Merry Go Rounds
are always the same
the swan, the horse,
the cat, the dragon
swing round time and
time again to the sound
of wailing, strident music
to be followed again by
the swan, the horse,
the cat, the dragon
the whole night through.
The figure of my lovers
the swan, the horse,
the cat, the dragon
revolve in just the same manner,
no matter whether they were
women I had already met
or never were, they were
all alike. I felt that love could
not be paid for or else could
never be paid for enough.
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Love this. Love the way the poem takes the reader around and around and then stops. Jarring and true.
Merry go rounds - life's continuous movements. Beautiful poem.
The motion and pace within the lines - very effective, Gary. Good poem. I like the emotional charge here. *
Thanks, all
I love that it's "Merry" Go Round and not "Sad" Go Round.*
I feel that way about men at times. *
Thanks, Tim. Me too
Beate, I totally hear that!