Tara slept naked, her slender dancer's body stretched over damp and wrinkled sheets. On their balcony, stripped to his cut-offs, Will fought the New Orleans heat and humidity with a cigarette and cold beer. He'd been here two months, never expecting to stay this long. After two tours in Afghanistan, he'd had a job lined up in Shreveport.
But that was before Tara.
Two stories below, a man—likely a conventioneer separated from his companions—shuffled along Rue Dauphine. Two younger men in jeans and t-shirts crossed the empty street in the shimmer of a 2 AM street lamp. They appeared to ignore the lone reveler, apparently lost in their own conversation, but then pounced when they came even. They pushed the man against the door of the store-front holy-roller church. He thrashed and elbowed to no avail. One assailant punched him in the gut. The other struck him in the face. Their victim sagged to his hands and knees, and in the end ceased to resist the pilfering of his watch, ring, and wallet.
Will re-entered the apartment, intent on going out and offering help. He was nearly to the door when Tara opened an eye. “Where you goin'?”
“There was a robbery.”
She rose to one elbow, brown breasts lolling in the shadows. “I tell you when you go.”
That wasn't exactly their arrangement. He could leave anytime. If he really wanted to, she wouldn't stop him. “I should check on that man.”
Her lips parted, and her tongue, two-pronged and serpentine, slithered forth and across the room, over articles of clothing—thongs, bras, tops, and skirts—left to lay where they'd fallen. Without moving her body, eyes unblinking, she unzipped him and slipped inside. She wrapped around and gave a tug. Then, that quick, her tongue snapped back into her mouth.
This was no new trick, but it left him rattled every time.
She grinned when he steadied himself against the sofa. “Boy, I know you.”
Partly, he hated himself for it. Partly, he no longer gave a shit. “No, really, that man could be hurt.”
She stood on muscular legs. six-pack belly shiny with perspiration in the pale light. Then she did that thing where she shimmered before separating into two identical Taras. One of them said, “Come on back to bed. I ain't done wit you yet.” The tongue of the other lashed out and flicked his ear.
In the Korengal Valley, desperate men edged among ancient stones. Out on the street, a voice called for help.
Will closed his eyes and exhaled, shutting out the Valley and the voice. He focused his mind on a single point like she'd instructed. After a few seconds, he shimmered and divided, too.
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488 words
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For the season. Originally appeared in the now defunct Milksugar Lit.
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Liked this the first time and I like it now.*
A sexy one.
Nicely done. I see both the triumph and failures of human nature within this.
Interesting. I wish it were inaccurate. *
Reminds me of Keat's Lamia, a Gothic romance staged in New Orleans, which is the perfect locale for such shimmer. Don't know what connection the Korengal Valley has, but it seems right somehow.
Good to see this one again.
Gary, this is magical. I remember it from before and I'm glad you reposted it. What we do to block out the horror, eh? ***
Dark magic and such a payoff at the end. Perfect for the season.
You would think there were no new stories about returning soldiers but then, this! Wonderful and disturbing
I also meant to say *
Yikes! Power packed. *
Perfect. **
First time read for me. Conjured memories of Angel Heart. Dark, seductive horror. *
Yes *
I like it even better the second reading.
nicely, nicely done, Gary. Fine piece.
*, Gary. You soaked up some good NOLA sensibilities while you were there and your good work set in that environment seems to always work for me.