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My Son Thinks He's French

19821982 views2020 comments99 favs

My son thinks he's French.His accent was cute at first, but it's starting to get on my nerves. If he asks for another glass of Beaujolais I'm gonna go to jail for child abuse.Yesterday, I walked upstairs to make him turn his new Jacques Brel album down and I swear it…

My Life as a Part-Time Rapist, Full- Time Comedian

19811981 views44 comments33 favs

The rapist was caught on December 23rd, the day before Christmas Eve. Everyone in town was surprised to learn he had a wife and two children; a son and a daughter, the same age, and a yellow Labrador retriever.

Slices of Matisse

19811981 views00 comments00 favs

still the water's insurrection continues, transforming the room into a silent crucible whose pure liquid melts our voices and surges above our heads.

Summer Girl

19801980 views2222 comments1919 favs

You’re bro­ken. Your eyes don’t see quite right, and your hands don’t feel quick enough. I love you any­way.

Lost and Found

19801980 views3737 comments1818 favs

list: almond message oil almond sunset tea dark chocolate 80% dry rhubarb soda lavender bath oil musk candles red light bulb

This Story Isn't About You

19781978 views99 comments1010 favs

"This story isn’t about you, even if it seems as though it is."


19771977 views4444 comments2121 favs

He watches his paralyzed left arm arc across his body, then swivel around and disappear behind his back. He does this over and over again. He's very high and it makes him laugh.

All-Night Cartoon Party

19771977 views2323 comments1010 favs

'Hey, are you supposed to be from a cartoon or something?' said the Grim Reaper. I had to take a big drink before I could reply. I didn't know what to say, so I said 'Could I see your watch, please?' He looked down my dress while he thought about it.

Am I Anna Karenina?

19741974 views99 comments33 favs

You’re often photographed at Martha’s Vineyard at sunrise, Key West on New Year’s Day, Coney Island on Christmas, and variously at dive bars in Montauk. You’re a woman of a certain age and you are also a woman of the world. You’re a 21st century

Artist Statement

19741974 views22 comments77 favs

which consisted of me being shoved down a flight of stairs. Thanks to a PELL grant in 1996, I was triumphantly run-over by a family Winnebago in the critically acclaimed, Run-Over. This lead to a series of “happenings” I conducted in alternative space

Damned Writers

19731973 views2929 comments1717 favs

Didn't Max Perkins die, like they said?


19731973 views99 comments99 favs

One morning, she used a few prim phrases to break up with me. She had her suitcases packed by lunch. She was gone by dinner. Two weeks later, she emailed me a picture of herself sitting on a small brown couch.

Peeg and Brie (opening of a teen novel)

19731973 views33 comments11 fav

TEXT TO VICKY This sucks! Sorry for the teen-speak Vicky, but it does. You saw me in the hospital. It's just as bad at home. They still don't know what to do for my smashed voice box. I probably won't ever speak again. (Maybe with a mechanical thing lik

While We Fuck

19731973 views1717 comments33 favs

When you push my bra down, so it rests uncomfortably beneath my breasts—your teeth dragging pink trails across my throat and shoulders, pushing your thumb and forefinger into my panties—you don't say that you love me. You say, “Jesus shit. Relax, baby,…

Why We Came to Target at 9:58 on a Monday Night

19731973 views1818 comments1313 favs

Donnie remembers just in time. So we run practically every stop sign and red light in town, and get there just before they close.

Romper Room with Beer

19731973 views22 comments11 fav

Romper Room with Beer We go out for a thin New York Pizza at Lanesplitter’s over on Telegraph and watch the drunks staggering out of the bar across the street to have a smoke on the sidewalk, since you can’t smoke inside bars anymore. They ga

OCD Man: a love story

19711971 views2222 comments2222 favs

The mouth is peculiar and so are the shoes.

Life Without a Heart

19691969 views1515 comments1515 favs

isn't so hard to imagine if you can just squint through the minutes like a good McGoo, slog through the headline happy seasons and sleep at it most of the day. It only hurts real bad whenever you try to carry off a roaring laughter…


19661966 views2020 comments1515 favs

Arriving at the pier I see a sailboat in dead wind. "That is pathos," Magritte says, pointing to a barnacle.

Three Short Fictions

19661966 views1717 comments1313 favs

We were to eat just meat and to become discombobulated over vegetables and bread and not to indulge in sex with strange men—men were all strange once you got used to their distance—were Lincoln logs, poles, boulders and scrub trees.


19661966 views55 comments11 fav

He didn't think there would be girlish confidences, hopes, dreams but he is shocked, appalled, by the little boys aging at ten-speed, already wizened old men ready for cancer and heart attacks with toy trucks in their hands, skeletal women beloved by men


19651965 views1616 comments1717 favs

We descended directly from Charlemagne

Last Night On Oil Street

19651965 views1212 comments1313 favs

Tomorrow the authority smashes. Tonight we march, splash, carve letters in wet paint from room to room until steel blades bend. The letters will tilt in shadows gliding over the walls to mask our tales born of fractured wrists and the ghosts, our keepers.

Automatic Typewriter

19651965 views55 comments22 favs

Rowan’s arm burned and throbbed like the center of a neutron star as it went critical for minutes turned inside-out like hours. Standing in a wall, then huddled underneath the couch, she danced around the rim of consciousness, ripping at the seams of her

Mussel Memory

19651965 views1717 comments1717 favs

Andreas Cappelanus taught that the word / “love” comes from the word meaning / “to fish.”

French Kiss

19651965 views2424 comments1717 favs

The date began badly...

Pi in the Sky

19651965 views1616 comments88 favs

The possibility for numerous outcomes – the possibility of anything, really – lives on the writer’s page.


19641964 views2323 comments1717 favs

I watch my mother No longer beautiful or charming Her left arm shaking Her mind a gone thing no longer doing her wrong Wandering away from me in the mall To kiss the hands of strangers...

Advice from Topeka

19631963 views2323 comments1616 favs

... I know all about ax murderers because Elmo, my uncle by marriage to my sister who never had any sense was one. He done killed six women in a farm outside of Topeka in the space of they say three minutes, including my sister and her bingo friends . . .

Cracking Open

19631963 views2525 comments1313 favs

Her addiction started with dry roasted nuts, and quickly jumped to peanuts. At her worst, she was consuming a large glass jar of peanuts daily. She loved while hating their salty taste and greasy feel, the repetition of tossing them into her mouth. …