Alphabetical stories

A Message from Upstate VII

18551855 views44 comments22 favs

My wife’s voice behind me says, “Where did you get that godawful tee shirt?”

A Message from Your Local Superintendent Concerning Sex in Our Public Schools

14801480 views00 comments00 favs

Such behavior will result in no disciplinary action only: 1) if all blinds are drawn; 2) all doors are locked; and 3) loud groaning is masked by appropriate use of the volume control on the classroom’s closed-circuit TV set.

A Message in Red-Brown Style

552552 views33 comments22 favs

The important thing is to repeat the keyword

a microcosm

13491349 views1212 comments55 favs

The right is empty, waiting to receive the load like a catcher behind home plate.

A Midsummer's Nightmare

16111611 views33 comments22 favs

"So, is this the datgum exit?" "Grumphfr exit fregerrock." (This response means either yes, it is, I told you that ten miles ago, or, no it's not, I told you that ten miles ago, depending if it’s the right exit or not.)

A Million Pieces

14451445 views33 comments22 favs

Today's girls all look the same. Angie isn't even sure if one leaves and a new one enters. They blend together like paper-dolls, clinging to one another, connected, braided. This morning, while one of them lies with her legs in a V, the alarm goes off

A modicum of madness

11071107 views1010 comments88 favs

for the moment/ you think you know what you’re/ doing and do it.

A Momentary Lapse

14651465 views33 comments11 fav

She picked the perfect white wine that she poured in the carafe early to give it ample time to breathe before the guests arrived. She thought of everything. The first course would be Asian Carrot-Ginger soup with black sesame seeds and diced green onion

A monkey puzzle rocket burst

15141514 views77 comments44 favs

The things we do for books, she thought.

A Monologue About Skyscrapers

15481548 views66 comments66 favs

Everyday the buildings seem to be getting taller and taller.

A Most Uncertain Fiction

740740 views77 comments55 favs

It is equally likely that just as the rate of melt continues, the rate of melt will also continue to accelerate.

A mostly true story about a swine flu shot, with references to 3 ABC television shows and 1 Will Smith movie

11951195 views11 comment00 favs

Yellow tape marks a walkway that was previously unknown. Caution, caution. Lounge turned waiting room for a ballroom turned infirmary. An entrance, an exit, caution, caution. The line is of amusement park ride length. But no roller coaster at the end, only an antidote…

A mostly true story about the Coca-Cola Museum

16311631 views22 comments11 fav

At work I recommended someone go to the Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta. I told you about recommending it to someone. “I always wanted to go back there,” I said. “You did? You never told me,” you said.

A mostly true story about the TI-83

15621562 views11 comment00 favs

And the only time the TI-83 sees the light of day is when I'm rectifying my debit card purchases at such places as Kmart, Office Depot, Walmart, and Office Max, to make sure everything comes out even and good and perfect, a skill never learned in Trysics,

a mouth in motion tends to stay in motion

12251225 views55 comments33 favs

I remember a big Walgreen’s Drug store (maybe in Elmhurst, or Oakbrook Center?) and this shopping expedition we went on. That’s where you bought your first Dust Buster, I believe (or was this another man?) Anyway, you made me carry everything. We didn’t

A Museum of Numbers

12291229 views00 comments00 favs

At street level there is a small arrow on which is printed “Museum of Numbers” that points up a long narrow staircase. There is a restaurant on the first floor. All the way up the stairs, the air is permeated with smell of fried foods

A Name

13871387 views22 comments11 fav

I can still feel the texture of those humid Delta mornings, hear the rhythm of the voices of black children echoing down the halls. I still remember the sense of purpose that I had each day, knowing that this, here, mattered: a child’s education, their

A Natural Consequence of Things

15201520 views66 comments44 favs

Belief is a hammer, like saying the mind is a piece of iron.

A Necessary Evil

16801680 views2323 comments55 favs

But it was a necessary evil and one he’d made peace with, easy to do when he arrived home each day to the comforting touch of his wife, his home.

A Nerdy Valentine's Day Poem

82388238 views66 comments55 favs

So I wrote you a poem Sorry if it’s geeky and weird But I’m not your traditional guy I mean I can’t even grow a beard

A New Chapter to Song of Solomon: A Poem

11931193 views33 comments11 fav

My beloved lets me crawl into bed and put my feet on him since his skin is warm and hot like a fire roaring from within his soft flesh.

A New Kind of Madness

15241524 views2323 comments1818 favs

in my youth I was enamored of the moon—that is to say, lunacyI applauded the bizarre in natureI appropriated the gratuitous from dreamsI drank brashness and frenzy from bookswhat mad things I did!(throwing a bucket of water on the naked couple in the bed)what…

A New Notion about an Old Story

14581458 views1010 comments88 favs

A dark girl, quite poor, maybe three, maybe four, leaned on a statue of a horse and his man. (The rider rode him in place, but as if in a race.) Her dress needed patching, her heart needed smoothing. She'd tried to sell…

A New Tattoo

23912391 views6060 comments2424 favs

She’s waving, Hey, I’m home! Like nothing’s happened. Like weeks haven’t passed since she left.

A New Thing

11151115 views55 comments44 favs

I am trying very hard to rhyme, and trying very hard not to.

A New Woman

894894 views11 comment11 fav

George didn’t move when Cindy punched him in the nose. He just stood up and walked to the fridge, poured a glass of water and dropped a few ice cubes into the glass. The ice cracked in the glass as he walked back to the couch.

A New York Moment

11961196 views77 comments77 favs

Harvey C. Hamby was drunk. Usually he held his liquor well, but tonight he was off his form. Stumbling over an ottoman, he landed on the floor in a sodden sprawl. As he fell, his left foot shot out behind him and socked Glenda Steinberg in…

A Next Step

11661166 views1010 comments88 favs

The first night I met her we slow danced to George Strait songs for most of the evening and when we took a break, our talking went warm and well as we sat eating hot dogs and sipping beers until she dropped a couple of bombs, first, telling me she was married and then, that…

A Nice Girl Is Like Powder

924924 views22 comments33 favs

A nice girl is like powder, quick to anger, fresh, impudent, too quick to know what expletives fate speaks. It was a cold year for trash talk and sheer silk. And yes, the fox was smoking, who could attract or irritate a nice girl with the same look, a wom

a nice girl is like powder

12761276 views33 comments33 favs

I remember mad strong words out of a teenager, fresh from the shower without a blouse: First! He will be my age, period! He will be the first to walk me to my room as my fear crashes to earth, final, considered. And I will be the first to milk the w