952 0 0
Megumi turned to the night sky. The moon was brighter than she ever saw. The argument got louder as her smile shrunk into sadness.
1007 0 0
Just as Megumi aimed her spell between Arturo and the shrine, a blast of white light fired like a cannon.
1072 2 0
Alysia stretched her left hand out at Kurai, and the electricity connected with her fingertips like beacon.
1028 0 0
Alysia raised the staff over the huddle and together everyone created a barrier. The wind blew past them and the grey mist surrounded them.
1410 0 0
The museum’s catalog description changed much less than the painting over those years. He wasn’t curator-in-chief of catalog descriptions, however, that task went to a curator arriving by another door.
1206 6 1
I would like to go back (with spade, pick, soft bristles), and sift through time and layers, brush away the intervening years, and find: the tooth, knocked out by my then best friend, when we were seven, careening downhill in my father's wheelbarrow on Boscobel…
1868 33 24
No one explained triumph
would feel like this.
1013 5 3
you look like
the insides of my cheeks
1121 2 3
As I was reading “Not Your Mother's Book on Home Improvement,” a new collection of light-hearted essays by (primarily) middle-aged female do-it-yourselfers, it became abundantly clear to me that, unlike the women who tell their stories here, I am not a…
789 17 7
are you afraid sometimes, in the night, in the wind as it beats down your maelstrom thoughts?
2148 29 16
Moving is like moving upstream, like swimming underwater against a mighty current. You are salmon people: pink, vulnerable.
100 4 1
Greta asked me to slow-dance with her. This was bold behavior for 1960. and she looked me in the eye when she asked..
585 5 3
Are you interesting?Are you clever?Are you, maybe often, sometimes never?Are you shining? Pining?Are you glowing?Are you worth knowing?Are you a life without zest?Are you mainlining strife …
802 2 1
I had a dream and in it a small deer came to the side of the road and licked the salt from my wounds. I was lying beside you in a ditch, after crawling out of a smashed car (maybe your pal Jackson Pollock was driving.) We were just kids, really, not muc
865 7 6
Barbarians and savages wore feathers/
or frightful face paint or skin tones//
one could recognize and aim for/
with weapons one could feel
1300 12 1
He extended his bent arm to its full length with a crack, straightened his hunched body and tried, and failed, to close his lips over his frightening grimace. Stone lips are not pliable.
1077 2 1
these three remainders you, me and her are the legacy of simple math
and boolean logic, not so much
1479 2 1
It will only be minutes before I can slip out of this shelter, but time has suspended itself like a web over the sky. I look up and see a break in the clouds moving north from the furthest tip of Lake Erie. Rain turns to drizzle, other guests arrive toget
1243 2 1
Mutiny is the last I remember.
972 3 3
Nearly everyone knows of that celebrated poet’s story coming down to us from classical Greek mythology: the tragic tale of Orpheus and his descent into the underworld to rescue his beloved Eurydice. Well, there’s a much lesser known story of a legendary 7
905 6 4
And no one died achieving aristeia/
in this battle. We have come/
at least some little distance.
1433 2 0
His mother was not an aw-come-here-honey-and-give-me-a-hug type mom. She was the kind of mother who, if you had some kind of problem, would suggest that perhaps it might be a good idea to volunteer (she was really big on volunteering) at some sort of orga
1702 2 1
As I was going into Wal-Mart, a man with a useless arm was coming out. I'd never seen anything like that arm—a dangle-flesh, rubbery thing with no purpose.
48 1 0
The trucker saw his opportunity; he grabbed the waitress's arm and said, "Hello, arm!""Hello," said Mary Lou, "and goodbye heart!""Arrest me, darlin', this is love in the first degree. Tie me to a tree, make me write bad checks..."The customer seated at the front table had…
1689 10 3
I scowl at her through an opioid haze. "Armitage Shanks is my real name."
The clerk snickers. "You mum must have really wanted you to be pissed on from cradle to grave, eh?"
1753 5 3
For the woman with no arms, life is a constant dexterity demonstration
1554 28 12
She remembered the feeling of weightlessness, of being lifted against gravity, the soft whoosh of tulle...
1032 0 0
Marie Poupon-Kennedy wasn’t strangled by one set of hands; there were thirty sets around that long, pale neck.
1077 5 5
this bleeding sun, clove studded & seedless
1400 0 0
The stupid suit made me look like an angel, which I hated. I wasn't here to save anyone's soul, not that any of the native animal life HAD a soul. If I have a soul myself, it is most likely in need of salvation, and in no way should I be cast in the rol