1236 6 4
“What took you so long?” she asks. She seldom asks me that when we’re done, but today I feel ready to protract the glory, to tease out its rise and fall like the lingering chords of a Debussy pastorale.
1340 8 4
Mimi: Santa, I am so down with taking a number, but I really can't have you reading that particular story.
Santa: Let me be the judge of that. I am Santa. I give presents to kids.
1262 4 4
If Single Stroke Seven were a cocktail, it would be a Bloody Mary made of one part Worcestershire sauce, the other part gas station vodka, and ketchup and hot sauce packets swiped from fast food joints. Chill with ice crystals chiseled off freezer walls,
1241 7 4
Francesco needed a magnifying glass to read her little missives.
900 7 4
not in the interest of verisimilitude/
for there's plenty of that in each day already/
as trajectories interrupt other trajectories
726 6 3
1205 6 4
French citizens. The friends were all citizens of a half-assed France. The friends were all half-assed citizens of a French stance. Carol was more American, more eggnog, more cream-of-wheat. She represented dull victory.
1175 12 3
I think we love sex because it brings us so close to the heat of creation that we can see the smoldering flames and the light rising from twigs being rubbed together between the legs. Okay – your turn!
1348 7 4
and the moon shines on like a silver dollar
and coyotes in the desert scream and holler
584 5 3
Are you interesting?Are you clever?Are you, maybe often, sometimes never?Are you shining? Pining?Are you glowing?Are you worth knowing?Are you a life without zest?Are you mainlining strife …
1121 5 4
1413 5 3
The Black Thing spread over the room, eating away his mother's face as well as the doctors and nurses who dashed in a frenzy around him until they too were swallowed in the black singing cloud.
1127 5 4
She is alone in the ocean
1154 6 4
After the Tokyo experience, Frank and Michiko decided that when she went on extended tours, Frank would accompany her.
1236 9 4
There was only the sound of crickets.
1073 9 3
I've never liked kind eyes;I prefer drive.Or fire.And when a woman's eyes are described as "doe,"I hear "dumb."Like an animal.
805 6 4
Her tits were perfect
But came with a white picket fence
Around them
104 6 4
1249 4 4
This story* is brought to you by
1510 4 3
She brought the ends of her fingers to her mouth and moistened them in her warm saliva. The whorls of her prints glistened in the harsh light of the room, but it wasn't her own outlines she was interested in raising. His hand lay outstretched in his…
1291 6 5
When I first started out in my working career, I made it the habit of obtaining jobs with companies that were about to go under. (I wrote more books while on unemployment than by any other method.) I was a real bloodhound at sniffing out the pre-dawn od
1453 5 5
His people eat soggy casseroles and smile with tight lips.
980 5 4
The renegade states- Virginia, Georgia,/
Texas, and the rest- should have lost their names
841 4 4
only after
you slipped away entirely
807 5 4
Each brief life is lived in dedication//
to the honeyed buzz of the colony,
1192 7 4
She was dressed to seduce one man: Francesco Martinelli.
1200 8 4
He was ready for the rub. Tense. She could always tell. The legs, the shuffles. He had to be frantic before he would come to her, his own wife. Vanity, fright. She could read him like a book open on the table, turn his pages the way a fish flakes. "It's comfort night,…
1269 6 4
. . . laughter and madness.
926 5 4
i hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
104 6 4
There are horse drawn carriages, gentlemen in top hats,
it's the turn of some century, before souls were stored in jars.