a body lost in thought
stays hopelessly lost in thought
for as long as the latte lasts
and the coffee shop stays open
and the moms don’t gather with their baby carriages
and the bums don’t bum overly much
and the trust funders don’t lose too
I have an appointment set for the day after next; you said you thought you might be firing blanks and then I feel a kick into my chest—two kicks, three, seven at least—my cat is going crazy at the stinky tom outside the window and the birds are waking, sc
After oh so many hours
the eyes could only close
only to view a Ritz cracker
marching on a nose
I was in a Chinese restaurant
trying to read the menu
when I realized Hunan
was only 1 letter off of Human
I thought it read Chicken Human
This was just in a dream, so I ordered it
It was delicious, but kind of salty
Then someone at ano
She has a mercenary way of doing business and she's pretty shrewd. I make her stand outside to smoke her cigarette. I stay inside watching her stance as she violently tugs at the barrel, tearing every ounce of smoke out of it, then stamping it out as I wo
And I admire//
the orchestrations of ants and honeybees/
and the persistence and adaptations/
of the cockroach.
FedEx merges with UPS
Not for the short attention span
leave a trail of potential weapons dropped from your shaking hands. you must always make it easy for him to follow.
Sleep never fades away quickly. It has to be shaken off, layer by layer, before reality can reach you. That is the way every morning works for me. There are some days when I will sit at the edge of my bed for almost an hour, shedding remnants of dreams
these tender girls tears recent / with stained souls, brides of dead, / cadaverous Erebus; unguarded ladder / long the down going…came Anticlea then
And there on the street
Were a bunch of frantic pigeons
Picking over some discarded
Chicken bones
I mean they were really
Going to town on them
You know, frantic
Like there was no tomorrow
And then I saw it
A real sign of progress
“We could dooble date,” he said.
Unfortunately, the question had a similar impact on me that a command not to have thought about rhinoceroses would have—once suggested, I could think of little else
I put my arms around her and whisper to her while she plays the piano. She wiggles and tells me to stop it.
But my point is, this isn’t a Thomas Kinkade. It’s not like you can pay me fifty dollars and I can drive to the Twombly store and buy another Twombly.
Ego bereft of consistency Betrays a heart hungering to toll. Unable to trust its will Or harbor imaginary gods, It gains a hold melding into a role whose proven viability Can give convincing cover To buy time to fabricate An identity that feels unique, Yet…
He has one good eye and is missing the other. The socket of his missing eye squints with a disturbing and unfathomable insight.
He is sitting in the infinite rain
and the water is making him some infinite silhouette
She wore no bra. As she jammed the truck into park and pushed against the heavy door, he saw the points of her nipples against her dress. Ice filled his belly, the most beautiful pink-colored ice.
But no matter how we died, we all end up here, in the Meadowlark Children's Cemetery.
“What took you so long?” she asks. She seldom asks me that when we’re done, but today I feel ready to protract the glory, to tease out its rise and fall like the lingering chords of a Debussy pastorale.
Mimi: Santa, I am so down with taking a number, but I really can't have you reading that particular story.
Santa: Let me be the judge of that. I am Santa. I give presents to kids.
If Single Stroke Seven were a cocktail, it would be a Bloody Mary made of one part Worcestershire sauce, the other part gas station vodka, and ketchup and hot sauce packets swiped from fast food joints. Chill with ice crystals chiseled off freezer walls,
Francesco needed a magnifying glass to read her little missives.
not in the interest of verisimilitude/
for there's plenty of that in each day already/
as trajectories interrupt other trajectories
French citizens. The friends were all citizens of a half-assed France. The friends were all half-assed citizens of a French stance. Carol was more American, more eggnog, more cream-of-wheat. She represented dull victory.
I think we love sex because it brings us so close to the heat of creation that we can see the smoldering flames and the light rising from twigs being rubbed together between the legs. Okay – your turn!
and the moon shines on like a silver dollar
and coyotes in the desert scream and holler