where you put your keys? Too many of your brain cells are clinging to every last lyric to “Fire and Rain,” “Free…

Assiduity Three

12361236 views66 comments44 favs

Everybody needs a flaw or two. It builds character.

For the Wives

12361236 views1414 comments88 favs

She parks the car and trudges insidefor her daily visithoping that the new rouge hidesthe old tears.Five years now she has been comingto see himHe looks nothing like the pictures toanyone but her.They say she should go homeand rest, relaxShe doesn't know how…

Midnight Mass

12361236 views88 comments22 favs

Mom wraps a bulky-knit scarf around my face and over my mouth. She tightens it into a big knot in back of my collar.

The Unicorns, Part One

12361236 views11 comment11 fav

Later, your father stared, confused, at the empty spot where the wall paint layers ended in the shape of the old machines. He stopped coming in.

Through The Glass Dimly

12361236 views22 comments11 fav

Odd bookends stuck in familiar territory, we have become lethargic


12361236 views88 comments77 favs

I was at Mike's place when the call came. My brother sounded so accusing that I wanted to punch him in the face. But he was way upstate. "Dad died today," he said, as if I could have somehow known or prevented it. It was sudden. A heart attack. He was…

The Misfortune 500

12361236 views66 comments55 favs

When I first started out in my working career, I made it the habit of obtaining jobs with companies that were about to go under. (I wrote more books while on unemployment than by any other method.) I was a real bloodhound at sniffing out the pre-dawn od

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder

12361236 views44 comments33 favs

Many years ago I visited a nude beach. I undressed at the car and walked with my companions onto a California beach as naked as the day we were born.

A Body Divided, 3

12361236 views00 comments00 favs

A group of nuns arrived in the middle of my first night at Hinsdale Hospital. I guess I must have dozed off when this odd noise, like curtains being moved, woke me up. At first I couldn't make out what that rustling sound was in the hallway outside my doo

Arcana Magi - c.20: Compelling

12361236 views00 comments00 favs

Danica paused for a moment as thoughts of going to Avalon Tech changed to heading for Mystic Intelligence. She could not understand why she thought about going there.

In Our America

12361236 views11 comment11 fav

If I floated about this coffee cafe,Like a spirit, just watching.In this room of framed fake memories,A room of ambient light, marketing to the masses,(It works; it gets 'em in the doors.)If I floated, I'd seeThese people sitting—eating, drinking, sipping, typing,…


12351235 views11 comment11 fav

Fingers fan like birds’ wings cradling the volume, head hanging low and lips moving silently...

O'erleaping Ambition

12351235 views33 comments00 favs

“Listen, Mother – you’re my ticket out of this burg and I’m not about to cash it in!”


12351235 views66 comments44 favs

Luke was in the gutter, his face in stagnant water littered with cigarette butts, condom wrappers, and green shards of glass from broken beer bottles. A man was kicking him in the face with a boot the size of a U-boat, over and over and over again. Blood

Where's My Phreakin' Nobel Prize in Physics?

12351235 views77 comments33 favs

Where I went to college, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in a physics lab without hitting a Nobel laureate. I know–we tried. They finally made us stop–it wasn’t fair to the cat.

Ten years later

12351235 views55 comments44 favs

Are you asleep? He says. Wake up.

Beside Dripping Glaciers

12351235 views55 comments22 favs

We slept beside dripping glaciers people like us We were never meant to be housed contained, kept, petted, cleaned We could only be gutted You used us one time and threw us out people like us We sprouted the wings of desire by watchi

Cento (Christian Morals)

12351235 views99 comments66 favs

Be not a Hercules furens abroad, and a Poltroon within thyself

Arcana Magi Behind the Scenes: The Making of Arcana Magi Universe Ver 2.0

12351235 views00 comments00 favs

A Nonfiction Behind the Scenes look at how the Arcana Magi Universe came to existence.