Most discussed stories

Drop Water

11461146 views1919 comments1010 favs

slather consciousness

Polite Grafitti

16561656 views1919 comments66 favs

He was entirely guilty of what he had done and wanted that to be acknowledged and understood by the arresting officer.

Modulus of Elasticity

13181318 views1919 comments1515 favs

The limbs lift again,

sex at antioch

25012501 views1919 comments77 favs

the definition of beauty is easy

The Rest Nowhere

14081408 views1919 comments1212 favs

A screaming comes across the brain

The Wind Chill Factor Kicked In

14341434 views1919 comments66 favs

People disappeared in the 70's—young girls, teenagers, they always said they ran away. Nobody really believed that the next-door neighbor was capable of that kind of horror. These two girls disappeared and the police had been digging up the farm of t

The Intervention

11101110 views1919 comments1515 favs

"You're publishing too much too / quickly. We think that's unhealthy. We want you / to slow down. You're becoming a fame whore."


428428 views1919 comments66 favs

I realize I am standing with my hands on my naked hips, my panties and shorts are clumped around my left ankle.

Not Death but Decrepitude

808808 views1919 comments99 favs

A bedridden ward of the state,/ warehoused in a nursing home,/ unable to drive to the liquor store/ for whiskey and cigarettes,

The Way Home

19521952 views1919 comments1414 favs

I’m in the Grand Central Station bar-- the one at the top of the stairs-- waiting for my husband to enter so I can watch him. The bar is crowded, everyone getting in that last beer before heading back to whiney children and tired spouses.

The Silence of Harold

14031403 views1919 comments1111 favs

It's been sixteen days since I spoke with another soul. I don't mind much, but I know enough about people to know most would think I'm mighty odd. Muriel, for example. She'd be pissed as all get out. …

Flying Tiger

12031203 views1919 comments99 favs

I screwed my courage to the sticking point and asked him if he had shot down any Japanese airplanes. He grinned at me. “One,” he said.

Why Mr. Doss Had To Die

14961496 views1919 comments1212 favs

He held my little hand in his and guided it through the dirt.

God Bless You, Mr. Rinsewater

30883088 views1919 comments88 favs

Once upon a time, on March 8, 2011, to be exact, there was a flash fiction writer named Rinsewater who had a novel idea – flash fiction writers whose stories were published by indie lit magazines must be paid for their work!

The Rising Tide

12361236 views1919 comments1111 favs

I'm just a rental dog myself looking for the guardian of starlight peeing on the expired parking meters and barking up all the wrong trees.

Glory Hobble

12681268 views1919 comments1212 favs

I was to limp with stunned, growing horror, as I navigated through the swirling smoke and maze of human corpses...

Écriture de la chatte

15021502 views1919 comments88 favs

YKK is a zipper manufacturer whose initials stand for Yoshida Kōgyō Kabushikigaisha. A boy told me (and I believed as a child) that YKK was my name in code.


17001700 views1919 comments1111 favs

Her bulldozer of a husband died five years ago.

December Can Feel Like April Here

13551355 views1919 comments1111 favs

Today the isobars are far apart.

Why I write

19441944 views1919 comments55 favs

I sprawl, I spill and I splutter

Lule of Raw

13891389 views1919 comments88 favs

A discussion at the homeless colony under the expressway overpass crossing the river:

In Brief

10291029 views1919 comments1010 favs

I can admire Falling Water and find Mr. Wright a complete shit.

Migrant Workers

13611361 views1919 comments1111 favs

Emma pushes through the door of the corner market, aiming briskly for her car, keys in one hand, grocery bag in the other, shoulder bag slung. Best not to make eye contact with the loitering boozers and bikers from the bar next door. Double take. Can't…

The Cosmos as Gerunds

10471047 views1919 comments1111 favs

There is no there or where but rather/ trajectories of probability

I Wish I Could Say This to Your Face

12531253 views1818 comments55 favs

The day you came home, after three extended tours in Afghanistan, I wanted to welcome you at the bus station, but I was afraid you'd attach yourself to me again.


15331533 views1818 comments1010 favs

She was a forward-motion girl. She never bothered to learn to walk as a baby. Instead, she stood up and ran.


12691269 views1818 comments1313 favs

Taken by agents of the United States of America, Felix Six-Killer grows up at the Carlisle Indian School near Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. His hair is cut and oiled. His shirts are starched and creased. For months he is startled to find himself seated for…


16181618 views1818 comments1313 favs

A woman with spirit appeals to men who fish because she is still alive.

Why We Came to Target at 9:58 on a Monday Night

19401940 views1818 comments1313 favs

Donnie remembers just in time. So we run practically every stop sign and red light in town, and get there just before they close.

A Quantum of Disappointment

12621262 views1818 comments1212 favs

Reality winks at us then scampers off