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The Song of the Jardin Venus

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The place is a living rebirth, And all death is only temporary. For soon in the land, the soil, For soon in

Napomo 17: April 7-12

13661366 views2222 comments1212 favs

The drinking will continue/ until morale improves

Moon collar

13661366 views99 comments99 favs

I don't think dogs like to die with the pack. The smell of them rotting brings trouble in the wild,


13661366 views55 comments33 favs

" are a freak of nature..."

Of the smokers I’ve kissed

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The man next to me on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto makes me think of the smokers I’ve kissed.

Three Flash Sonnets

13651365 views1616 comments1111 favs

Poor souls. Likely they'll be poets.

When Serpents Had Stairs

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Pombo had never exhibited such powers of concentration with elevators or with other escalators, the young girl confessed to the museum staff.

The Boss of Bosses

13651365 views77 comments33 favs

The one thing my father told me that I want to believe is true . . .

Made in Japan - 2

13651365 views44 comments11 fav

My motivation as a filmmaker for traveling to Japan was economic and opportunistic. American military occupation had accelerated westernization and, when Japan regained its sovereignty in 1952, their economy was rapidly expanding. Led by manufacturing and export of items…

I Wrote a Book

13651365 views44 comments22 favs

About halfway through reading some book that was supposed to be some really deep shit, I decided to write my own book instead.

Phil's Last Stand

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Phil was scared. Not of his own shadow, but of the three men from ConAgra who'd dropped a duffel bag of green outside his den the week before.

The Pilgrimage

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Frey wanted to see heaven without having to die. He had returned from the sea after being gone for three weeks, ranting wildly about a giant ship he had seen in the distance one afternoon.

Fish Stew

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It made a satisfying ‘pop’ when Donnie’s nose crushed under my knuckle-scared right. I threw another to his jaw, and then a left into his gut. It had forced the air out and Donnie crumpled to the floor gasping, half sitting, gurgling through his nose.

Dog Days

13651365 views1818 comments1717 favs

The air is dry and smoky from a fire some miles away. The air is cool. A pair of vultures is soaring in a circle high above the rising land.

Sex in the Hothouse

13651365 views33 comments11 fav

"Heaven-high, choking on our own breath and each other's tongues."


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“Hi, I'm Mike, and I don't wanna work ... Wanna play foos?”

My Name is Philippe

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I ought to see, in Mr. Smith's dilated pupils, the projection of his last reverie.

Poem for Amy Winehouse

13641364 views66 comments55 favs

Last night I spoke to the universeon your behalf. I don't know ifanyone understood my plea, but I did, I knew what I meant,heard myself implore the cosmic stuffing we'reall fluffed out of to please giveyou a second chance at life's happiness, evenif that's impossible, the…


13641364 views33 comments11 fav

It was the end of a New York City summer, the heat and humidity thick all around. But in her body it was an unforgiving winter, the memory of pain always leaving her cold

No More Tears

13641364 views55 comments11 fav

When Bill was in the hospital, one month bleeding into the next, his mother visited exactly twice, both times complaining of the things she needed or couldn’t get rid of: mop heads, bleach, dustpans, detergents, grease, turgid water in the basement. And

Caitlin in the Y2K Museum

13641364 views22 comments11 fav

Two months after Peter moved out, it opened on the eastern-leaning boulevard, a stone's throw from the water. Caitlin heard about it from a friend at a bar three weeks after that, found that the concept wouldn't quietly settle in her mind, and made plans

Michael & The Reaper

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That sound. Bone against bone. Skin across skin. Blood fraying into the unknown dark. He loved that sound.

Roy G. Biv

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Perhaps a blue person is more alive underneath than a red. Red is eye-catching and flashy, but blue is substantial, secretive. Of course, blood is red, and there’s nothing more substantial than blood, but we’re on blue at the moment, and the thought

A Gardener in February Thinks About June

13641364 views77 comments77 favs

I want to be that daring gardener who ploughs up her front yard -- to the horror of the Neighborhood Association.

Snake, Rope

13641364 views1919 comments33 favs

The snake was fang-less and so had to choke her, making the kill bloodless and drawn out, just the way she liked it.

Interview With a Pimp

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He went to the switchboard and rang one of the rooms. I moved away to a discreet distance so he could make his pitch in private, and soon he came back to the desk front. "He d-didn't like it much, b-but he said to s-send you up. Room 412."

How to travel with your Demons (4)

13641364 views33 comments33 favs

I also understand if you don't think that's fair. But consider this: If she doesn't operate according to those rules, then where are we? Isn't that anarchy?

A Body Divided, 1

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A Body Divided: Memoir 1 When I came back home, after coming down with polio, everything had changed for me. I'd been gone for forty-five long days and nights. But it was Halloween, a time very nearly sacred for children in the Midwest, and it broug

Residual Flashbacks

13631363 views77 comments66 favs

Residual flashbacks; just tiny bright lightning bolts that flash in front of my eyes, just like standing watching a soaring bonfire on a cold and frosty November night, pinprick sparks flying up into the endless darkness of the night.


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3D is killing my porn career.