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pink sizzle rizzle

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

if you have a key fob, you are fired. If you have a real set of keys, you can stay


10191019 views44 comments22 favs

The air smells like dream, like farm shit, like the salty stalling of evolution.

He's Sarcastic

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

I got kicked out of a soup and salad place last week for trying to buy a large soda so I could sit and eat my sack lunch there while I read “Love’s Desperate Creatures” by Dorothy Danville. Have you read it? Its great. I’ll give it to you when I’m done

What is Retirement?

10191019 views33 comments44 favs

But what “is” retirement? All of the previous sections in a life are full of detailed descriptions. But “retirement” is somehow left rather vague. One would think that retirement would be the long-awaited GOAL of life. But instead we are left with the

Blanket of Ivory

10191019 views44 comments00 favs

Diane couldn’t shake her compunction. Though eight and a half months had passed, nothing felt right anymore. Their conversation played out in her dreams, and stilled her during everyday errands.

Black BoBbY BuRiED

10191019 views44 comments22 favs

Bobby turned black yesterday. Not like his ethnicity, or skin color. But his soul. Not his soul. Not black either. But a violet desecrating blue. That kind of blue that use to sit in the ocean, then dried up, and vanished into a big terrifying stupor. He looked at me with…


10191019 views55 comments33 favs

I build pedestals.It's hard workHeld together by sweat, love, and lofty thoughts - an unsound foundation.The tiniest bit of heartbreak,and it comes crashing down. Always, I blame the builder and not the vandal. The next one will be…

Great Gatsby Roulette

10191019 views33 comments22 favs

It was May of my senior year in college. Everybody was coasting, knowing what they were going to be doing the next year, or that they’d be doing nothing. Except for one guy, Tom.

Three Questions on Distance Running

10191019 views99 comments55 favs

Do you see the hot coals of doing? The way time sizzles or wilts…eat those coals.

Editing Academic Papers at 2AM

10191019 views11 comment22 favs

To stop myself from imagining myself/ kissing you on your face, feeling your/ eyelashes on my lips as I pass over them,/ I imagine myself murdering you with/ an axe instead...

(4) Caution

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

“You shouldn’t have gone inside,” he said, after she told him what had happened. “I know that’s what you’re used to doing here, with people we know. But he’s not from around here. Don’t go back over there, okay?”


10191019 views22 comments22 favs

No one saw him arrive at the half-moon garden just south of Delancey, no one saw him hang his cage from one of the drainage pipes, but by the time the rest of us got there, the bamboo frame was already covered with silky, golden cloth that reflected the e

Airline Passengers! Is There A Right To Recline?

10191019 views11 comment11 fav

It's called the Knee Defender. But I prefer to think of it as the Schmuck Identifier.

Open Wounds

10191019 views11 comment11 fav

Where the skin had grazed, shredded by the coarse gravel to form scabs, fascinated Jack. It reminded him of his youth and his own grazes, scratches and stitches. As a boy he imagined scabs were rough foundations of igneous rock, blood like lava pouring th

There is a feeling in my hands,

10181018 views00 comments00 favs

There is a feeling in my hands, fingers, a restive, potential energy, drawing inward, reaching

Five Stories About Inexperienced Youth

10181018 views44 comments22 favs

1. Pharmacy Randy approached the counter. It appeared that the only person in the pharmacy was the pharmacist himself, Mr. Crubby, and from the sound of the stiff white bag crumpling he was busy saving someone's life, or at least ameliorating someone's …


10181018 views1515 comments77 favs

It seems that back in 1911, Kaiser Wilhelm came to this town


10181018 views55 comments55 favs

Summer nights or frozen winter, the crackles of his black.

Bone & Air

10181018 views66 comments66 favs

Devoid of flesh and muscle, Composed of bone and air.

Junctions / Decisions

10181018 views22 comments22 favs

Next to you, the mother tightens her grip on her stroller. The young teenager tears her gaze from her mobile phone for an instant.

Dread and Circuses

10181018 views55 comments77 favs

It is claimed we choose/ conditions of our servitude.


10181018 views22 comments00 favs

She’s gotten more involved in the game with menopause.

All Men With Well Trimmed Beards

10181018 views22 comments22 favs

Or, do my own red flags counter balance his. My back and forth, my restlessness, my one foot out the door, my ‘once a leaver… always a leaver’, my pitter patter for a former flame... peppered with my transgressions, my mistakes. Or, worse, the way I have

Bog Crossing

10181018 views66 comments33 favs

Written within five minutes, being a parody of the artless vacuity of observational 'poetry'(By Tedward Weeney and Seamus Spews) The large wind in the treetop tells the blackbird its own voice. The yellow grainyard resounds to the clodding of my farmer's…

How to Stop Doing and Be

10181018 views1212 comments55 favs

Monday will come soon enough to get/ what needs to be done, done.

the total compiler

10181018 views33 comments33 favs

The idea of an infinite textual universe occurs in many places in the works of Jorge Luis Borges. The contexts and permutations of language, which others had held to be perhaps infinite (allowing themselves to use such an imprecise term), that…

Broadbeach Bargain Bin

10181018 views00 comments00 favs

The ice in Mum’s drink clinked as she rolled the glass across her forehead. “Ith that a gay thing or ith that a vampire thing? ’Coth I’m finding thith all a bit confuthing.”

The Boot

10181018 views22 comments33 favs

my crotch-heavy press of 'Yes.'

You, the Real Story

10181018 views1010 comments99 favs

I don't need to be toldhow natural you are, not here.I'm reminded every singletime I open my eyes.What I want to know iswhere have you gone? Whyhas it taken you so verylong to return? But Iknow the answer. You aresomewhere fighting for your dearlife. It's what we all do--in…

The Dead

10181018 views66 comments44 favs

The dead want you to calm down.They are quite fine, and don't needyour post-mortem tears, the flowers and veils; their names mispronounced by preachers. None of your catechisms will do -- especiallyfor the children, who know them well and need no…