To Ms. Angelina Jolie & Mr. Brad Pitt
Yes, my friends, I know. I have experienced these feelings myself and found the strength to rise above them.
I assure you that these feelings will pass. Do not shake the baby. Shake the martini. That's what martinis are for.
But my dear Ms. Jolie and my dear Mr. Pitt, I would ask you a single favor on behalf of my very humble self, your most adoring fan, and my wife.
It became clear to me and my wife one evening recently as we were having dinner with our soon-to-be-no-longer teenaged daughters that they know oh so very much about your and your children. In fact, they could name all of your children! Even the twins, who were not yet then born. Is that not wonderful and prescient and precocious? Yes it is. (I assure you that they have not been stalking you.)
And so I and Mrs. Stark (as I sometimes call my wife) were quite overjoyed at their highly intimate knowledge of popular culture, from which of course we do our best to protect our daughters. And not to be outdone at their extraordinary precocity, I said quite gleefully, Ha! Name one U.S. Supreme Court justice! Ha!
And ha, ha! I had them there. Not one of our lovely daughters could name a single U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Oh, imagine their chagrin at the very nakedness of their ignorance! As one of them said to me, Yeah! Right! Whatever!, Dad.
Now mind you, Mr. Pitt and Ms. Jolie, these are highly sophisticated young ladies. They are watchers of the fine and highly educational TV show “Six in the City,” a show, I am assured, about six successful young women hard at work in the city, demonstrating how fine young upright women act in a place with entirely too many temptations and delectations for the average not-upright young woman to manage. These six young women even make recommendations on proper footwear!
Our lovely daughters are young women who have traveled to other places in the world, though very certainly they did not rent a chateau for their sojourns. They have sampled fine foods, including their mother's very own tuna casserole with the very crunchy potato chips on top.
But for all of their sophistication, they do not know the name of a single U.S. Supreme Court Justice. My lovely and eloquent eldest daughter, who sometimes speaks in riddles, said, If we need to know about them, they should be in people. Darling, I said, justices are people, even if they are so very mighty. To which her sister responded, Homer. (They honor me so to think of me as a scion of this very great storyteller of antiquity.)
And it just so happened that shortly after that dinner, when I learned of their shameful ignorance, I also learned of a possible solution. I was blessed to be in the doctor's office, awaiting the examination of an ailment of the anus in which certain tissues become even more inflamed than your most rabid fans. And I saw a magazine called “People,” which I am sure you will agree with me is one of the silliest names in the world for a magazine. Yes it is.
And there on the cover was a picture of you two, looking ever so rich and glamorous and not so very different from I and Mrs. Stark. There, too, were words extolling the birth of your miraculous twins! Glory and wonder, I said to myself. And then, thanks to my doctor, who graciously provides exceptionally long periods of time for quiet reflection and reading in his waiting room, I had more than my share of time to learn not only about the birth of Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline but also the break up of Sarah and Jimmy, and how that lovely young Lindsey is getting back on her feet—without the need of any drugs at all!
And so it is a very small favor that I have to ask of you, my dearest friends.
Just think of your very own Nino and Tony and Ruthie and David—or now, perhaps instead a Sandy. Only time will tell. Yes it will. Two of your very own Johnnies, and a Sammy! And then you could round it all out with a little Clarence and a little Stevie! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Yes it would. I would even suggest that you have one of your servants sew them little black robes! Would that not be wonderful? Yes it would!
As a fan of your many humanitarian efforts, I know you will be more than overjoyed at this marvelous idea. Think, I beg of you, of all the sophisticated young consumers who would be blessed with the fecundity of your cleverness. Think of the lasting goodness that you two—who are so dedicated to goodness—could do!
And should you need help in caring for all of these blessed young people, please do not hesitate to contact me. I know of three young ladies of very high moral caliber who would be most certainly overjoyed to be your servants at a very reasonable price.
Your very sincere and most humble servant and most loyal fan,
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At dinner one night, all of our bright young daughters are talking about the hottest gossip from the world of celebrities. I ask if they can name a single Supreme Court justice. Silence. I say something stupid, like, These people influence your life far more than Brad and Angelina's children will.
Comes the retort: Well, if they're so important, why aren't they in People Magazine? Hence this silliness.
Both funny and cutting satire, in the tradition of Melville and Hawthorne.
Great fun. You skewer the uttterly unaware daughters, the celebs, and the hapless father equally.
This was funny. I enjoyed this. Esp Six in the City.
I love the part where you write: and you clearly have no taste in names whatsoever.
I think it's a fine idea to name your kid after a civil war battleground, personally.
Thanks for the comments, folks.
Excellent! That's what martini's are for, indeed! Being a member of THE FATHERHOOD myself I could relate to every word--beautifully written and oh so true. And it nails what's really going on here--in our world--we're not paying attention enough to what's going on all around us--unless it's wrapped up in a pretty bow, box or fashion accessory.And still we adore those we adore all the more.It's a funny fix.Well told.
This is Hi-larious!!! I love it. Love this, too:
"As a father myself, I understand the joys of children and of course the great weight of responsibility they will bring upon your house and upon you as a couple, and how you will now and then wish to exterminate them cruelly."
What a fun piece.
xo, H
Love the voice!
This "silliness" is probably still saleable to The New Yorker for Shouts and Murmurs. Funny. And oh so true.
Hahahah - excellent! Lots of fun in this piece - well done, Stephen. I'm sure Clarence and the rest of the crew would be delighted if Brangelina's ever-expanding pack bore their names.
I admit, I watched "Six in the City," too - but I draw the line at "People."
Ah, I loved it! If only you could actually send it to Mr. and Mrs. Pitt, I'm sure they'd, er, appreciate it.
Ahhh,Stephen. I want to know whatever happened to good old Socialism, where folks so blessed would actually be forced into spending money on something other than their own fame (even if it is just taxes)!
I love this simply for the fact you used the word "fecund" and its variations more times in this little diddy than most people use the word in their entire lives. Touche, sir!
I think naming them after the Supreme Court an excellent suggestion. However, this could make the children very judgmental and prone to infringing on States Rights. Perhaps instead, naming them after the 7 Dwarfs would give them good work ethic, although, I would not advise using Snow White as one of the names for obvious reasons. Alternately, the 7 Deadly Sins could encourage their morality. Thank you for a fine read.