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Things Worth Saving

16001600 views1919 comments1717 favs

It felt like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, like I’d walked into a house that looked like mine, but belonged to someone else.

Suspended Heart

15991599 views77 comments77 favs

The suspended heart became an oracle of sorts. Hung from a string, immersed in the kind of glass container in which tulips grow, it was located between Bath and Body Works and Kleinfelter's Jewelers at the north entrance of the mall. Someone had lost it,


15991599 views1515 comments1414 favs

I see those shoes and the status they confer, and I know what they cost.

Everything I Have Is Broken

15991599 views2020 comments99 favs

My mother’s old china no longer reflects. It’s value is now estimated as drywall.

Fruit and Vegetable

15991599 views99 comments44 favs

I walk into the fruit and vegetable market and she sees me right away. I've been trying to avoid her and have been successful for more than three weeks. The break-up was not a good one. I still have a scar over my left eye where the glass ashtray hit me.


15991599 views2424 comments1313 favs

Later I take his hand, and I lead him up the stairs. I want to show him something, I say.

Bring Me His Head

15981598 views2020 comments1616 favs

Just bring me his head, that cerebral kiln of hot, ruddy verbiage and cadence.

Honor Grade

15981598 views3030 comments1717 favs

It was a surprise they put me in a dormitory, not a cell,

Model T Ford

15981598 views1919 comments88 favs

It lies in rusting riot of shadowed days. Flying high its emblem wings, forever stalled.

Harley Davidson Fanny Pack

15981598 views33 comments00 favs

Harley Davidson fanny pack

The Sound of Barcelona

15981598 views33 comments22 favs

There’s no obvious difference between two years ago and now but it’s not the moment to contemplate the reason for the racket or why it took so long. Instead, it’s the time to renounce atheism and thank God that the noise has finally finished

Poet Begging on Subway Car

15971597 views1313 comments88 favs

The subway train pulled up and I shuffled on board. I announced to the whole subway car: “I’m a poet.” And that was all I needed to do. It was like a miracle. Someone got up immediately and gave me her seat. People got in an orderly line and began

Love and Destruction In A '67 El Dorado

15971597 views1313 comments1111 favs

He had her pinned to the back seat, expressing his love. Do you love me? she whispered in his ear. Do you, do you, Jimmy Dale, do you love me? His only response…


15971597 views1414 comments44 favs

"What I need to wear the ring for," I said to myself, "I already got his last name..."


15971597 views22 comments33 favs

The reaction had started, the hives and respiratory swelling. Maddy huffed for air, each inhalation rattling her throat louder, more hoarse.

Training Exercise

15971597 views1212 comments1111 favs

The other day I’m in the backyard with one of my kids, doing what he’s calling a training exercise, which is basically the two of us with flashlights, shinning the beams over the grass and up into the night to see what we can see.


15961596 views1919 comments1313 favs

On the bed he tickled her until she was crying with laughter. And then the tickles became caresses, the fingers, lips.

Why I Don't Write Sex Scenes Anymore

15961596 views1111 comments99 favs

I’ve had my face talked off by those types (and I’m sure you’ve met a few) who need to say and hear “special” words, and they go "unh-hunh, unh-hunh, o yeah, o yeah, unh hunh."

Inky and Vague

15961596 views1111 comments77 favs

She was the blonde one and the dark-haired one and the one with curly hair and the one with straight hair, the one in the long scarf and even the boy with the camera.

I Don't Blame You

15961596 views1515 comments1212 favs

for going forthe river and being blinded by its millionsof invisible fish, all sparklinglike pink enchanteddreams made of rosequartz and shaped like glassroses, who would? I fell for an illusionaftermy own fashion,but I could alwaysadmit mymistakes and catcha laugh out…

A Necessary Evil

15961596 views2323 comments55 favs

But it was a necessary evil and one he’d made peace with, easy to do when he arrived home each day to the comforting touch of his wife, his home.


15961596 views55 comments55 favs

Ishpeming straddles Lake Superior to Marathon, reaches into the water, pulls out a clump of frozen hotdogs, breaks them apart one by one, rolls them between its fingers, heats them on the thigh of its corduroy pants, and throws them into the sky. Comets t

Open Orchidae

15951595 views33 comments22 favs

But Jana insisted to see this miracle, this antidote for the mundanity of existence.

Major Chaos

15951595 views1717 comments66 favs

Major Chaos came here one of those hot days. I was washing the floor, wearing old clothes, when he knocked on my door. Since I don’t have many visits, I let him in. At first, he seemed like a soldier, but upon reflection I realized he was a big green fr

Marcel Unchained

15941594 views1717 comments1111 favs

Street mime in white face and white gloves, trapped in invisible box. Tip jar empty. Marcel's solo-dancing the tango now, teeth clenching ephemeral rose. Passersby pass him by.

ANYONE but Shakespeare

15941594 views88 comments66 favs

Shakespeare was Shakespeare, after all, the greatest poet the language has ever boasted: why did Shakespeare’s contemporaries even bother with their paltry efforts?

Being Old is No Place for Sissies

15941594 views88 comments66 favs

My natural blonde hair is no longer sultry. Instead of a Dietrich look, I now assume a dead on impression of Bette Davis in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" some mornings.

What Einstein didn't say

15941594 views44 comments33 favs

First you must accept / the speed of light as constant. / If you can’t do that, stop reading.

Round the World Now

15941594 views22 comments22 favs

It's true that he had always been more pure than her, looking for the authentic experience, authentic food. And more adventurous. Blogging their way around the world, yes, that had been his idea . . .

Ordinary People

15941594 views11 comment33 favs

While I didn’t like to see Courtney swat smokes out of his mouth and admonish him, saying “Cigarettes. Bad. Fire. Bad,” her home was such a beautiful place, with its real wood and two TV and all...