Stories tagged trust

States of Residency

251251 views3232 comments1919 favs

My grandmother was born on a wooden table, in a dark kitchen, in a blue house, in an apple orchard. When she was seven and complained of a sore throat, the same doctor who birthed her took her tonsils out on that rough-hewn table where she was born, where

Some Forms of Trust

1010 views00 comments00 favs

A friend of a friend of a friend was less fortunate and got knocked up at the worst possible time; rumor had it some vindictive bitch’d taken a safety pin to the condoms.


13771377 views00 comments00 favs

Once upon a time a queen was blessed with twin sons, which she named Nosch and Amiaivel.

The Right Words

5656 views22 comments00 favs

When you purchased this stone-backed cottage with its iron-flanked façade and ten untidy acres fronting an abandoned trail, you knew you’d buy a horse. It had been a dream of yours as far back as childhood.

I know ...

10651065 views00 comments00 favs

But here it was, Friday afternoon with Deborah checking MySpace for interesting bulletins or messages before she made some weekend plans, finding a blog from Fred posted that same morning with two simple sentences. "I know. I've known for a long time.

(5) Forgiveness

11811181 views00 comments11 fav

“Charlie was right about you, Nan,” she said in a voice of pure defeat. “You are a gentle spirit. And probably too good for people like us.”

Sweet Tooth

11441144 views33 comments11 fav

There was a hole in my tooth. It wouldn't let anything go.

(7) Plus and Minus

17791779 views11 comment11 fav

"Her actions in the city seemed invariably designed to destroy that person, which she’d worked so hard all her life to become."

Dirty Aubade

15381538 views77 comments55 favs

We could kiss under the elder tree, even though it was forbidden, even though we were drowned by the noise of the river and nothing we said was right


906906 views22 comments00 favs

I’ve been silent for a long time. All my life, actually. And it never occurred to me whether or not that was a bad thing.

Walk the Walk

7272 views55 comments33 favs

If we hope to survive current global implications...


18831883 views2222 comments1515 favs

There's a mutual recognition...

Why Things Are Just OK with Me

10861086 views2929 comments1313 favs

With such demeaning precarity, I can’t read/ anything more than a thousand words

Trapeze Artist

682682 views1515 comments1313 favs

Solitude is such an excellent alternative to suicide.