Alphabetical stories

Love Story

997997 views11 comment00 favs

I don't know when it was I first stumbled across your blog. I know I definitely must've followed the link on your twitter profile, but how I found you in the first place, I have no idea. But fate works in mysterious ways, I suppose. I remember I then visited your blog every…

Love Story

15811581 views66 comments22 favs

You longed to rip off her butterfly wings and watch her scream in agony. You ached to carve the steel from her eyes.

Love Story

990990 views1111 comments77 favs

You are a warm winter Despite the presence of snow

Love Story, a Sequel

12351235 views2121 comments1111 favs

He hid in parks and abandoned apartment houses until his wounds healed. He ate nuts, berries, and seeds. A shy, gentle soul, he watched children playing on the monkey bars, and thought of his lost youth.

Love Thy Neighbor

11611161 views33 comments22 favs

The summer I turned fourteen I wanted a job so I could start saving for a car. Actually, I had a job, but it wasn't much. Seventy-five cents…

Love Tracer

10631063 views77 comments44 favs

(2:56 a.m.): "Hi it's Charlie it's Pat at 4:00 in the morning my time. I just wanna tell you that I wouldn't mind getting him in bed with you the rest of my life."

Love Verse

10081008 views55 comments44 favs

A gentle man, and a fierce woman, charmed one another in a shaded gazebo.

Love's Hinterlands

822822 views22 comments11 fav

Sit down at night and stare into the fire. Consider if Cupid is just another liar.

Love, Story

30863086 views6464 comments4141 favs

I don’t read fiction he said dismissively and it was such a profoundly ridiculous denial of something so essential like saying I don't breathe air or I don’t make love or I don’t like music for fuck’s sake that all I could think to say in response

Love, a comet, omens and wings

11961196 views33 comments33 favs

My love for him like wax wings/ so long they stretched eternal— beating in the sky, grazing peaks,

Love, Mortar

18571857 views66 comments55 favs

My love for you is like a brick. It sits silent in me when you bring out my food at the Dine and Dart, red tray aloft, your skin gleaming like grilled onions. My love is rough around the edges but solid through the center, fresh from the kiln. My love for you is…

Love, your daughter

559559 views1010 comments77 favs

You gave me all of the power, and none of the power.


856856 views11 comment00 favs

Then there she is, and she makes me love-sad; it's a vehement, absolute, hard love-sad no one else needs to understand, though they can see; it's an emotion so concrete it's felt from the chest, not from a tenuous concept called heart.


16951695 views2222 comments1515 favs

There's a mutual recognition...


10021002 views55 comments55 favs

Black bugs are falling, fluttering down like big, black snow flakes. Two bugs, almost always, sometimes only one.

Loved, Stupid

10431043 views22 comments22 favs

I want to be adored for something and chose poetry to be that something adored for. But Annie doesn’t see why anyone would ever choose anything over love.

Lovelandtown Tavern

565565 views44 comments44 favs

James Hubert III sat at the bar. It was late. His wife and kids were long in bed and he knew he should be, too. But with the Lovelandtown lift bridge stuck in mid-air, a drink beckoned him. He sat next to Vince DeSantos, a small, stout man, with a bowling

Loveless Lover

979979 views88 comments55 favs

Love me like a crutch Love me when I'm strong


10551055 views22 comments22 favs

The leadoff hitter must be comfortable accepting that he will almost never be the hero and will not be anyone's favorite and he will not be the baseball card that is traded for simply because his skills and abilities are subtle.

Lovelies on the Beach

11651165 views1616 comments33 favs

He doesn’t intend to lie after this. For now, he just wants to take in the sea and the quiet.

Lovelies on the Last Shore

13251325 views99 comments66 favs

All of those lovelies, pitched on the ground, ignored and ready to rot.


10381038 views11 comment11 fav

I would open an eye, waiting for it to absorb the scant light in the room, and I would see her on the far edge of the bed, the topography of her hips now a battlement to keep me at bay.

Lovemaking For People Who Talk During Movies

11711171 views44 comments44 favs

“We don’t need to kiss.” I say coyly, morphing the angles of my body to look cute, irresistible. It would be easier if I’d brushed my hair. “Pretend I’m a prostitute.” I instruct, ”They don’t kiss their clients.” It’s a reference I’ve made before, but not

Lover's Spat

10271027 views55 comments44 favs

“You haven’t been listening, have you.”


10481048 views88 comments22 favs

The lawyer is having a party the next weekend.... He's celebrating because he won a court case to have his alimony reduced.

Lovers on the Lawn

10211021 views44 comments22 favs

One day, every girl I’ve ever slept with showed up on my lawn.

Love’s Course Is Full of Stones

237237 views22 comments11 fav

Come with me to a place where the sun and moon are quiet, and day and night are equal to the point they are no more. Deny at last the springtime in its most false of promises. Reject that life is death, accept that death is life, ignore or embrace love's…

Low Clouds

11551155 views55 comments22 favs

We lay in what we have made, minute fleshy bullets in the target we have made.

Low Dose Yoga

10301030 views1111 comments77 favs

Names are forbidden here. So is apology.

Low down dirty fame.

932932 views55 comments33 favs

I admit it ... I started writing when I was completely depressed. When I had nothing else to do than just sit back, relax, feel bad and wait until the hurricane slowly passed by (luckily there were few casualties).I thought I was an exception ... but a lot of…