by Tina Barry
Teenage Bride
The bride wore a white polyester gown with a train that extended out the door of the church and down the block. Years later, she blamed the soiled fabric for the failure of her marriage.
Wall of Icons
A wall of icons can be beautiful if you don't look closely at the hands. The hands tell stories of too short lives and unrequited love.
The neighbors gathered around the television to observe the moon do a slow striptease. Having waited so long, the moon wanted its moment in the sun. (The cliché made it laugh.)
Oh, No
She opened the bathroom door and watched the comb and brush jump a part.
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"Life of Charlotte" is included in the June issue of Ramshackle Review. Thanks editor Mark Reep.
Years later, she blamed the soiled fabric for the failure of her marriage.
What a great line.
Hands on the wall of icons. Too perfect.
Thanks Isabell and James for the great comments and stars!!
This is great, Tina. Agree with Isabell and James and love what they love here. Let me cast a vote for a section entitled "Oh, No." Wonderful!
Thank you, Bill. You've given me a great idea!
Tina, My favorite part is all of it. . . fave
Thank you, MaryAnne!
Great! Four perfectly matched sections. Love both form & content. I literally laughed out lound (barked, actually) at the comb & brush image. What an ending! * A+
Thanks, Jack!
"observe the moon do a slow striptease" Beautiful!
Thanks, Brett!