Like many little towns, ours has an archive. It is a catalog of everything that happens. It is a vast network of associations. Everything within it is complete.
Like many little archives, budget cut-backs have had an impact. In ours, information is classified and cross-referenced. But no-one can access it.
Still, if it's there, it's real.
I brought the story I was going to write with me. I handed it to the archivist.
I say: This story happened here in town. I would like it included in the archive please.
What is it? she asks while looking it over.
It's a story.
As she reads it, small lines appear on her forehead.
As she reads, she asks if I have an abstract and keywords.
I hand her another sheet of paper.
Abstract: This is a story about itself.
Subject: Sequences---Sentences---Other
She looks up. But what's it about?
I say: It's about itself.
So this is meta-fiction?
No because there aren't sentences about fiction in general. It's just a story that is about itself.
She looks at me suspiciously. She writes something on a notepad.
While she is writing, she asks: Why do you want this to be placed here?
Because the way in which the story is about itself involves a network of allusions.
She looks at me. Wouldn't it be better if people read it?
I say: They can read it here.
She says: You realize that we do not have the funds to allow access to the archive.
I nod.
She takes the piece from the notepad and disappears with it and my story into the archive.
I say: When you put it in its place in the networks of information, it will open up.
But she is not listening.
I like to think that she cataloged the story I was going to write and that it is now a little center amongst many in a vast network of ramifications. I imagine it elsewhere and complete. I like to think it is happy there.
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350 words
All rights reserved. |
No. 89 from the 100 Days Project.
i decided to post maybe a story a week, but am making an exception this because it makes me laugh.
This story has no tags.
Oh, that last line is a doozy! Fave.
I've always appreciated your style. This was a fun one - I like the idea...
This is greatness. My smile just got wider and wider as I read it through.*
Wonderful! fave
This reminds me of works by Donald Barthelme. Similar voice and approach to language.
"She looks up. But what's it about?
I say: It's about itself.
So this is meta-fiction?
No because there aren't sentences about fiction in general. It's just a story that is about itself.
She looks at me suspiciously. She writes something on a notepad."
Big like, Stephen. Big like.
Excellent writing, compelling story: 'a vast network of associations.'
A big story. Even if it's happy, a story like this will break down the walls of the institutional network that holds it ... a good thing, a breakout. fave
thanks so much for the reads, comments and lovely faves. i'm pleased you enjoy the piece. it still makes me laugh. something about the abstract and subject line.
Kakfa meets Borges and buys him a Coke. Metaphysical happiness.
thanks very much for the reads, lovely comments and asterisks.
@bill...your comment would make such a lovely blurb. thanks!
@gary..pleased that you like the piece. and welcome.
I love the idea here, so original, creative. It's fun to think about, makes my head spin. Nice writing! *
@fos..thanks so much for the lovely comment. i'm pleased that you liked it enough to allow your head to spin afterward. that means a lot.
@sam. this is a big compliment, sir. i blush a little.