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This is Poop Patrol!

13471347 views88 comments33 favs

Sherry and I stand on the sidewalk on a sunny morning, watching her dog take a dump. She's new to the neighborhood and we've just introduced ourselves. The dog, a handsome poodle, does the deed efficiently. “See you later, Gloria!“ Sherry says…


12361236 views55 comments55 favs

I got an email notification that your relationship status had changed to Single...

Possible Wildlife (redux)

521521 views55 comments44 favs

This caused a problem when some raccoons, skunks and a fox were found lingering on and around the premises (separately, of course).


10461046 views33 comments44 favs

LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHINGIf you think by your death you have left me alone, to pine, to regret, to watch cable tv, you're wrong.At bedtime I wear a new black lace gown,and arrange myself to advantageon sheets finer than any we shared.I've left the…

Eager To Please

18091809 views77 comments33 favs

She didn't care for the taste. Slightly salty and sweet at the same time, but she let him come in her mouth just the same

I Am Speckles the Clown

12181218 views77 comments44 favs

Food is silly. Eating is silly. Yet the camaraderie of sharing a table is not silly. It is sacred. It becomes silly when the jello arrives.


13601360 views1212 comments44 favs

It rises rigid and plumb from its heavy base, the severity of line yielding to grace only at the throat where it crests into a subtly constrictive pinch.

Life Sized

11531153 views55 comments55 favs

The first time I saw Little Man was on a bright, hot afternoon near the end of November, when the trains had just pulled into the fair grounds and the familiar smell of upturned turf and sun-basked animals returned to Sarasota.

The Meeting

11251125 views55 comments55 favs

When he leans back from the telescope through which he had been looking, he sports a derby and a Hercule Poirot moustache.


12251225 views55 comments55 favs

I don't see why you didn’t get a dozen while you were at it.

Geek Love

721721 views1010 comments44 favs

We’ve clicked/ and tapped ‘til dawn/ and our exhaustion meet,


12081208 views66 comments44 favs

Luke was in the gutter, his face in stagnant water littered with cigarette butts, condom wrappers, and green shards of glass from broken beer bottles. A man was kicking him in the face with a boot the size of a U-boat, over and over and over again. Blood

Blues Repeat

12431243 views99 comments44 favs

don't look at me honey, I fell on the table, my hair is on fire, my heart is unstable

No Cheese

896896 views66 comments44 favs

My supper consisted of no cheese My marriage consisted of no violin

Dangling About

13541354 views77 comments33 favs

Looking at his pale and pimpled flesh, he was repulsed by his flaccid and lifeless member. The accompanying bits, dangled about far from his frame as the summer heat drew them away from his sweaty and unwashed body.

(after Hemingway)

12451245 views1212 comments33 favs

FOR SALE. One prom dress, never worn. Size 18.


11411141 views77 comments44 favs

I can take you away, away, away.


12421242 views55 comments55 favs

Where you used to exist, there will only be spaces.

prophecy of the playground

586586 views55 comments44 favs

they deafen you with cute / knive you with sugared songs / with machines turn love to silicon shit / hurl you at the god Fun / debrain you in their schools.

Searching for a poem

13291329 views55 comments55 favs

Each person in each car could be poetic/ Duende, but they look at each other and ask/“Did you fart?”

Border Town Dawn/There's a Momentary Cloud (Reach for the Sky)

963963 views77 comments55 favs

Border town meant one thing; we were caught up real good in the middle of something preternaturally dangerous; and understanding was at the very least a hundred miles or so away in either direction. All I…


997997 views66 comments55 favs

pulled the wool off my head found i was almost dead

Chapter 27: Prosperity Meteor Showers and the Human Ingenuity Tenders Lasting Economic Recovery Act

975975 views77 comments55 favs

... the CBO issued a concise and brilliant report demonstrating that the most cost-effective and permanent solution to the multiple problems presented by persistent poverty in the United States was the elimination of all those with prorated household or i

About Those High Tension Wires In Our Backyard

13001300 views44 comments55 favs

In all the years we lived here we never had any issues from the power towers behind our house, other than them being slightly unsightly. I didn't even notice them when we would socialize out back, especially when drinking. When it rains you can sometimes

Oedipus Speaks

13431343 views33 comments11 fav

I don’t know what happened. One day I was in her room, groping the various drawers for hidden condoms, glimpses of women’s undergarments and I found a spectacular pair of blue lace panties

Consider the Living

11601160 views77 comments44 favs

we're not at war / with the world. We have papers.

You Can Go Now

12231223 views44 comments55 favs

The summer when I was six and my sister Audrey was eight, she'd walk around our house pretending to be in a trance, fingers strategically hovering over my mother's vases and lamps, leaving smudges behind on my father's heavy oak desk and rocking chair. She'd lumber past my…

There is

11651165 views55 comments55 favs

another way to play with all that is that doesn't involve killing for profit. I believe that, don't you? There is always a much kinder response to the failing dawn of secret night. Dancers know the power of this beautiful all encompassing …

One Regrettable Talent for Tragedy

13811381 views55 comments55 favs

Vandalina embarked on her career of serious dramatic roles to widespread acclaim, her depth of feeling and potency of delivery winning her thunderous ovations and gushing reviews . . .

A Martyr

10021002 views1111 comments33 favs

I've written of this and I've written of that, Have scriven as you have it either that or this: But if you strive against the wind when you decide to piss, They say, you'll find up firing against your hat- Like some old Brother who was broiled when…