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Found Poem

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The waters rose / on the earth

| To Sew the Night Together, At Last | (A hybrid essay)

14141414 views55 comments33 favs

____________________________________I get an internet connection and send this poem out in haste: Drugs, New Orleans…


14141414 views1313 comments88 favs

When you bring information, it does not arrive.

The Forefinger of Lenin

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Who puts Vaseline on the forefinger of Lenin? I want to know

How to Make an Atom Bomb While Your Wife's Away

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I rummage around to see which of our many countertop appliances might do the trick. Yogurt maker? No, I need something with more muscle. The Cuisinart--just the thing! I pick through the detachable blades—where’s the isotope shredder?

Ant Farm

14131413 views77 comments55 favs

Every time I squished an ant with my finger, I felt a piece of me loosen and chisel off.

The Princess of Fillmore Street

14131413 views66 comments55 favs

So she started sneaking into people’s houses in the middle of the night. She’d just sit in the kitchen for an hour or so, and just feel the peace. Never took anything or got into anything. Just sat there silently.

The Rainbow Clockwerkz

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Mama Blinkey Lights yells at Papa Blinkey Lights and tells him to quit playing the fool, and when we turn our attention back to removing the shafts, we are chagrined to find that not only have they multiplied once again, but that they have gone yet farthe


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writing because it's the only drug i havesick on sadnessas the weight of the moment crumbling around me comes down some sweet second inspires…

lament of Liu Ch'e . . . while elsewhere--

14131413 views77 comments66 favs

in her silk sleeves is silence sheathed.

Actual Reality

14131413 views99 comments88 favs

Travel into the beautiful swirling being you occupy whenever you get the chance. It's your right to seek the name of the most holy one in your deepest awakening. Then will you most likely find fellow travelers splashing about in their naked auras in…

a day uptown/a night on the bowery

14131413 views88 comments66 favs

in her monestary mission, with her rosary and candles, time holds me here my feet got the travelin' blues but my hands tie old women's bones to my hair

When Borders was Alive and Well

14131413 views88 comments77 favs

I'd been working for two years as a barista in a Starbuck's in a giant, two-story Borders in an upscale mall on Rt. 355, a main artery between Washington D.C., and Frederick, Maryland. I'd finished my M.F.A in 2000 and was trying to build up steam for more grad…

Whale Lessons

14131413 views1717 comments1010 favs

Even if your heart is as large as a small car, your tongue as heavy as two grown men—even then—you will have to carry it with you wherever you go.

Drunk Sonnet (for Meg Tuite)

14131413 views1919 comments1313 favs

perjured like a fickle impulse

The Garden of Earthly Delights

14131413 views1414 comments55 favs

When I come to suck fresh raspberries' juice from your hair pressing the clasp of my mouth's purse on the oyster of your ear;


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Why am I attracted to this girl? She’s beautiful. Only five foot four, but still looks skyscraper tall thanks to those skinny greyhound legs of hers. She told me she used to dance, then giggled and said she hadn’t since she was five years old.

the morality of pens: a sonnet

14131413 views1010 comments99 favs

poets can kill, or at least they once could:/ perhaps poems tamed us, if they are any good.

Roanne's Dream

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Roanne banged the chiva, turned tricks, and ran out of road.


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Sundays after Mass, Sister Edburga gathered the team in the shower room, we stripped naked in a circle, held hands and said a prayer we’d win our game. A boy no one knew walked alongside her with a box full of jockstraps.

The Shirley School of Customer Service

14121412 views77 comments11 fav

Hi. I'm Shirley. I'm not here to help you. You might think because I wear this ticky-tack name badge that I'm your servant. But I'm not. I'm here at K-mart because my grandson said I need to get out of the house. I wish he'd get out of my house. Here are some survival tips…

Beckett not Joyce

14121412 views66 comments44 favs

Gorgonzola. It's what she was to bring this time. Plumtree's potted meat. What it was last time.

Dr. Wong

14121412 views1111 comments55 favs

Hippy health food. It all began with Hannah’s homemade granola.

Having Read the Poems of Matt Dennison

14121412 views77 comments33 favs

Having read the poetry of Dennison I hereby give up writing.

Short Fuse

14121412 views1111 comments1010 favs

he scans the headlines of the tabloids as he waits to pay. “Dog Accidentally Shoots Man With His Own Gun, Elvis's Hidden Extraterrestrial Daughter, Swedish Man Bursts Into Flames on Train Platform.”


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sacred ground bleached with the salt of bitter tears

Seattle November

14121412 views88 comments44 favs

He ate husks of bone and old paper scraps with yesterday's headlines, blowing down the street like tumbleweeds now at four o'clock in the morning.He wrapped himself in an old army coat against the November winds as he tramped back and forth, back and forth, up the ten…

Summer Circa 1960

14111411 views2626 comments2121 favs

A latch key boy, free/ to do the stupidest things-- like jumping// off the carport roof clutching a homemade/ flying machine that couldn’t fly


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The everlasting shone through when skirting the tenuous threshold of the two worlds.

Stumptown Mary

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so one time the Holy Ghost come down to Stumptown