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24392439 views66 comments11 fav

He is my daughter's son and his father's worst enemy.

Stuffed Shirt

984984 views66 comments33 favs

It was the losers’ bar in my neighborhood.

The Whore

12181218 views66 comments66 favs

The man and the whore lay in bed together. It was a cold night and they were warmed by the heat beneath the…


11051105 views66 comments00 favs

A needle passed through my lungs. My breathing made the needle pierce deeper. I felt anger rise up within me but I determined not to cry. – I had cried enough. No more tears. Arossi looked at me, probably expecting me to cry. I didn’t

Puppet On a String

807807 views66 comments33 favs

Spring break that year, (1963) I spent nearly every minute with Lynda. Her taste for sex was unquenchable once we’d gotten started. We did it in every position possible. The sitting position in the front seat of the car, which my brother Herb had to expla

The Misfortune 500

12141214 views66 comments55 favs

When I first started out in my working career, I made it the habit of obtaining jobs with companies that were about to go under. (I wrote more books while on unemployment than by any other method.) I was a real bloodhound at sniffing out the pre-dawn od

There's a Panther in my Poodle

13861386 views66 comments55 favs

There are glasses in the sinkfrom the water that I drink.And the books in my li-braryare not dumb and ordinary.There's a doggie at my door;did I go to the pet store?There's a puppy on my couch-ywho was happy, now she's grouchy.Was a writer, now an authoror an otter; no, an…

Stranded on Jamaica Street

104104 views66 comments44 favs

There are horse drawn carriages, gentlemen in top hats, it's the turn of some century, before souls were stored in jars.

Twenty Questions

14461446 views66 comments22 favs

Did you take out the trash? Did you water the ficus? Did you cancel the cable? Did you take my black sweater? Did you tell the neighbors? Will you get the friends? What about the cat? Will you send me a Christmas card? Will I tear it up? Did you know…

The Mosaic Thief

15131513 views66 comments11 fav

Bit by bit I was traveling away, we thought. Maybe I’d join myself, all together, in Toronto. Or in an industrial coffee can. Or in the closet. “Check the closet,” I pointed.

White Room

11051105 views66 comments22 favs

A white room is empty but for you, a card table and a chair.

Some Girl

11041104 views66 comments22 favs

Oh, crap! Once you leave your body like that, why do you have to come back down to earth? That’s what I want to know. I remember you wearing English Leather aftershave. Anytime I catch a whiff of it now, it brings back some intense memories! And I r

The Tourists

12151215 views66 comments55 favs

They acquire him in a bar that is famous for its shipwrecks.

On Deciding Not to Be a Bitch

992992 views66 comments11 fav

Deny yourself that pleasure For my sake; that feeling beyond measure That you get when you finally, and with much angst, Decide not to be a bitch, to a round of general thanks.


12381238 views66 comments44 favs

We bobbed and weaved using our words like the sniffs of two unfamiliar dogs in a Wal-mart parking lot. Wary, but sensing we could be more than just polite neighbors, once we got past the normal darkness of strangers. There was no plot to our story yet, but we both seemed to…

To The Little Mouse Who Started Feeling Slightly Nauseous

10031003 views66 comments55 favs

I heard them praying to some god none of us had ever heard of. I'm glad I went to the funeral and still have the yellow rose that I did not throw into his grave. At some point you have to stop nibbling from the moldy cake.

I Dreamt I Was Vermeer

526526 views66 comments33 favs

I dreamt I was Vermeer For just a little while I took this photo of a criminal A mugshot really And claimed I had painted it From memories of a previous life He looked just like a Vermeer With the light coming in From the side of his fac

Shadow Play

11311131 views66 comments11 fav

I was quite alone in this small room with the tarp and the dying fire.

D Evil in the D

12361236 views66 comments33 favs

when the devil dies he divides enough evil for everybody


11291129 views66 comments22 favs

The goose on the roof isn’t aware it is doing anything odd...

Don't You Think

864864 views66 comments44 favs

a war forever seems so sadly stupid, pretty petty on our perky part in the ongoing play, a terrible loosed thing to have to always keep holding up our hostage hands to-- at least when being compared to…

Bootsy Goes on a Bender

12921292 views66 comments33 favs

Bootsy awoke with a hangover that only brain surgery could cure, a hangover that caused a seam to open in the known universe, leaving Bootsy on one side while all other matter sped away, away.

A Dream History of Outer Space

866866 views66 comments66 favs

Look. There's just you and me, that's all that's left. All the rest of them had already given up a long, long time ago. They dropped their precious, colorful dreams like rusted railroad lanterns, like abandoned pumpkins, and littered the Twitching…


11391139 views66 comments55 favs


A Monologue About Skyscrapers

13891389 views66 comments66 favs

Everyday the buildings seem to be getting taller and taller.

This Is Not Your Poetry

863863 views66 comments55 favs

Your begging hands are hacking me up again like garden claws that know not the difference between a delicate solar powered flower and a tightening choke of killing weeds.It's not like it's even mine to keep-- like a legal document I'd…

Mom at Night

11111111 views66 comments22 favs

Mom stayed up all night again Tending to her papers Pushing them around Trying to make order of the debts, the dreams and the obligations She couldn't get the columns to add up, So she shuffled them around some more and Rearranged the piles …

For J.S. Bach’s Three-hundred-twenty-eighth Birthday

990990 views66 comments55 favs

To listen is to feel embodied reason// sing and dance with consummate grace


13231323 views66 comments77 favs

The wind is wet today I can't tell you where sky meets sea only that it matters I can't explain why. I've triedCan't see the horizonbut I know that we have drawn itfingers tracing far pastthe edge of blind infinitywhere we sang stars to sleepand pinned our…

Air Conditioning Bill

11611161 views66 comments77 favs

The last night, I shivered in bed until three a.m., the blankets wouldn’t work, or the socks, or my tears, but I reassured my heart that my next love would be warmer. 
He was. 
And our air conditioning bill was so high we could’t afford it.