976 3 1
But I sense a tremor in your soul as well, young friend, a yearning of some sorts.
1023 2 1
When Reg Cuff heard that Sandlewick's abandoned Tiny Town model village was up for sale, he sold his home and failing business and moved right in.
1036 3 1
I used to see kids at the mall with those extendable "kid leashes". Like the ones made for chihuahuas. Like the ones made to squash a good story, you know...
680 2 1
See if you can come up with the pattern. There is very little run-up to the theme. I am not making this up...
1386 3 1
The orchid trembled on its long stem
1150 2 1
Well, yeah but no one that wasn't pointing a gun at me, mostly. I shot at a lot of people but there were only three times when I can honestly say I know that I blew someone away.
1149 2 1
His touch, even now, seemed to set off tremors inside her.
1154 3 1
She's an obese woman whose clothes don't fit: shirts that ride up too high her belly hanging out her pants suctioned to her strangely pegged legs. Her ballooned cheeks are always chapped pink her lips little slivers peeled back over small beige teeth like…
664 4 1
Go ahead, show the soul its own beauty. But also tell me again about my own, so I may know I lived, and loved you. The one who shows the soul its own touching beauty gets to keep her. Who shows her the golden nightly song that's given us life, is like t
800 3 1
Watching himself dissolve comes with no sense of meaning. It is simply what it is. He finds that curious.
1661 2 1
It’s late July, and I’ve just been given the assignment to cover Paganfoil’s ‘Warbird’ tour. To tell you the truth, I really loathe this assignment. I never, ever, EVER cared for hard rock or heavy metal or whatever they’re calling it this dec
1238 3 1
Today is my birthday. Well, my assembly date, anyway.
1378 2 1
It happened right after I had taken my Uzi to work, retrieved it from my Brooks Brothers briefcase, and fired it upon my desk and its assorted discontents, their paper lives bunched together by clips and notary stamps of approval, now set flying and free. I then walked into…
1398 5 0
I like to think of my poetry as fungus, sprouting out of the dank and fertile soil of my imagination.
1445 4 1
I am a dog – four legs, a tail, a carefree enough manner, I do this, I do that, get into fights, sniff the ground and so on
969 2 1
“Good to see you, old man,” Greg said. He was like that, an investment banker, a latter-day Tom Buchanan without the polo ponies, self-consciously fusty.
1379 1 0
It wasn't until about 2:30 that my hairpiece began mauling small children.
820 4 1
And there was Kathi R in the summer of 1969. She was from Wheaton. We had tons of unprotected sex that summer. She was short, almost no breasts, but man, she could reach down behind me somehow and grab my balls at precisely the right moment, and bam, ba
1232 4 1
"I am lying on my back and am confused."
1210 4 0
“I’m making a dress,” she said, feeding the pages through the sewing machine.
He didn’t know how to answer. “Are those my books?”
634 2 1
Together they explore availabilities
1736 2 1
Jimmy Gollihue awoke to the howling of a bloodhound ...
896 2 1
At one time it appeared that
Everyone was walking their own angel
On a leash, but
Now we're not that sure at all
And it could come out in song
That it might really be the angels
Who’ve been walking us
All along
All this broken glass
977 1 2
I dig with no light to guide the aim of my shovel but the stars peeking through the trees which are fuller now then when you went away.
258 2 1
1095 4 1
Tree full of dimes and dollars
764 3 1
It was a stupid thing, but one I'd gotten away with before. My bagel was stuck in the toaster, and I probed a knife down into the slot without unplugging the appliance. BAP!—sparks and smoke, and before I knew it, I was dead.
1249 2 1
Are you a hostile person who gets into trouble when you express your anger? Would you like to annoy the hell out of people and get away with it?
1831 2 1
At first I thought maybe I was dreaming, or hallucinating from the lack of sleep and a high altitude. I peered out of the small window and thought I saw a man walking stark naked along a path maybe twenty feet from my trailer. He walked briskly into a one
1138 4 1
It's come down to this: you're a grown man afraid to face his own son. For the past few years there has been tension;…