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Punkboy vs. Planned Parenthood

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I am gonna pound you face through that plate glass protective door until everyone who needs help can get in without your judgy face looking at them.

Local Man Makes Good

13181318 views66 comments44 favs

A junkyard Bison seems an odd choice over the usual dog, but it did the job--trampling trespassers, vagrants and unautorized salvagers with a violent and admirable efficiency

Lule of Raw - 3

13181318 views44 comments33 favs

"I'll tell you one thing I don't want to see, armed confrontation, leading to domestic warfare."

Dust and Blood

13181318 views22 comments00 favs

A black wind raced ahead of the Merbreth and Juko could smell the thing's fur, matted with the blood of men. The coppery scent mingled with the fear coming off the men around him, a fear so palpable it became a tangible thing, something to be tripped over


13181318 views1111 comments66 favs

Altodog was dressed in filthy chef’s trousers and a long-sleeved purple dress shirt, somewhat dignified by a tattered black vest.

Trio of Found Poems

13171317 views22 comments11 fav

Paper Bird, Devotchka, TV On The Radio

Down Here I Drink Alone

13171317 views66 comments55 favs

The tapestry of time gets another stitch. The countdown clock rolls forward. The whole crazy picture gets a little bit clearer.

You deserve to be choked around your lying throat and this how it happens, slowly.

13171317 views1313 comments99 favs

Writing as a form of imaginative hatred

Confessions of a Cursing Librarian

13171317 views88 comments44 favs

Under no circumstances can you say "fuck" when you're working in a public library. Especially in the junior room.

Eldon vs. Grizz Sharks

13171317 views22 comments11 fav

One sunny day after Christmas Eldon went ice fishing with Grandma and Grandpa at Haymarsh. He was not fishing for Ice Fish but for regular fish who swam under the ice. Craig was there too. Craig was wearing more pairs of socks than anyone. He was wearing 3…

First the Newborn Birds on High and Then the Awful Climbing Beasts

13171317 views1212 comments88 favs

"Stop watching the news!Because the news contrives to frighten youTo make you feel small and aloneTo make you feel that your mind isn't your own"--MorrisseyThe world has gone crazy, but please let me make you One of my healing songs. You can eat it now, if you…

Night Visitor

13171317 views22 comments11 fav

The tapping of hard soles moves slowly but forcefully away from the front door and toward the kitchen. Johnny looks at his dinosaur as if its spiked tail and plates of armor will protect him. Clip clop. Clip clop. The footsteps circle the kitchen. The bac

The Man Who Couldn't Speak His Love

13171317 views55 comments22 favs

I considered explaining that the universe is still evolving and changing, but the look on her face said GENESIS ONE.

Unday Morning

13171317 views77 comments55 favs

At the Bizarre Bazaar in the village of There You Are we waited on the platform when the Midnight Special steamed into the station pulling a plain brown wrapper disguised as an invisible train


13171317 views1313 comments1111 favs

When the planes crashed,when the levees broke,when the ground shook,there was a song I dreamed of,humming subsonic,a chorus of voices and prayersuncorked like the little brown jugthat holds all the love and memories.In the outback, Aborigines believewe create the world by…

A Rich Future

13171317 views1818 comments1414 favs

Also in development,/ the anatomically perfect robot/ pool boy and naughty maid,

3 Poems

13171317 views1717 comments1414 favs

We have always been a trashy species./ We study ourselves by examining/ garbage-- a pile of mussel shells here,


13171317 views1919 comments99 favs

Liz didn’t steal his heart / she embezzled it

Thumbs Up Jesus

13171317 views2323 comments1212 favs

Good buddy Jesus./ Life coach Jesus. Enthusiastic// and optimistic Jesus, no cross/ or crown of thorns in sight.

The Abandoned Shoe Project

13171317 views77 comments88 favs

It’s the unfinished sentences Of the children on our refrigerators That worry me the most It’s the Fake News It’s all the people Living in their shopping carts Without shoes It’s the abandoned shoe On the street And the Abandoned S


13171317 views1515 comments1212 favs

You anchor the real You make love to the true I am bound to you in consecration


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30 poems in 30 days

I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien

13171317 views00 comments00 favs

You can’t start living in The Netherlands just like that; you need to be registered first. Once an official has confirmed you’re the person you claim to be, you can start in a job. Once an employer has confirmed you’re employed, you can apply for yo

Much Ado About Exploring.

13161316 views22 comments22 favs

John was sitting at his computer one night after work, when he read an article linked to him by a friend.


13161316 views66 comments22 favs

D'ya have to be so rough?


13161316 views55 comments44 favs


The Fereigner

13161316 views77 comments66 favs

So, I escaped from the Iron Curtain out of Czechoslovakia, as was called then. That was in 1956 I escaped, and came to Chicago where all of you were for some time already. I know our grandparents came over in early part of century, but my part of family

Trees Today

13161316 views1414 comments1010 favs

are my only real friends. They don't seem to mind my shuffling down the dirty sidewalks without acknowledging their mere scraggly presences like friendly tombstones. They are growing their hair out again. I've noticed that much. We've got a…

The Nanny

13161316 views22 comments11 fav

     In the dark, alone after she was gone, he would whisper her name into his pillow and fight the tears more out of shear exhaustion than anything else. He had mourned for her even before she had passed, as he watched helpless while the disease marched slowly and…

Two Little Fictions

13161316 views1919 comments1414 favs

His work was done. For sixty years, beginning soon after his seventeenth birthday, he had listened to the gods- good, bad, somewhere in between-