In a nonce then the sight
In a nonce they set ready to fight;
I had no portent this would occur,
Ne'er did I see this happening,
Not days before, nor those coming;
Have only seen them over and over,
Backs curved only to ignore:
Then scoot away from sight,
Now fiercely snarling and tight,
And Loki's ivory incisors show
As fiercely snarly can glow.
Out! this picture in my mind
Depart; for Loki is not kind
We know where my Lewti flies
When cat-nip has dilated her eyes:
It is under the laundry hamper-cover,
The birdsong twitters in her head:
If only I could! Save the hour
That waxed hall's floor to tread,
And cat-paw, like you, no sound ahead,
I might be able to save your plight
Entering horrific to my sight.
What then! these two cats together cleave
And passionately begin to conceive!
Ah! If only this I saw in my dream,
And dreamt they made love, not war;
Less time wasted would I deem
That all's good, as lovers are!
I'd weep not atall, if I could foresee
Their bodies entwined in glee!
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52\250 Flash for week #10 - Union of Opposites.
Parody, homage and rip-off of Coleridge's "Lewti (The Circassian Love-Chaunt)" and the memory of two cats named Lewti & Loki
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hven't read the parodee, but I like this!
Nice riff on the Coleridge piece, Walter. I like the phrasings here -
You pulled that one off well, my friend! And in 249!
thanks for this gleeful loki lewti saturday morning read.
and i just thought: this would have been perfect for the qarrtsiluni "New Classics" issue (
Loved this -- so much fun! As a new cat owner (do humans really own cats? or is it the other way aorund?) I chuckled throughout. Loved the cat-nip dilated eyes. Thanks for a great read with my coffee this am. Peace...
Fun stuff, and a well done parody of Coleridge! Great use of the prompt as well!
Fabulous fairy tale - wicked & wonderful :)
Oh,man, this is great! It comes alive from word one and proceeds to show the movie right on the wall, the floor, the mind.Great fun!
Thanks, everyone - Lewti & Loki, as noted above, did exist in that apt on Ocean Ave in Brooklyn some eons ago. They bore no offspring, from this encounter . . .
forgot to say: fave, Walt! **