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It Is Not Gravity Which Pulls Us Down

20462046 views66 comments11 fav

It Is Not Gravity Which Pulls Us Down Only these tired neglected gods still wander the floor of the universe, sifting joylessly through the detritus that lies there: the fragments of fallen planets grown so heavy with sadness they had lost the will to spin…

Duet for Two Instruments of Indefinite Pitch

14911491 views66 comments77 favs

A full moon in the morning sky, the sun hasn't bothered to rise and why should it, see how unnecessary it is, left over from a sleepless night, it stayed there, in suspense, waiting to see what you could possibly get up to next. A patron saint for lost ca

the heart would have unnatural reverence

10281028 views66 comments44 favs

The heart would have unnatural reverence, exalted, bursting with evil, rolling in sloth, if it did not at once reveal its innocence. I saw you again, on the morning of the sun. It was you, or your double, or a son you might have had. Your beautiful bloo

Courtroom (Philip Guston)

14671467 views66 comments33 favs

They’ve thrown the painter in the trash upside down with his red pajamas and feet sticking up in the air, with his shoes on. The large red hand of judgement pointing at him, that gives us direction and law and shame, gives us a large red headache. Whi

The Mating Call Of The North American Female Sounds Like The Deep Bellow Of A Birthing Moose

17251725 views66 comments44 favs

"...if Rosie O'Donnell were to attach a horn to her forehead, she'd move up the ranks as the deadliest creature in the world."

Sorry Now

10841084 views66 comments44 favs

You’ll say you should have known. You’ll blame my music.

On A Carport in Bethlehem

779779 views66 comments55 favs

I can hear soft rain

Good Home Wanted

13461346 views66 comments33 favs

In his fridge he had one piece of meat. He hadn’t been expecting me. I cooked it for him and watched him eat.


12891289 views66 comments22 favs

D'ya have to be so rough?

Tiger Milk (Part 2)

12741274 views66 comments33 favs

"...easier to get milk from a male tiger than mercy from him."


11841184 views66 comments33 favs

Morning's first blush, their world in repose. Sated, drained, spent; …

On a bridge in Regensburg

13561356 views66 comments44 favs

To hear my name, called out across the Roman stones on a bridge in Regensburg through the languid March drizzle, was to breathe again as my head burst through the water.

Black Lace (a revenge fantasy) 1

18111811 views66 comments22 favs

The stainless steel tiles are cool upon the soles of her feet. Attendants have arranged all of her equipment, both digital and mechanical, including ink and needles. An overhead screen snaps into view, and his young muscled body is revealed.

Sailor & I

915915 views66 comments33 favs

We were born here. At the top of the stairs underneath a painting of basset hounds playing croquet. And a hallway closet filled with lost someones. And the police, three times a week, singing nursery rhymes while walking up to our door.

How We Fight

967967 views66 comments11 fav

HORDES OF MEN desolated, struck down, destroyed, sunken form of skin and skeleton, bare cloth matted to torso, bodycage and hipbone, face and neck darkened, bloating to black, rain the endless dream stuck fast in the stone-dead skull and blood a fine sheen over all,…


10471047 views66 comments33 favs

There’s an unending parade of drifters, outlaws and crazies and I always have to watch my back, but, then again, that’s nothing new.


10121012 views66 comments66 favs

There I was at the OPEN HOUSE. It was easy, three doors down. The sign on the lawn said, PRICE REDUCED. The real estate lady said, “Back again? Thinking of buying”? I laughed. There were several couples there. People have…


159159 views66 comments44 favs



12131213 views66 comments44 favs

Luke was in the gutter, his face in stagnant water littered with cigarette butts, condom wrappers, and green shards of glass from broken beer bottles. A man was kicking him in the face with a boot the size of a U-boat, over and over and over again. Blood

Life at the Brew-Ha-Ha Pub

10211021 views66 comments55 favs

No matter what you may discover Or come to believe during the drinking life The question still remains: What if everyone was an accident? But still, while time may appear To be nearing its own end And the sun seems to be getting

Bone & Air

990990 views66 comments66 favs

Devoid of flesh and muscle, Composed of bone and air.

SNAFU (March Paddy Whacker Challenge)

10911091 views66 comments11 fav

The unpublished writer remembered the carnage that surrounded his Foxhole in France and decided he was done praying. All around lay the evidence that no one was listening. The drunken pastor stumbled away.

Fragment from an Unwritten Diary

919919 views66 comments44 favs

It's not stories the quiet lack, but inclination...

strannikov's High Definitions

19921992 views66 comments44 favs

Human being: a fruit or vegetable with animal aspirations and a mineral destiny.

Gang Bangs, and My First Time, Almost

14521452 views66 comments33 favs

Glen always had to be the first to fuck his sister, especially before that big galoot from down the street, whom Cheryl really liked to fuck, otherwise Glen would get violent. She had just started having her periods then, I remember. We were all there one

He's Just Not That Into You -Part I

10901090 views66 comments77 favs

“Too perfect.” my therapist intervenes in assurance, “You did enough, really. More than anyone else would.” I know the subtext is that I possibly did more than I should. My appointment is coincidentally later that day, after his goodbye letter arrives in

Rue Saint Maur, 3:14am

10021002 views66 comments11 fav

The city had a way of going silent. Not a nervous silence, but a quiet silence. The sky was dark, yet everything was colored in a yellow hue cast by the arched streetlights. Buildings, parked vehicles, walls, pavement. Cars and scooters and ambulances and police cars…

~vanishing journal~

19821982 views66 comments33 favs

like the sky opened up and showed me a palace above the clouds. he told me he has traveled south beyond the black sea, to constantinople where the ocean is clear green

Emoji Problems

14031403 views66 comments55 favs

Our problems started with a few back and forth texts of emojis late one night. The next evening, a Friday, typically my poker night with the guys, my girlfriend came to the door.“You brought over pizza, how nice,” I said. “And, oh, gosh, look at that, a…


17951795 views66 comments11 fav

Holly Hope had met Latest Girlfriend once and was pleased to see that the woman wore stylish dresses, even if the end results looked like Liz Claiborne had tried to clothe a cigarette machine.