Ashley Poulter

Location Asheville
Occupation Editor in Chief, Head Blogger
Website http://
IM (AIM) uncashbo

About Me

My previous 'about you' read as:

Just graduated from Mars Hill College with, of course, a BA in English. Now I'm looking for a job while I work on my writing in hopes of sharing my quirky stories with other people waiting on the right kind of quirk.

Now it reads:

Glad I got my degree in English. I'm now the Editor in Chief of a publication and the Head Blogger for another. I spend my entire day writing what I love, being creative, and helping other writers. It's funny how things turn out. And even though my job is to write, my hobby is to write as well.

I'm a professional writer now. How weird is that?

Why do you write?

The average life. I like to sneak in the little things of the everyday, ordinary, banal life and find that they end up setting my characters on a completely different path. My entire life has been like that. Most authors can probably explain why they write better than me. I write because...I like to write. It's the one thing I know I have the ability to do.

Any favorite authors? Books?

This is the Sophie's Choice of questions. Stahp.

Ashley Poulter's Wall

James Lloyd Davis – Sep 13, 2010

Ashley, I do appreciate your comments and the fave on "Night Letters to Saint Jude."

Robert Vaughan – Aug 18, 2010

Hi Ashley, welcome to Fictionaut! I hope you like the site!

Jules Archer – Aug 16, 2010

Hi Ashley!
Thank you for commenting on Halo. Happy you read it and enjoyed. :)

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