by Mathew Paust
Love heals.
Lovers know this from the start,
Yet they may not know with certainty
What love is.
Not that it matters especially
When they find the magic within the power
Of unfolding lust,
Of redemption,
Of unmitigated joy.
There's a mutual recognition
In the eye to eye surrendering
To trust,
To promise,
To the unimaginable other.
And when all is gone its memory remains
To wield the rage,
Reminding the heart
What love is.
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Reprising this from my early days here. I'm surprised it still seems to work.
This is true. I hope. *
A pleasure to read.
Thanks, youse guys.
Redemption. *
Nicely done.
True. Like David Foster Wallace said every love story is a ghost story. I read somewhere he was misquoting Virginia Woolf when he wrote that. *
I wanna know what love is!*
Thanks, friends. Dianne, I love that Wallace/Woolf analogy...wait, I *like* it. ;)
*, Mathew. You write really good poetry, too.
Thanks, David. I'm never sure if my stuff works poetically. Feedback is always appreciated.
***Of course
Mwah, Nonnie.
So great, and worth the revisit.
Many thanks, Darryl.
Good poem, Matt.
Thank you, Bill.
Damn, Mathew... !!
You are too kind, JLD. Many thanks.
Very nice, Matt.
Thanks, Kitty.
"When they find the magic within the power / Of unfolding lust"
Ah -- so good!!