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The Garden of Earthly Delights

13851385 views1414 comments55 favs

When I come to suck fresh raspberries' juice from your hair pressing the clasp of my mouth's purse on the oyster of your ear;

The Lovers

13641364 views1414 comments77 favs

I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, she lisps, and, with this, the fissure in the man’s head reaches the bottom of his chin and the hollow head splits in two.


15221522 views1414 comments1212 favs

...but still, when she whispers that going out now might put her in the mood later he unties from his mooring and sets them both drifting toward the gin-splintered latitudes

Before I Forget (Notes from the Oubliette)

19081908 views1414 comments77 favs

Are you there? It’s been so long since I had someone to talk to. Besides Oscar and Wilde, I mean. I feed them crumbs of bread. They’re my pet rats, my only friends. Besides you, of course. How kind of you to remember me! How shall I begin?

The Innocence of Age

15371537 views1414 comments1212 favs

“I want to show you something pretty.” She looked at me, chin on her chest, watery brown eyes looking up. Skin tags on her eyelids made it difficult for her to look as coquettish as she wanted. She tried to flutter what was left of her eyelashes, but syr

Winter Kills

16521652 views1414 comments55 favs

And on nights like those I conjure Martha's childhood, a little girl who could make the whole world fall in love with her, with those goddam big seashell eyes, enticing adults to fall into a blue-green sea that never ends, never promises survival.

2002 or 3

17241724 views1414 comments1111 favs

She was petite, pear-shaped, white, the girlfriend of a friend who'd done his degree in Russian Literature, but that's not the only reason I liked him. The husband I had for a while traveled whether he needed to or not and so I'd go with Julie and Phillip to movies,…


12911291 views1414 comments99 favs

I crave the confines of the convent

Your house, after the electricity is gone

12571257 views1414 comments99 favs

Shred the roses he posted, fling the petals like slideshows of storms.

Dark Heart

12621262 views1414 comments1010 favs

When we take Vengeance,/ shave and shower him,/ deodorize and scent him,/ clothe him in a starched shirt

Best blurb (pitch) -- and thanks, Sally and Prickly

932932 views1414 comments11 fav

The author's note explains...

so far from home

281281 views1414 comments88 favs

Its colour a spectral silver shimmered in the pale afternoon sunlight which glinted on its small red and blue insignia so far from home. The landing stage of the unmanned Viking spacecraft had broken away from the main section on schedule before starting its descent through…

X Marks the Spot

11611161 views1414 comments1010 favs

I was an only child....

Collect Enough Fragments, You've Got Yourself a Poem

634634 views1414 comments1111 favs

I. The sun's corona. Empty boxes near the firehouse. Red birth. A bird's lost wing. II. The bitterness of littleness. Apples in a pile.Early love.A spider, swinging. III. A father's harshness.Twelve bills unpaid. Leaves in a crevice. A dream…

The Apostate

16361636 views1414 comments1515 favs

A crone dressed in black pours liquid from a bottle onto the egg. Whiskey. Gasp! The egg cooks before our eyes!

The Memory

795795 views1414 comments88 favs

The old lady is losing her memory. She forgets people's names yet so familiar to her. A little sheepish, she takes her basket and walks to the village. Just like when her legs were young, suntanned, shapely and attractive. Along the footpath, by the shop windows, over the…

Holiday Newsletter

145145 views1414 comments99 favs

Dear Friends: Thank you for all your newsy newsletters bragging about your children's accomplishments and your exotic travels this year. We, too, have had a wonderful year. Our son, Rick, was arrested for possession of cocaine but…

In the Stream of Space Expanding, Eddies

10941094 views1414 comments1010 favs

Microscopic purposes emerged// with their combinations and permutations


15861586 views1414 comments1212 favs

they'll leave soon for the drive north on the interstate

The Grave of Rimbaud

12751275 views1414 comments1111 favs

I visited the grave of Rimbaud. / It was pale blue


12461246 views1414 comments55 favs

She's the one you remember when there's talk of the blow.

Invite to a Death

14601460 views1414 comments55 favs

I'm the joker of the pack in our office, although I think a lot of my humour is too subtle for my colleagues

Dr. Nishad

18271827 views1414 comments66 favs

Sometimes she imagined the piles of Dr. Nishad's medical waste at the end of productive day at the hospital. Stacks and heaps of connective tissue, lung matter, gristle and bone, cancerous clumps of tongue and stomach and ropes of bad muscles like wrung,


12931293 views1414 comments1111 favs

The beachy slope never draws such goliaths.

The Heart Jar

694694 views1414 comments88 favs

The diner on the corner is one of those Disneyfied modern cut-outs trying to mimic the actual thing but failing utterly. The street, a vein of hipness running through an Ivy League campus that is still trying to cling to a time when it all meant something


942942 views1414 comments66 favs

Dead drunks sing Christmas/ songs-

The Graduate

13501350 views1414 comments1212 favs

A sweet fog rises to the rafters. Inhale.

This Story Will Break Your Heart

481481 views1414 comments77 favs

The first years of her life she had been owned by a bear hunter and trained to hunt bear, a terrible turn of luck for her.

Assiduity Five

11781178 views1414 comments44 favs

. . . my situation.

Jimmy and the Ark

11171117 views1414 comments88 favs

Yes, he'll be quiet. Very quiet. He rocks himself, the ark, suddenly imagining water underneath him, over head, all around. Water, water, water—