by Bill Yarrow
they talk but they don't really talk
she says
they fuck but they don't really fuck
he says
you've been together forever
the baby boomer says
marriage? marriage is passé
the millennial says
that that is is
wrote Shakespeare
whatever is, is right
opined Pope
favs |
38 words
All rights reserved. |
This poem was published in PANK 4.
"Epithalamion" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
Very cool! I like this, Bill. Not much else I can say.
Great closing line, Bill.
The final line is a killer. This tells so much in so few words and is deceiving in its simplicity, because the undertones are quite complex. Well done.
A clear and powerful he said/she said. The closing really kicks.
Yes. But I'm not quite sure I really understand why and I'm not in the mood to make something up, but ... Yes.
(I had togo back andput spacesbetween eight of the above wordsbecause I think there is a blueberry muffincrumb under the spacebar. Yes, I see, but I'mjust going to have to findthe aerosol can.)
Mr. Pope came to me on a flaming pie and said, "Tell him to put a comma after the first "is," or his what-is will not be right."
Whatever that means...
Dismal and I hope not true advice for every bride, and with very little good news from Alexander Pope to lighten things up about the deadening qualities of routine, the going on when you can't go on but do. Withal, an oddly uplifting poem. I think its concision is tonic.
Nice & neat. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. Fav.
You became more laconic that +
and a bit more vulgar that -
/I like lyric without bad words/
But sum is *
//marriage=spoilage by Russian//
You became more laconic that`s +
and a bit more vulgar that`s -
/I like lyric without bad words/
But sum is *
//marriage=spoilage by Russian//
"Do not spoil coffee by sugar,sausage by mustard, love by marriage!" that is proverb by mathematicians of Lviv university:)/12 words/
It's so simple and yet it's the he say/she says/they say that's the heart of this for me, ending with Pope as the decider. Nice.