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The Snow Whale

24222422 views1616 comments2121 favs

“I found out the most amazing thing,” Mike said. “I used to be like everyone else. But I sent away for a DNA test where they trace your ancestry.”

The Fuckers

10711071 views1414 comments77 favs

The fuckers tumble out of the bathroom like clowns from a tiny car. The girl has these huge tits and dark red hair. She rushes past me, smelling like chocolate. A guy's behind her, holding onto the back of her jeans. He's not good looking enough to…

She Used to Have Nails

29212921 views1414 comments1212 favs

...the job was easy, just pour and deliver, pour and deliver.


734734 views2929 comments1818 favs

It was in the last expulsion/explosion (theories differ) that we became OneWith. Tsunami. Seism. Zud. All matter cast out outcast came back like a gangster on crack. What did it think it was? Who do we think we are? It thinks we think it thinks…


19161916 views2323 comments1717 favs

I watch my mother No longer beautiful or charming Her left arm shaking Her mind a gone thing no longer doing her wrong Wandering away from me in the mall To kiss the hands of strangers...


368368 views2727 comments1818 favs

Sleep shall take you where plutonium Stars the drinking pools with light.

The Promise Land

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One sentence

We Don't Need No Education

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“There’s an ill energy that emanates from your precise heart that I find attractive”

Marine Forecast

12751275 views2121 comments1616 favs

A favorite place doesn't always offer comfort.


14981498 views2020 comments1818 favs

Unexpected Fever

Nostradamus Dies of Gout. Nostradamus Dies of a Broken Heart. Nostradamus Crosses a Bridge that is Yet to be Built.

63036303 views2121 comments1414 favs

Nostradamus died of gout on a Friday evening. He would be the first person in history to die of complications relating to gout. Spiked rods of crystallized uric acid pushed their way through his synovial fluid just as he composed a quatrain about the end

A Beautiful Ancient Ghostly Passionate Spirit of the Stars

17041704 views3333 comments1717 favs

Fabio has a soul of passion. A beautiful soul of passion. His passionate soul was so beautiful the ancient stars shone upon him and made him look like ghosts at night.

Deep Inside The Light There Are No Dreams

14111411 views2323 comments1919 favs

Mack’s mind held a chandelier.

In the Red

13531353 views2121 comments1919 favs

The younger woman asked Scott if he loved Jesus.

Our Story in Ten Photographs

14721472 views2727 comments1818 favs

1. The ghost that photographs my wife and me has a peculiar sense of lighting. In this one, we are sitting at the kitchen table of our old apartment. The table is made of glass. There is nothing on the table except our elbows. She has lowered her head between her…


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I loved my Dad. He was executed in 1967. He was guilty.


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the dream went by this way/ i woke and held a cigarette/ the hudson wore winter white

Writer Conversation with Husband

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"What, you only like my funny stories?"

All Art Is Betrayal

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a world of probability against plague

Swimming Pool

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My glasses fog up every time I go to collect her from the pool. I'll never get used to glasses. When my sight got suddenly worse the day she was born, I didn't tell anyone. As she turned from baby to child, my love for her grew, and my world got smaller,

Two Summer Poems When I Wanted Three

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That summer...

How to Be a Conqueror

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The movies he liked best were the ones in which white people played Asian leads. Since his girlfriend had left, that Barry was adopted had seemed to become more of a fact.

The Star of David

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Everybody in Amsterdam spoke English, and unlike the French, they didn't pretend that they didn't.

Damned Writers

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Didn't Max Perkins die, like they said?

Man In Hiding

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I answered with my usual economy of words. If someone wants more, they must ask, and he did.

Keep it, Curt

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Just move out.

The High Line, New York City

18701870 views3535 comments1818 favs

She doesn’t notice the small group of women in saris, emerald and garnet, sapphire and citrine, the cloth covered with mirrors glinting in the light. Or how they link plump brown arms, frightened or delighted by the attention, huddled close, bird-like ch


15491549 views2323 comments1818 favs

Five girls wobble into the train car. Their blistered feet protrude from the bedazzled straps of their sandals. Conductor: “Girls in the back with the open containers, you can't have those on the train.” A heavy-set girl in a belted yellow mini-dress…


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The train sits in the main station and you see a man foist himself into a seat next to a young woman in jeans, stabbing his lit cigarette close to her face, "Don't you ever pretend you don't know me again, you hear?"She freezes. Only her eyes frantically dart, lock onto…

Rome Ants In The Sky

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