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A Mess

13741374 views00 comments11 fav

A.K.AAmputated narratives of the not yet come emancipatory orderModesty would be forestalled (left aside) in the case of the title "The Mess...."But who can shoulder the visceral (cough) burden of what is to come?" - The God of Trifling Grammatical…

Star Heart

13741374 views1111 comments1111 favs

This is the place I could find my breath. I didn'tSay I understood it. I only wanted to hold someone andMeant to. I don't care about the rules for caring.This place where I could speak was incredibly far from Where I'd once met you. The place where I could…

A Little Evil Will Do You Good: Kansas City Jazz

13741374 views55 comments22 favs

When the Borgias ruled Italy they had murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love and 500 years of democracy, and produced the cuckoo clock.


13741374 views1818 comments1212 favs

She had loved sleeping in Todd’s arms at night, hearing the soft tinkle of crystal above her when cool drafts moved through the house, his hand wandering over the swell of her belly.

Litter Box

13741374 views1616 comments1515 favs

When I died, she said, she was going to have me cremated and put my ashes in the cats’ litter box.


13741374 views77 comments44 favs

She said he was missing the whole point: it was a decoration, not an actual pillow. You were supposed to place it somewhere artful.


13741374 views22 comments00 favs

You were at a saloon on Water Street. Witnesses say. You were taken out of the place and put on a sloop against your will. Witnesses don’t say.


13741374 views55 comments55 favs

It seems the people of this house were a happy family – The smiling faces, the children’s enthusiasm tells me as much. I wonder what happened to them.


13741374 views55 comments33 favs

I opened my switchblade mouth and sliced through the scab of silence.

Key West with Poo and Company

13741374 views00 comments00 favs

Excerpt from Flamingo …

Three Network News Ledes on the Death of Jimmy Buffet

13741374 views44 comments11 fav

“He spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze, and now Jimmy Buffet is dead.” —Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News “Jimmy Buffet—beloved parrot-head singer-songwriter—has given up his search for that lost shaker of salt. He…

A Little Bit of Syrup

13731373 views55 comments33 favs

"I made up my mind then, in the backseat, sucking on a cherry Popsicle, that I wanted to be like Ruby’s mother..."

The President is Giving the State of the Nation Address Today

13731373 views44 comments55 favs

But the world is smaller when I see it / from the crook of your neck.

True Romance '66

13731373 views00 comments00 favs

First thing each morning, Miss Murgy, a tall witch of a woman, cornered both of us like she did every day. "Girls…" with that she clinked a tea spoon on a shot glass, "do I have your attention?" "Yes, m'am," Vicky said. 6 a.m., six…

Noche de las Ranas

13731373 views33 comments33 favs

He pushed aside the netting and trained the flashlight on the dripping courtyard. Rivers ran off the wide pinanona leaves, surged through fissures in the crumbling wall.

Second Chance

13731373 views33 comments22 favs

He arrives at the appointed hour, driving up the dusty road in his '68 Ford truck. On the side is stenciled “Sampson's Farrier Service.” He parks in front of the barn. Patience watches from the front porch, where she has just set down a…

Good Home Wanted

13731373 views66 comments33 favs

In his fridge he had one piece of meat. He hadn’t been expecting me. I cooked it for him and watched him eat.

Sometimes You Wait.

13731373 views11 comment11 fav

Sometimes you wait by the mailbox and he doesn't come. It doesn't come, the letter, the talisman from another world you've been waiting for, and you give up. You finally open…

You, Cliché

13731373 views1616 comments1515 favs

You might as well be the man on the moon. Once touching your face was quotidian. When I tallied each day's pleasures, you, in this room or that, counted too much for me, I think. I stopped record keeping. I'm …


13731373 views55 comments55 favs

And besides, since winter is coming, the dying clammy ground cherry makes a good Pilgrim hat for the fieldmouse. We found one the day after you left, at moonset, in the garage, building a nest with toilet paper in the air filter of the car.

The Game

13731373 views22 comments11 fav

Cammie Richard's house was just like all the others in Wilchester. The exterior was vaguely reminiscent of the Dutch style; gray stone with cross beams of dark wood, with two stories and a bay window. Her yard was fertilizer green, with a giant STRATFORD FOOTBALL…

Madi's Love

13731373 views88 comments22 favs

The depth of her love for Briana could only be heard on the 80’s ballads station fumbling from the stereo in Madi’s car, awkward, just like her smile.


13731373 views1616 comments99 favs

She was as distant as Mao, someone I never met, but whom everyone carried in their eyes,

What He Didn't Tell the New Kitty

13731373 views00 comments00 favs

“What the hell kind of name is Angel? Who were you with before, some little girl?”

The Runaway Conductor

13731373 views99 comments99 favs

For another man she raced through infinite wounds and fists in a monsoon forest. Hands tied to her lover’s for a dance, a roulette of paper cranes exploding across the sky. Cascaded into the sea of black eyelashes.

Arcana Magi - c.14: Arrivals

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Danica saw her hand with the ring lifted up by Oryn. Both of their eyes locked onto the red gem and Danica understood what Oryn offered.

Burned by Shoplifting, One Store Turns to a Higher Power

13731373 views88 comments55 favs

Most loss control specialists wear standard rent-a-cop outfits, but notSister Joseph Arimathea and Sister Mary Clarus, who wear the grey, white and black habits of the Precious Blood Sisters.

Sea Shell

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13721372 views1010 comments55 favs

If it were known that I am as stupid as I am, if the press were to open that page on TV, if the laughter shot itself like fireworks out into the road--

Bed Bugs are Jumpin' in Thunder Bay

13721372 views44 comments22 favs

The little Hannibal Lectors had run like bandits away from the flames and had latched on to their equipment and gear. They screamed as the bugs crawled all over them. When they got back to the station they had to quarantine all their stuff so the bugs w