Most discussed stories

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 49

831831 views22 comments11 fav

Francesco entered the gallery, and he immediately went to work.

"It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round..."

558558 views22 comments11 fav

It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round- With passing road-streams as its parallax, cars More distant from us, as the next one's windows Blocks the view of riders free from traffic lanes; I Am not your window. As you glide, or go to…

Bloomington, September 2021

193193 views22 comments22 favs

The sun is setting.The leaves are rustling.Their shadow against a weeping willow.A dog's endless bark.A child runs barefoot against the lawn.A bird is chirping against the song of the cicadas.A red chimney in the horizon.No smoke.It is an Indian summer in Bloomington.I sit…

Bright Red

917917 views22 comments00 favs

They shoveled coal into the furnace of the city so the ghosts would be warm for their haunting.


13791379 views22 comments00 favs

A universe, all of it, was encased in glass.

The Upstart Apprentice of Golden Mean

10451045 views22 comments11 fav

...I am ankles ache...

Unfinished Business

11501150 views22 comments22 favs

you are the most uptight pansy I have ever met

Every Moment Is Lovely, Yes

11661166 views22 comments11 fav

The man was happy, filled with it, the happiest he had ever been. He was so happy that he felt he did not deserve it and he deflated. A woman with apples for shoulders and an eep for a laugh told him that he did deserve to be happy and the man thought

Walking Green

719719 views22 comments00 favs

1. There is a crowd of people walking to a field and since there are over forty of them, the conversations become divided and then subdivided in accordance w/natural rhythms. I follow behind. It is a football game. Makeshift. Twenty aside roughly. Almost every…

Mother's Poem

812812 views22 comments11 fav

The monsters in the sky burst with riotous laughter, their rumbling voices barking out commands, their cracked nails scratching on the screen, their knotted knuckles tap-taping on the window. Little girl, won't you come out to play? She clutches her floral bed sheets,…

The List

701701 views22 comments22 favs

Agnes folded the magazine in her lap. It was one of those women's magazines that had a picture of a supermodel on the cover. The girl was pencil thin and not that attractive, at least not as far as Agnes was concerned, and she was surrounded by boldface words encouraging…

The Gentleman on the Train

10741074 views22 comments00 favs

The gentleman is discreet, but his eyes wander from his paper at intervals as we travel together from London to Manchester. We happen to be on the same train and he happens to be sitting opposite me. I happen to be a size 34C.

The Hamster Eulogies

23212321 views22 comments11 fav

But not once did we mention heaven. The next day we bought another one.

How to Cheer Up a Sad Song

968968 views22 comments22 favs

It's one of the most difficult problems of aesthetic philosophy: What do we mean when we say that a song is sad? None of the big names--Aristotle, Kant, Croce–Benedetto, not Jim–come close to answering it.


12251225 views22 comments11 fav

A sturdy and goatish original by know-nothing punks from the sticks. Who cares if we were puny and smelled like fresh milk? For a few years we played and rocked, even turned the Appalachian soundscape a little brown at the edges. At least at first. Mainly


578578 views22 comments11 fav

The line of the unemployed wrapped back on itself like an accordion pleat and extended all the way across a great hall You could see the faces of them, bluish and drawn under the dim florescent lighting First in


900900 views22 comments11 fav

I tried to enlighten them. For my trouble, they tried to have me deprogrammed. I condemned their narrowness of mind; they pitied me my naiveté. I ridiculed their religious bourgeois complacency, but they really didn’t know what I was talking about.

Andy on Bloomsday

10891089 views22 comments11 fav

I wonder if regular nonfashion clothes are out forever, if these kids will ever dress normally like, you know, Phil Donahue, again.

77 Words About Nothing [02-02-2013]

831831 views22 comments00 favs

Connecting the dots the past two weeks, I’ve concluded you’re pregnant again.

Who Will Carry Us?

13771377 views22 comments00 favs

1. People avoided Mac, the Great White Hunter, which was how he liked to think of himself, even though he was not white. Mac was cocoa colored and stalked his prey nearly nude. The city was his…


11991199 views22 comments11 fav

He tapped his foot, swished his hips, swaying across the worn tile floor with an invisible partner in his arms, the batter-coated spoon still clutched in his right hand, momentarily forgotten. Nearly a decade had passed since he last shared a dance with h

check-out at the super saver center

10971097 views22 comments11 fav

There is truth you can’t escape or say any other way and expect it still to be truth.

Home, Soldier

920920 views22 comments00 favs

felt as if someone had pulled me in by the belt, or grabbed me by a knot in the hair, and kissed me with fire-engine lips. I was happy. I was in love.

Terror From Above

10861086 views22 comments00 favs

A shadowless torpedo shaped form plummeted from the grey, overcast skies upon the many unsuspecting. No remote pilot thousands of miles away guided this particular descent. 

The Search for Pastina Continues

970970 views22 comments11 fav

To assist you in recalling some of Episode One of - "A Poem by Jasmine Coriander-Semolina": My head lifted up slowly as I looked up through a gaussian blur of fragrant incense smoke and saw she was crying. She whispered that her daughter, Pastina, was last…

Death (and a Girl)

752752 views22 comments00 favs

I toyed with the idea of suicide, then quickly cast it off. Death wouldn’t be interesting. Liberating, perhaps, but not interesting. I hadn’t yet lived enough to die.

Rejection Isn’t Always Everything It’s Racked Up To Be

912912 views22 comments22 favs

I was so messed up when you left me, and I admit I went around searching the faces of the crowd for the man who filled your womb.

Acid Flashback #2

789789 views22 comments11 fav

I'm transfixed in Tower Records,all the CD covers dancinglike a thousand little TV screens.Your whispers a remote controlchanging those flickering images.When security asks us to leave,you drive my car as I slumpagainst the window.I close my eyes and transport usStar…

Caitlin in the Y2K Museum

13321332 views22 comments11 fav

Two months after Peter moved out, it opened on the eastern-leaning boulevard, a stone's throw from the water. Caitlin heard about it from a friend at a bar three weeks after that, found that the concept wouldn't quietly settle in her mind, and made plans


10431043 views22 comments00 favs

When he got to the office, he opened the drawer with the new can of fish food and realized he’d forgotten to buy a fish tank. He hated fish, hated the thought of a “hobby” but his girlfriend’s therapist had suggested it. Hobbied, hobbled, whatever