by Jake Barnes
We are being good. No booze until five o'clock. We drop by a bar in town about 4:55. Belly up to the bar. At five we both order a Budweiser. We order another 5:05.
There are a cluster of ladies at the far end of the bar. I can't take my eyes off a tall blonde with green eyes. I catch her eye. She looks at me long and hard. I take off my Resistol and put it on the bar top. I comb back my hair with my hands. The blonde looks away. Her cheeks are red. Steam is coming out of my ears.
I get off my stool, hitch up my jeans. “Where you going?” Bob asks. “John,” I tell him. I mosey on to the back of the barroom, glance at the blonde, walk through a door labeled “Men.”
Inside I take a piss, wash my hands, splash water on my face, comb my hair with my fingers again, take a deep breath, and push open the door.
The girls are gone. The only women in the place are a middle aged pair sitting at a table. One looks like an old Nancy Reagan, the other like Eleanor Roosevelt.
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212 words
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Tales from the sordid past of a scoundrel.
This is a tremendous slice of man beer. I love it. I might add one detail to the narrative about the tall blonde with green eyes, something to distinguish her from others in the world who pass for that description, a detail about her clothing or jewelry or facial or body or hair features, something to suggest that the narrator, he, may be a tall blonde with green hair aficionado, something to firmly remember her by though she is gone. *
hah! story of another time in my life...
I wrote green hair and meant to write green eye aficionado.
What can you do...
I like the way this opens. Good moment. *
To say I've been there done that doesn't do this justice. You capture the desperation and anguish this deserves.*
I love this. And it isn't a gender specific experience.
Misjudgements return like pissy ghosts.
A tragedy-or maybe tragicomedy--in one act. This seems the perfect distillation of love and loss, along with an appropriate dollop of posturing. Liked it a lot.
Ha! I love the moment, the moment captured and lost. And it has such feeling while being so straightforward in pacing. Very well done.
Another little perfect confection.
The illusion goes down the tube with the beer. Nice Jake.
This is a great short. I love that it felt somewhat animated, despite a certain sadness. Good balance.*
Love this. Very cinematic. I see Sam Shepard. I feel for the man.
The hottest ones leave first...
Thank you, thank you, one and all. I truly appreciate your comments and your "votes."
If someone said to me, "Jake Barnes, what does he write?" I'd flick on a big neon sign pointing to this. *Favorito*
Jake, such a good opening sentence and that it's in 1st person POV says so much about what the man is willing to put right out there. Such a funny last line. Over and over you are able to get a whole story out of so few words. An art.*
And I appreciate you reading my work and your comments on "You Are."