Most discussed stories

I'm Dying! And I Didn't Make The Bed!

14001400 views1111 comments99 favs

Five years ago, on January 15, 2009, Flight 1549 took off for Charlotte, North Carolina and, 3 minutes later, made an emergency landing in the Hudson River, with no serious harm to anyone but the geese who caused the problem. (They were liquefied into something…

Bad Boys

15581558 views1111 comments88 favs

You the macho man shuffling one woman out the back entrance to let another one in the front.


983983 views1111 comments1010 favs

Back then we used to dance slowly to Sam Cooke's “You Send Me” on your parquet floors, whispering about planting our vegetable garden, planning to seed the lawn with centipede grass, promising to count all the red cars that came down the street.

patti, did art get us?

15841584 views1111 comments88 favs

often as i lie awake i wonder are you awake too?/ we never had any children, he said ruefully/ that summer i cried so much that robert called me soakie/ robert, dying: creating silence

Saturday Morning

15521552 views1111 comments99 favs

They kiss, opening their mouths into a smile, sharing a secret. Their kiss is so intimate. I blush, and look away embarrassed and a little aroused.

Real Talk – A Ghost Story

11601160 views1111 comments1212 favs

Tunnel hobos, all hootched up high, think a sign's all about super powers, mind reading, clairvoyance, dig?

Why I Don't Write Sex Scenes Anymore

15671567 views1111 comments99 favs

I’ve had my face talked off by those types (and I’m sure you’ve met a few) who need to say and hear “special” words, and they go "unh-hunh, unh-hunh, o yeah, o yeah, unh hunh."

The Poisoning

868868 views1111 comments99 favs

The Poisoning I used to call my dad Serpico. Thirty years on the police force, and though a respected officer, he never fit in. He never had beers with the guys at the end of a shift or engaged in the more lewd locker room talk. None of the other cops were privy to which…


605605 views1010 comments55 favs

Fertile bodies eye/ the space you occupy,/ impatient for disappearance.

Love Story

999999 views1010 comments1111 favs

I fall in love with a second cousin at the picnic. I make sure I sit next to her.

A short, nonsense story about colours, sounds and Big Mo

71287128 views1010 comments22 favs

And as he looked at the departing pink cushion in his rear-view mirror (shaped like a canoe without the paddles), the latest big question popped into his mind like a hot slice of buttered brown bread from his shiny, metallic stainless steel toaster –

The Birds (2)

15331533 views1010 comments77 favs

The birds were stacked up in the branches of a pine tree behind the feeder. Several were sitting on the fence. “They’re massing,” she said.

March Madness

11901190 views1010 comments33 favs

“I’ll be damned,” he said. “I never knew where that was.”


15371537 views1010 comments77 favs

He shows me how lift the windshield wipers up, clean under them, put them down and I follow him around, watch him slap the sham over the van, pull it away, slap again. I do the same, stop every few minutes like Daddy does, hold it out, twist, wring the sh

Zhou Yu’s Train

14211421 views1010 comments55 favs

Are we like a poem, a short hand of words curtained together, evoking a mood, but in the end, impenetrable? We follow the clues to our lover's heart and what we find isn't him at all but ourselves. We fill every part of his life, every part of his past and even become…

Mentors & Manatees

11761176 views1010 comments44 favs

The loss of my first mentor came as a harsh blow. Roaming the forest with my dog Rosie just wasn’t the same. Her heart was in the right place, but when it came to armed combat, Rosie just didn’t have the goods.


11031103 views1010 comments77 favs

I have known a head become / a callus, matriculate, stop / shaving, move to Vegas

On West 4th Street

14031403 views1010 comments44 favs

Across from the Hell Hole the Cage on Sixth pulses, sweats, swooshes, hot concussion as players play for keeps.

A Novel Begins...

11881188 views1010 comments66 favs

She was washing the dishes in the sink, (you're not going to start with a pronoun, are you? Give her a name, for God's sake!) Kate was washing dishes in the sink, (where the hell else is she going to wash dishes? In a creek?) Kate was washing dishes (was…

Harvesting Sunflowers

12701270 views1010 comments88 favs

While you are gone,I harvest sunflowers.It used to be the same day everday. I was stuck in the Midwestas the seasonschanged and the wind blewas twirly birds fell on my head.I let the weedsgrow long and hardbreaking throughthe chainlink…


16311631 views1010 comments55 favs

I scare my daughter when she sleeps because she thinks I'm going to kill her.


15891589 views1010 comments33 favs

Several friends—hers and his—hung around the edges of their marriage, and it would be naive to rule out the possibility of a few stray affairs. The thought didn’t anger him; on the contrary it amused him as if it were some trivia question, the answe


13001300 views1010 comments77 favs

Things get lost in Big John, too. I see the other guys throw jokes about his size at his body that wedge their way into his armpits or into the wrinkles of his laugh lines and disappear. I’m not sure if it all disappears to remind us how small we are,

Aquis Submersus

10301030 views1010 comments88 favs

In a dream, he’s covered in masticated bits of paint and canvas and metal shavings and it keeps raining down until he’s buried and he wakes up with a yell.

Back Down Below

508508 views1010 comments66 favs

Gotta be jumpin' gotta be hummin' some tune even when I'm alone I'm flirtin' with the moon (back down below)


13381338 views1010 comments55 favs

If it were known that I am as stupid as I am, if the press were to open that page on TV, if the laughter shot itself like fireworks out into the road--

Husband Googles Travel Zoo

906906 views1010 comments88 favs

When you need a vacation...from everything.

Twin Moons

23252325 views1010 comments44 favs

Stroman first saw the moons when he took Lisa’s blouse off. He did not call them moons when he first saw them; they were merely identical crescent-shaped crimson discolorations at the tops of each of her breasts.

Saturday Morning

12241224 views1010 comments22 favs

Saturday morning, and I’m pushing the old truck a little, chasing retreating bands of cloud shadows along a winding hilltop road.

What Goes Above Our Heads Sometimes Does Not

795795 views1010 comments22 favs

We floated balloons to my dead uncle in Heaven for closure. I couldn't figure, at age seven, how he was under the ground and in the sky too. Mom touched Dad on the arm. It was Dad's brother. It seemed like Mom was sorry for something…