Mark Stratton

Location The CoMo
Occupation Personal Flying Monkey

Books by Mark Stratton
  • by mark Stratton
    CreateSpace, 2011.
  • About Me

    I am a writer/poet living in Central Missouri with my wife, three cats and an overactive imagination. I've had a few poems appear on various web publications, am a frequent contributor to The Book Times, and have a poetry collection titled "Tender Mercies" available.

    I've given thought to mapping the inside of my eyelids, but it requires closer study.

    Why do you write?

    I write because I can. I enjoy it, it's relaxing in a panic inducing fashion. Keeps the nightmares at bay.

    Any favorite authors? Books?

    To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
    Anything by Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, C.S. Lewis, Barb & JC Hendee, Mark Del Franco, Charles Dickens (loved Nicholas Nickleby)

    Poets I enjoy: Tony Hoagland, Carl Sandburg, Ada Limon, Heather Grace Stewart, Natasha Head, Mark Strand, Stacy Lynn Brown

    Mark Stratton's Wall

    Erin Zulkoski – May 03, 2012

    Hi Mark! Welcome :)

    writer – May 02, 2012

    Welcome to Fictionaut, Mark! Great to see you here. *pours champagne*

    Thanks so much for your insightful comment and fave on "Slanting Rain". Much appreciated.

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