To Lt.General Fred Eze. Ndu National Special Adviser to the New President Alhaji Umar Musa Yara Dua Federal Republic of Nigeria:
Dear Sir,
I am the Highness, Director and Curator of Sir Naked Lady Bong of Flower Mound, in the Republic of Texas, Mr. Kevin Phillips, esq.
I was thrilled to obtain your email offering me the foreign part payment of 5.6 Million USD through an accredited security shipping company for my unpaid contract in service of your government.
Please to excuse me the wasting of some of your precious time, my brother. But I am delighted to inform you that through our computer added softwareness, YOU have to been chosen as our Nigerian contact for the transfer of fundage used to research global warming. How ‘bout them apples?
In exchange for your assistance. In taking the transference to your bank account of twenty four million US dollars a small fee will be granted to yourself for your assistance. 4 million US dollars. I know this is not a high amount but due to Interpol scrutiny, we have to carefully suggest funds left to pay great citizens such as your.
The twenty four million will be coming on bank wire — that is no concern of to you. Your small fee will be looking to find in Nutella jars at the Nigerian airport, locker # 458. Please do not be alarmed by the tall man who meets you at by the locker at the airport. He is there for safety sake only. He will check your indentification, or you could. Simply send.
It to me now; your choise. If you smartly choose the ladder option, you may email me a copy of your passport and picture ID, address and phone number to this email :
You will get other emails such as this and know they are not authentic without my personal asphyxiate on it, thus: &
Please do not fall prey to them and the organization of them. All we need is the information I listed above and the activity can begin to happen with your fee being paid thusly. We indeed have contacted lesser men/women than your excellent abilites, so you must act now in order to act now on this matter of four million US.
Best Regards,
Kevin Phillips, esq
Republic of Texas
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Lt. Gen. Fred was kind enough to let me know there's big money waiting for me...just need to send him my info. Thought I'd return the favor.
Qick, please to inform me how I can get in on thesis opoortunaties!
My also am on it, you bet, four square. As deposit am sending 40,000,000,000 zlotys, no reciept to need.
( Great idea, Kevin, perfectly executed. There's a reserved parking space for this at the Naked Rowdies Group.)
Jerry...just head for that Nigerian airport.