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12381238 views1818 comments44 favs

Why is the sky grey he asked meI don't know, I saysudden flashes of light snowbloat the cloudssea gulls are squawkingexpect them to peck at my headI have nothing to feed them

No Word for Enchantment

11011101 views1111 comments66 favs

fanned lashes on rouged cheek a glamorous sea creature in violet perfume

I Liked My Giant Friends

10571057 views55 comments44 favs

When you say they were too big, too wild, they weren't too big to be giants. Giants are meant to dwarf things. They can't help it. They're not trying to make you feel helpless to give them a haircut. They just grow fast. But they…

love letter

14541454 views1818 comments44 favs

At night, I fold your name in origami doves and blow, hard, and you are disassembled come morning.

Our Travels on Fire

10101010 views66 comments55 favs

We were offered mannequins that had pubic hair that grew and swirled, and could visit like a pet, and sit in your lap

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

14271427 views1414 comments44 favs

One of the women is a brassy blond, and when she takes off her coat, I almost choke on a French fry.

Black Coffee

15891589 views55 comments44 favs

“I don’t see how anybody could do it.” “I could do it. I could do it because it ought to be done. When a thing needs doing, it’s best to go on and do it.”

1939, What I wanted

10531053 views99 comments66 favs

...when suddenly I was pushed from behind, smack into the deep end.

BOLO: Alfred Chester's Wig

18631863 views99 comments44 favs

It was there, and then it wasn’t, the victim of a magician or a swooping seabird.

The Blonde With a Sweet Pair

12141214 views77 comments55 favs

Long, elegant, with a touch of arch,

Stand Up

17331733 views1919 comments33 favs

"And you’ll forgive my sayin’, your Maggie’s in heat, and if ya want to keep her you’re gonna ‘ave to fight. To be sure after this they’ll leave ya alone.”

The Sky Writer

29082908 views88 comments55 favs

All eyes aim towards the heavens.

Radioactive Rain

11801180 views77 comments66 favs

It’s an almost mystical experience, walking in the warm, radioactive rain. It’s a rare moment of peace, a gathering of breath before the next storm, before the next wave of panic, before those frozen in shock come to themselves and rush through the stree

holding it down

12291229 views88 comments66 favs

You lazy fuckwit! You half-assed shithead!

The Tertiary Stage (he probably thinks this poem is about him)

312312 views88 comments55 favs

They say his irrational outbursts and insane rantsare the results of untreated syphilis. Well, thatmakes perfect sense to me. I've always thoughtof him as a tessellated spirochete, a narcissistic chancre,festering pustule of a blistered imposthume. And whywouldn't a…

Bare Ruined Palace

10431043 views88 comments55 favs

Every encounter is a dance, every secret has its key

Oh, Myth...

17271727 views1010 comments55 favs

Philip Ahearn woke up in an empty field. Last night had been one hell of a party - he almost hooked up with Rosamund - and, at the time, it seemed wiser to crash outside than to drive and really crash. But he wasn't a kid anymore and sleeping on the…

Baby Catalogue

11381138 views22 comments22 favs

my mouth is open, ready to bite your tiny toes

The Fereigner

12931293 views77 comments66 favs

So, I escaped from the Iron Curtain out of Czechoslovakia, as was called then. That was in 1956 I escaped, and came to Chicago where all of you were for some time already. I know our grandparents came over in early part of century, but my part of family

Not Lao-tzu's Magna Carta, lxiv - lxxii

12241224 views77 comments55 favs

words have their own ancestors,/deeds are commanded by their own lords./ knowledge and thought do not make me understand—/no surprise, then, that I am not understood.

Meanwhile It Was Nuclear War

472472 views55 comments44 favs

“Whup!” he said, as a lorry pulled up in front. ¶ “Here’s your lorry.”

Black Widow

12261226 views99 comments55 favs

Hair as black as a Raven’s wing. Dark eyes. You wore a black dress, too, my favorite color.

Assiduity Twenty Four

10161016 views66 comments66 favs

The grand piano, . . .

Tyler is learning about girls.

17601760 views1414 comments33 favs

Tyler has a Mars bar in his jeans pocket. It’s warm and soft. He tries to insert it.


11081108 views55 comments66 favs

You say you want a resolution Well, I got one Let's start with nothing at all No logic, no war, no whiskey or bombs

some days are

11221122 views66 comments66 favs

some days are minotaur shit on your tongue/ smokestacks dumping acid rain on your already thinning hair your eyelashes pinned in upside down, backward/you give wrong shaving directions to the mirror

Five Evangelists

10791079 views1111 comments66 favs

Five evangelists in bathing suits baptize a man while green chilies roast on a Ferris wheel rotisserie

Hungry 6-Year-Old Crashes Car While Driving to Applebee’s

12741274 views77 comments55 favs

That sort of says it all, doesn’t it? The skirmish for truth must be fought early in the morning. Lies happen later in the day. Big lies occur in the night. And this belongs directly on the surface of time as well: Alleged shoplifter arrested


915915 views1313 comments33 favs

I'm available most weekends.

The Infinte Wheel

12001200 views99 comments66 favs

Scientists have discovered what I already did once on dope way back in the Sixties. There are so many other earths out there that they are almost infinite. Now in our other lives we have to shuttle from planet to planet reading our poems. And