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The Legend of Bo Grass

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Bo ruled the city by suggesting new scent formulas in a booming croak of a voice that shook the earth for acres around, yet as a result everybody on the block smelled like fairy breath. Or, on his BAD BREATH DAYS all of the people reeked of rotted sushi f

Or Do You Love It?

13321332 views1212 comments1010 favs

published in The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review.

Growing older, uncomfortably

13321332 views88 comments88 favs

Cafés just aren´t cool anymore unless they boast walls of exposed brick, pipes, half a chair nailed to the ceiling, mis-matched furniture back-breakingly uncomfortable.


13321332 views1111 comments1010 favs

I should have known to wear boots on Teddy’s motorcycle, but I didn’t know that when the engine heated the exhaust pipe became hot as a griddle. Teddy didn’t warn me, and I thought there was something wrong with that, but I let it go the way I jumped on h


13321332 views1717 comments1515 favs

...He steps back from the abyss, inner eye envisioning the ink sip of a fountain pen, the hard, hot brain frenzy that sends phrases marching toward another bridge between oblivion and art.

So What

13321332 views1717 comments1414 favs

This morning I heard her downstairs trying to get away silently. I knew she would write a short goodbye note. I knew it would tell me her reason for leaving —she had to be free of my indifference. I dressed, finished my coffee, backed out of the driveway and went to…

Driving Old

13311331 views1212 comments1111 favs

I drive old now


13311331 views22 comments33 favs

Ride me, I say, and you never hear. No matter how I shine my padding, it's never what draws you to me. I only get to touch you when you feel guilty, and most of the time, it's only through shorts and graduated compression socks. What does my desire matter? It all comes out…

Into The Great Behind

13311331 views11 comment22 favs

Harold’s a thinker, authors their plans. Last week he swiped six encrusted cans of Stroh’s from a faded cooler in his dad’s garage. He and LS guzzled each one in a chigger-weed patch behind the school gym, slurping and thumbing a stack of purloined


13311331 views1313 comments88 favs

The human/ is less dependable than these pinpricks// and the lunar cycle.

The Man Whose Wife Lived in His Neck

13311331 views2323 comments1515 favs

This is the story of the man whose wife lived in his neck. Every morning, he would turn to her and say, "Hello, Sweetheart. How was your night?" and she would answer, Brilliant! What else?

Strawberry Fields Forever

13311331 views44 comments22 favs

There is nothing literal about the color of strawberries. It is a beauty too celestial for this world. It can only be imagined.

Cogito Zero Sum

13311331 views77 comments55 favs

When you encounter a body laying on the road, drive over it.


13311331 views55 comments44 favs

While space and time opened up for us, the ground accelerated its attempts to devour the astronaut. Grasses grew up around his edges. Seeds propagated in the folds of his suit, tendrils found their way into the mysterious holes for the missing hoses that

My Man Wears Cherry Pants

13311331 views1212 comments99 favs

My man wears chartreuse shoes.! He wears chartreuse shoes like a new king right there on Main St.!


13311331 views33 comments22 favs

Six months ago, Gary hired a goateed designer to "defoliate" the office, trucking out all the ficus trees and spanish moss to make room for curved sheets of fiberglass and, as he called it, "negative space." Now, her voice echoes off the concrete floors.

Segment from a Documentary Film

13311331 views99 comments77 favs

the array of regularly spaced wavering human forms floating upright seems to extend endlessly in all directions.

In the hot seat

13301330 views11 comment00 favs

I sighed and looked deep into his eyes. “There is nothing more powerful than denial.”


13301330 views44 comments33 favs

"I accept it," Leo said in a low voice. "I accept it all. I know who I am, I know who you are, I might even know who Martin is, now. We all have to share this. I think I will forgive you, because I can'

Cole Porter Song Parody

13301330 views00 comments00 favs

A brief novel excerpt featuring two characters breaking out in song, with lines like 'Arabian knights dance sheikh to sheikh.'

Miss Winter Solstice

13301330 views00 comments00 favs

The palm trees bent upon her passing stride From fishnet stockings running up her hide;

The Bum and His Shopping Cart, Giving Up His Ways

13301330 views88 comments77 favs

A bum leaves his shopping cart in the middle of the intersection at 7th Ave and Perry St and walks away leaving everything behind

Billionaire* Consternation - a play in three acts

13291329 views55 comments55 favs

Is it you with that fucking gold and platinum yacht?!?


13291329 views1111 comments1111 favs

not to free ourselves// from suffering// but become the window// through which it sees//

The Yellow Wonder

13291329 views22 comments00 favs

Whenever I hear Adam Sandler's song, “My Piece of Shit Car”, it brings back memories. Notice I don't say fond memories. It brings me back just like the really bad backwash regurgitation flavor…

Keep it, Curt

13291329 views3838 comments1818 favs

Just move out.

Poem for My Wife and Three Daughters

13291329 views44 comments00 favs

Last night Ariana our second daughter, only 8,wanted to baptize you for your birthday. Her hair shimmered and the face of her joy reminded me of Two Oceans Plateauin the Beartooth Range in southern Montana.As she walked from the sink she carrieda large…

Writing in the Dark

13291329 views44 comments22 favs

and to adorn my hair I chose every kind of light

Mabel Constructed the Quintessential Boundary.

13291329 views2222 comments1010 favs

Mabel constructed the quintessential boundary. She carefully boiled down her pots and pans, her jewelry, her copper kettle, and the foils from forty six bottles of white pear cider into a silky metallic stew. Mable smeared the mixture onto a burlap…

The World Has Let Me Down

13291329 views33 comments55 favs

My mother and I are close We talk like friends I tell her about people I'm dating She gets excited for me And she asks how it's going When I tell her I think I'm gay She says nothing She does not ask about the woman I am seeing She does not ask how I am doing …