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Every time Hector left his home he wondered if it was for the last time. It was Monday at 2:45, so he was standing in the bedroom near the tall mirror, staring into his dark eyes. In the past, she would lovingly help him dress with her tiny, perfect fingers. She…


12971297 views1818 comments1616 favs

I keep encouraging him to write stories not poems, but I think he enjoys writing things that don’t fit together. Things that stumble.

Fear the Future: 25 Brief Tales in Various Keys of Woe, Fear, and Loathing

12971297 views1313 comments66 favs

The three were up early to await the deer with rifles, ammunition, and coffee.

All I Know About Grandfather

12961296 views66 comments44 favs

There were days in my youth when, through no fault of their own, my parents could not drive me the seven mile trip to my elementary school. When I got older they bought me a bike and that proved duly adequate as conveyance. But when I was six years in age

Hart Crane Pantoum No. 1

12961296 views1818 comments1313 favs

One must be drenched in words.

Drinking Calamine

12961296 views55 comments22 favs

Scratching must be like what crack is.

66 W

12961296 views55 comments44 favs

He said he'd meet me at the Lyric before curtains. For drinks. Only he didn't. Which was OK. The seat was softer, roomier without him. Buzzer rang, doors closed. His loss. Rusalka was clearer. More resonant. Vibrant. Better. …

Sonnet for a Unicorn

12961296 views55 comments33 favs

My sweet baby angel has baby hair Baby angel has a golden cross lit looking at the crystal pig and kind mare The drowning unicorn comes from the waves in fits. My sweet baby angel has baby talkBaby angel has a diamond shape scarburied heart shaped…

A Delicate and Ancient Art

12961296 views33 comments33 favs

He was a sushi chef, and he would spend hours in their kitchen practicing his knife skills, and the speed with which he can put that there and this in that and so on; and she would see him on the floor most mornings, still wearing that dirty, tattered ban

The Beast Remembers Its Broken Promise and Starts to Cry

12961296 views77 comments77 favs

It's a good thing too—because Of the way that feeling Made her even more beautiful than usual. You shouldn't doubt such an obvious Feeling. It's a good thing— Because frankly you have Been informed before. When Beauty …

Toy Universe

12961296 views77 comments66 favs

She crossed the room to a tub in the center, the great woman with flowing locks of bronze, turning the taps until a heatless white became warm enough to bathe in. She added soap of some kind and the light became the bubbles,…

Lawnmower Season

12961296 views44 comments33 favs

"this is the year I'm going to plant a yucca tree in the garden."

A man with bleeding hands

12961296 views55 comments44 favs

A man with bleeding hands at the back door of Out of the Closet this morning asked me for the bride and groom figurines at the top of my donation box

Extra Ticket

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My best friend died yesterday. His name was Franklin Seever, but we all called him Lin. It started when we were in Little League. There were two Franklins on the team so Coach, who was my dad, called the fat one Frank and my best friend Lin.

Sign of the Times

12961296 views1313 comments1111 favs

As I go by I see five, six high school kids standing on the corner waiting for the bus. They are huddled together like a bunch of ducks....

Marion Winik Has Kissed A Lot Of Frogs

12951295 views33 comments11 fav

Writer Marion Winik has ridiculously bad taste in men. She's an intelligent woman and a terrific writer, a good mom with a good heart, and ALL of her romantic relationships are train wrecks.Winik recounts her quest for love at age 50 in her new book, “Highs In The Low…


12951295 views00 comments00 favs

At night, on these New England roads, there is no light, no pink sodium-vapor glow, no guideposts.

Feets You Fail Me

12951295 views1515 comments1313 favs

San Bruno avenue, six shops in eight blocks. Those Vietnamese ladies thrive on the pedicure trade.

Assiduity Eleven

12951295 views99 comments55 favs

Uzma accepts my invitation for dinner.

In A-B-C Order

12951295 views1010 comments33 favs

When she was nineteen, she began to brew a baby in her belly. She named it, and sang to it, and organized the leftover hand-me-downs that hadn't been worn ragged through by the first seven sets of recipients.


12951295 views22 comments11 fav

She saw no sense in waiting. Waiting was a weakness.

Our Beautiful Sadly Revolving Broken Wheel of a Heart is Sleeping in a Ditch Somewhere

12951295 views1010 comments88 favs

The planet looks so peaceful from space doesn't it? Want a blue Gumball? Like a pancake batter with bluish dye mixed into Its big yellow bowl and carried out by a winking Victorian Butler. Like a bowling ball with just the right Weight for your…

On Living in New York City in 2009, After Watching a Documentary on New York City in the Late 1800s

12951295 views44 comments22 favs

God's honest truth, I wake up every morning when my clock punches out its dulcet, insistent clangs, a setting called Ultra Zen Up & Out. I brush my teeth with a blue dollar store toothbrush and watch one of the five morning TV shows designed to let me know the weather…


12951295 views1010 comments1212 favs

A cult is one thing; it defies common sense that a commonly educated person cannot escape cultist thinking and belonging. That cult, A.A., is girded by police, fire, therapy, hospitals, insurance companies, and courts.

The French Revolution

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Judith was a bed wetter. Judith was a first-year college student and she was embarrassed that she wet the bed.

Questions Dog First Pooch's Kennel Papers

12951295 views11 comment11 fav

The White House released only a short-form pedigree certificate, which “breeders” claim bears signs of alteration. “The ‘K’ in the middle of ‘AKC’ is longer than the other letters, like an El Greco on an acid trip.”


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a perpetrated fraud

That's all, folks...

12951295 views77 comments66 favs

I’m supposed to be writing poems but it’s Saturday morning and I’m watching cartoons.

News That Stays News

12951295 views33 comments33 favs

Some trick of the morning light makes the tattoo on her ankle look like the burn from a branding iron. She had watched her father as he slept last night. He was handsome and innocent, like a baby boy.

Plastic Jesus in an Upright Tub

12951295 views1111 comments88 favs

Me and Dale chuck rocks at it.