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Let's All Get Up And Dance To A Song That Was A Hit Before Beyonce Was Born

14311431 views77 comments33 favs

Why don't we do it in a yellow submarine?

The French Horn Behind Me

11081108 views77 comments55 favs

And right there beside me That single wobbling Snail-like trail of my heavy French Horn case

Suicide Consulting Hotline

999999 views77 comments66 favs

We exist to facilitate/ successful conclusions of hopeless lives.

Ode to a Crow

15721572 views77 comments33 favs

We walk in silence. We water our plants. We don’t eat as well as we should. We try to love. We try to forget.

The Serious Writer Tracks His Stats

13031303 views77 comments44 favs

The officers carried him away in cuffs as he yelled "I NEED STATS! PLEASE! JUST GIVE ME THE STATS!"


11871187 views77 comments22 favs

This is what it is to feel yourself forget.

Lullaby for a Dragon Baby (for Josephina TuTu Waring)

964964 views77 comments33 favs

Lullaby for a dragon baby who breaks the bough with bottled fists escapes the armored cradle stealing swords from terra cotta men to slash the Ming canopy and loose the butterflies that will free Ho Chi Minh from the fire.

Time Change in Florida

984984 views77 comments99 favs

Used to be I'd keep busy. Dreadful the time I spend sitting, standing, staring. I lose track, now. I believe it's because he died. It gets hold of me. I'll see him half on half off his bed, a plaid blanket angled over his back and legs, held…


919919 views77 comments55 favs

Lucy entered the open door next; she had been inside the cat litter house before: Brother Fran didn’t bother to cover turds he’d laid. He spoke of the outdoors: lizards he’d separated from their heads, world of work.


721721 views77 comments44 favs

"[A]ppointed an official supplier of watches for the Ministry of Defence of the Soviet Union in 1965."

Five Things

11021102 views77 comments11 fav

I have the right to remain silent. If I waive that right everything I say can and will be used against me like a razor dragged across my neck.

Like Five O'Clock

939939 views77 comments22 favs

She pulled the book off its shelf. It meant something else now. He'd quote her in the mirror, at the backs of buses that kept her moving, something she'd said without saying. He would remember for them. She'd forget, without him, the way she wanted. Garland and lights were…

A Walk

15061506 views77 comments33 favs

I suppose the lazy trees would have a thing or two to say about love


11681168 views77 comments77 favs

When God blessed creation, a ewe gave birth to Adam. When he cursed Satan, Eve hatched from a crocodile's egg.——In naming the animals, Adam marked them for death. His own name was a slow fire. Eve's was an inferno.——In the shelter of the Tree of…

A Most Uncertain Fiction

646646 views77 comments55 favs

It is equally likely that just as the rate of melt continues, the rate of melt will also continue to accelerate.

Space, Blank, Uninterrupted

13011301 views77 comments11 fav

Space, blank, uninterrupted, but then a fissure, a crack, a corridor, and down it you're walking.

It's My Birthday

962962 views77 comments22 favs

and the President didn't call.

My Uncle's Last Day in Hospice

10481048 views77 comments88 favs

In and out of morphine dreams, he flies through the unfinished roof of Illinois sky. Below, matchbox-sized farm machines. A silo becomes his father's thermos, the silver-capped tower from which he stole sips at ten, his first secret. Back …

Memoir 2.1

11431143 views77 comments66 favs

Anyone thinking they aren’t alone on life’s journey has their head up their ass.

A Certain Distance

12231223 views77 comments55 favs

...a headwater stream that has never had a name....

The Cuervo Gold and Clorox Blues

693693 views77 comments66 favs

I try to keep myself from weeping. We are all actors in a bad dream, that doesn’t go away in the morning

The Clock Man's Trouble

15241524 views77 comments22 favs

A lowing cow cracked open the darkened room like the yawn of a gravid alien.

Bad Attitude

14861486 views77 comments44 favs

Start with a long look down the alley, a small hoodied figure turning in.

A Life of My Own - 8

10021002 views77 comments44 favs

I'm not sure if he's right or not but he has a gorgeous smile, he's charmingly self confident, and he's very persuasive.

Go Wild

11351135 views77 comments33 favs

Sometimes you have to go wild; you have just to go fucking nuts. You do.

The Judge's Wife Part 10

10821082 views77 comments44 favs

The Judge waited for the perfect wave.

Zombie Night

12601260 views77 comments55 favs

The man and the lady loved to laugh. She would tuck her hair back and lay her head on his stomach after dinner while watching old scary movies on Thursday nights. She would listen to his stomach digest the food and laugh then, he would laugh and…

Birth and Death of a Concrete Icon

11621162 views77 comments11 fav

Homer relaxes in his tan, faded recliner, remote in hand, and watches death unfold on his television.

deserts wept freely over you

792792 views77 comments33 favs

You had that quietness by nature (unusual in men) that I was attracted to. You were like some body of water, wide and more spiritual than anyone I knew. You could have taken me with you when you flew. I know you were more like a bird than any of the oth


10401040 views77 comments66 favs

Maybe it was a trick of the gloom.